Ciara Workout And Diet
Born: 1985
Ciara Princess Harris Wilson was born in Texas, but as an army brat, she lived in many places, including Germany, Utah and Georgia. As a teenager, she formed a musical group with a couple of friends and the band recorded demo tapes, but they split up before making much progress. Nonetheless, Ciara obtained a deal as a songwriter and her first credit was for Blue Cantrell’s ’10,000 Times.’ After graduating high school in 2003, she signed with LaFace Records, and her album Goodies debuted in 2004 which had 4 hit singles and sold around 3 million copies in the US. Ciara has sold over 23 records worldwide and won many awards, including BETs, MTV Video Music Awards and a Grammy. Ciara has also tried acting, and appeared in the film All You’ve Got, Mama, I Want to Sing! and That’s My Boy, as well as a recurring role on the tv show The Game. In 2016, she signed a modeling contract with IMG and a brand ambassador for Revlon cosmetics. Also in 2016, Ciara married the NFL’s Russell Wilson and the 2 are part owners of the Seattle Sounders FC soccer club.She is a spokesperson for Degree Women’s Do More campaign, and Jay-Z’s Rocawear clothing line. She has also done charitable work with Do Something to gather school supplies for those in need. Ciara has 3 children, 2 with Wilson and 1 with rapper Future. She has millions of followers on social media. Ciara is 5 feet,5 inches tall and weighs about 135 lbs.
Known For:
Ciara’s Diet
Ciara tended to take a feast or famine approach to her diet, but when she started leaning a little too far toward the ‘feast’ side, and heavy on the desserts, she had to revisit her diet and lost 29 lbs. by doing Weight Watch-ers Reimagined (WW). With WW, all foods are as-signed points, so rather than count calories, you only need to track points. She said she has learned a whole new way of eating, and now understands that diet isn’t about condemning yourself to eating only raw carrots. She has 5-8 small meals per day, and has figured out healthy alternatives to her old favorites. Hydration is also important to health, and she makes a point to drink plenty of water.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Fat 30%
- Medium Carb 40%
- Medium Protein 55%
Diet Details
Pass on the Guilt
Ciara admits to having an extremist view of dieting, that the only way to lose weight was to not eat, or have ‘rabbit food.’ She has since learned about portion control.
Brownie Points
The WW point system Ciara uses is very simple: healthy foods are low in points (sometimes zero), and unhealthy foods are high. You’re even allowed to ‘roll over’ up to 4 unused points to the next day.
Handy Trick
Ciara doesn’t deprive herself of real treats, but she also learned to make healthier versions of her favorites, like soft (not fried) taco shells with healthy toppings like avocado, ground turkey, and just a sprinkling of cheese instead of a big gob.
Smart Travel Tip
Ciara recommends packing your own snacks for travel so you don’t get desperate and chow down on unhealthy junk in the airport or gas station.
Sweet Treat
Ciara admits to having a sweet tooth, and she also loves pasta, but rather than eat Oreos and ice cream all day long, she now satisfies her cravings with fresh fruit smoothies.
What to Eat
Everything in Moderation
Turkey Bacon
Grilled Chicken
Egg Whites
Whole Wheat Bread
Protein Powder
Peppermint Tea
Sweet Tea
Hot Sauce
What to Avoid
Junk Food
Fast Food
Artificial Sugars
Processed Foods
Artificial Ingredients
Chemical Additives
Ciara on Her Approach to Dieting
‘I used to be an extremist when it came to losing weight.’
Ciara on Portion Control
‘You start to kind of train yourself…to know you don’t need as much as you thought…You gradually cut back.’
Ciara on Her New Approach
‘I think the discovery that all the good food that’s out there is always kind of eye-opening and enlightening for people, because typically, you think you have to do these extreme plans, where you’re basically only eating grass.’
Ciara on Weight Watchers
‘WW gave me a creative way to build a healthier lifestyle.’
