Why HumanN SuperBeets?
When you think of beets, you probably don’t think of a superfood supplement you drink. You likely think of a farmer’s market, canned slices at Thanksgiving dinner, or maybe Schrute Farms and Dwight’s family obsession. But lo and behold, HumanN has created a drinkable beet powder supplement strictly for health benefits—and it’s a far cry from those slippery, pickled slices your grandma serves with the turkey.
But why beets? Sure, they’re a vegetable, so they’re automatically healthy. But why drink them in concentrated form, and what do they do? More importantly, how does a beet powder supplement taste?

What’s So Super About HumanN SuperBeets?
Our bodies need nitrate along with other nutrients that beets provide in order to produce nitric oxide. And what does nitric oxide do? Well, considering the fact that it is produced in almost all the different kinds of cells in our bodies, it’s pretty important. Nitric oxide improves blood flow by relaxing the muscles of the blood vessels, improving blood circulation. This is only one of the reasons nitric oxide-producing supplements are quite popular within the workout community.
When it comes to beets, nutrient and nitrate levels can vary from beet to beet. SuperBeets powders are made with only high-quality, US-grown beets for the highest nutrient levels available. One serving of HumanNSuperBeets contains the nutrients of three whole beets, so you don’t have to cook, peel, and eat three beets each day to get the benefits.
SuperBeets Ingredients
First, it’s important to note that SuperBeets powder contains no GMO ingredients, which is essential for a vegetable-based supplement, and it’s vegan. The product is also gluten-free, caffeine-free, dairy-free, and soy-free for those who need to avoid those ingredients.
Overall, SuperBeets powder does not have a long ingredient list. SuperBeets clearly contains beetroot which can be found in many superfoods, such as Green Vibrance and Amazing Grass Green Superfood. After beetroot powder (non-fermented and fermented, because fermentation is good for the gut), there’s just a bit of flavoring—natural apple or black cherry, depending on the flavor you select. Malic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid, is next. It’s found in apples and is used to improve workout performance.
Then, there’s magnesium ascorbate, which is just magnesium combined with vitamin C—a non-acidic version that’s easier on digestion in those who are sensitive. Last but not least is stevia, which, of course, is a natural herbal sweetener. So, the ingredient list is short and sweet!
It’s also worth mentioning that a serving of SuperBeets provides 160 mg of potassium, which is also beneficial for preventing muscle cramps during and after workouts. The 10 mg of magnesium helps contribute to the relaxing of the blood vessels as well as improving workout recovery and energy levels.
SuperBeets’s Super Health Benefits
Beets may be well-known as a superfood, but they’re not exactly as popular as kale or broccoli. However, the root vegetable does contain a host of nutritional benefits, which are all contained in the easy-to-use powder SuperBeets supplement. The greatest benefit of SuperBeets is its nitric oxide production in the body, which widens blood vessels, thereby improving circulation and cardiovascular health, lowering blood pressure, and improving energy levels.
Improved circulation in the body offers several additional health benefits, such as more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, reduced muscle soreness after workouts, and improved exercise endurance and performance. So, the domino effects of boosted nitric oxide production in the body set off a chain of health bonuses that improve overall well-being. No wonder DwightSchrute had so much energy!
Does SuperBeets Work?
There’s probably a good reason SuperBeets is listed as the #1 best seller on Amazon—and 50% of users recommend it with a five-star rating. (That leaves pretty low percentage distribution for each of the rest of the star ratings.) In fact, many consumers receive such an energy boost from SuperBeets, it has replaced or supplemented their caffeine use. That’s a pretty big deal, considering it’s made from a vegetable. This isn’t the case for every customer, of course. Some could tell no difference, and some said it made them sleepy, so they took it before bed. However, for those who did notice an increase in energy, some have mentioned that it’s not as drastic as with caffeine—which is a good thing, because then the jitters and crash won’t follow.
On the HumanN website, SuperBeets has an overall rating of 4.7 with 98% who would recommend the supplement. Pretty good stats for a vegetable-based drink mix. Most even say they like the taste, which is slightly sweeter than expected. Some dislike the taste (and probably dislike beets in general), but many say it “doesn’t taste bad.”
Some users take SuperBeets mainly to lower blood pressure, and those have reported favorable results. Several even said they were able to stop taking blood pressure medication, so if that’s the case, then it’s definitely working!
Who is SuperBeets Best for?
It seems that SuperBeets would be good for nearly anyone—especially, as mentioned, those with high blood pressure and those who work out regularly. Most likely, there’s a chance it would help with those who experience circulation problems and perhaps even cardiovascular issues, since the supplement helps with blood flow.
If you are looking for a supplement that is focused primarily on the health benefit of beets, SuperBeets is a great option. If you’re looking to get more vegetables, superfoods, and antioxidants, you may prefer a superflood blend like Gundry MD’s Vital Reds or Organifi’s Green Juice (both of which contain beets and other superfoods).
Is SuperBeets Safe?
Aside from the usual potential digestive upset that can be aggravated by SuperBeets in those who already experience gastrointestinal issues, there aren’t a whole lot of people who should avoid the supplement altogether, it seems. The fiber in beetroot may aggravate gas pains, but it’s also possible that the addition of fermented beetroot would help avoid that problem.
If you have low blood pressure, you may want to avoid the beet supplement, however. Since the supplement is known to lower blood pressure, you don’t want to take it if your blood pressure is already chronically low. You may also want to avoid it if your blood sugar is typically unstable, as beets are somewhat high on the glycemic index.
If you’re prone to kidney stones or gout, you may want to consider avoiding SuperBeets or taking it in moderation. The oxalate in beets, which is what leads to kidney stones and gout, may be too much for your body if you experience one of these conditions.
What’s in the Studies?
According to HumanN, the company has a team of scientists who have worked on the formulations for SuperBeets, including a leading researcher on nitric oxide as well as a top sports nutrition scientist. The company has conducted 11 of their own clinical trials, but the products are also backed by 15 years’ research at the University of Texas. The supplements are nitric oxide verified, which means that they have been tested and researched by numerous scientists and health professionals—and they continue to be tested to ensure that they support the proper nitric oxide function in the body.
Where to Buy SuperBeets and its Cost
The original SuperBeets supplement comes in two flavors: regular (apple) and black cherry. Price is $37.95 on Amazon, $39.95 on the HumanN website.
In addition, SuperBeets has three other powder formulas:
- Immune: contains all the same ingredients as the original powder, with yeast beta-glucan added for immune support. $34.95 on Amazon, $41.95 on HumanN.com.
- Energy Plus: contains the original ingredients plus 80 mg of caffeine from green tea extract for an antioxidant and energy boost. $37.95 on Amazon, $39.95 on HumanN.com.
- Collagen: original ingredients plus grass-fed collagen peptides, which are beneficial for energy and the cardiovascular system as well as for hair, skin, nails, and joints. $39.95 on Amazon and HumanN.com
SuperBeets also offers a soft chew option, which works for those who may not want to drink the powder mix. The chews also contain grapeseed extract, which contains a long list of health benefits. The company also has an on-the-go packet version of their original SuperBeets formula, which contains 10 individual packets of the powder for $19.95 on HumanN.com and $24.95 on Amazon.
In addition to the two sites, SuperBeets are available at select vitamin and health food stores, such as Whole Foods, GNC, and even REI. A local search claims Walmart and Bed, Bath & Beyond may carry the supplement as well.