Ciara on Tea
‘Because I’m a Southern girl…I have to have my tea sweet.’
Ciara on Cheat Meals
‘When I’m on a strict eating regimen, at some point, I have to have french fries, a cheeseburger and some pizza — and Oreos and vanilla ice cream!’
Ciara’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Helping Hand
Ciara works out with Gunnar Peterson, trainer to the stars. His client roster also includes Angelina Jolie, Sophia Vergara, and Jennifer Lopez.
Family Affair
Ciara likes to get her exercise by including the whole family because getting the kids involved makes it feel less like work. They swim, dance, and ski together.
Solid Motivation
Ciara says what motivates her to work out is the prospect of performing on stage. She loves the energy it creates.
Consistency Is Key
Ciara says one of the most important things that she has developed is a routine that she can stick to.
Daily Dose
Ciara works out for an hour each day, doing a mix of plyometrics (jumps) and weight training.
Balanced Approach
Ciara says it’s important to do both cardio and weight training to be toned and have endurance.
Box Out
Ciara also likes to get her sweat on in the ring. She’s a big fan of boxing.
Exercise Style
A Ciara Routine
1 hr of exercise/day
Plyometric moves
Weight training
Ciara on Her Workout Routine
‘I work out an hour a day. That’s all you need. The rest of it’s all about how you eat.’
Ciara on Prepping for a Performance
‘I pray, stretch, jump and move around to get get my body warmed up.’
Ciara on Boxing
‘After I’ve done a few rounds, I feel as if I can conquer the world.’
Ciara on Pro Athletes
‘I have so much respect for athletes like LeBron James. I get motivation from them because I know how many hours they put into it. It takes a lot of hard work and drive.’
Ciara’s Supplements
Ciara is keeping quiet on the subject of supplements, so below are options that can benefit anyone following a similar diet plan.
As a WW adherent, Ciara may take a multivitamin.
vitamin D
vitamin C
Ciara’s Lifestyle
Wild in Bed
Ciara may be a superstar, but she’s also a mom with young kids and she doesn’t always get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. She has posted pics of herself and her 5-year-old son’s foot in her face as he sleeps.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Ciara says being a mom has helped her gain perspec-tive on what matters in life, and improved her focus on her life goals. She also loves the love her kids give her.
On Glowing Skin
Ciara washes her face every morning, then applies vitamin C and tinted moisturizer. She also gets regular microdermabrasion treatments.
Embrace Your Flaws
Ciara says her self-confidence increased tremendously when she accepted herself the way she is. She now loves her little imperfections, and says confidence is extremely sexy.
Generous Beauty
Ciara and husband Russell Wilson donated over a million meals during the coronavirus pandemic to a Seattle food bank called Food Lifeline.
Ciara on Self-acceptance
‘Embrace what you have — that is part of loving yourself, and understanding the power of loving yourself is game-changing.’
Ciara on Achieving Goals
‘As a hardworking woman, I’m always trying to figure out how I can get better and improve at everything I do. I really love being able to share this message with other women and encourage them to keep pursing their dreams.’
Ciara on Education
‘Education is everything: education is your power, education is your way in life for whatever you want to do.’
Ciara on Microdermabrasion
‘I got addicted to it because you can really see the difference.’
Ciara on Being a Mom
‘The best part of being a mom is getting that love.’
Ciara on Herself
‘I’m a tomboy at heart.’
Ciara on Shopping
‘I do not like going to the dressing room and trying on millions of outfits. I just look at something and hope it’ll work.’
Ciara on Her Goals
‘I want to be a combination of P. Diddy and Oprah.’
Ciara on Being Herself
‘I’ve always been very private…Now it’s kinda like, “Who cares?” I’m gonna be free and gonna be me. I feel good.’
Recommended Products
Ciara’s music
That’s My Boy
Mama I Want to Sing
Revlon cosmetics
Ciara cologne spray
Degree deodorant
Cetaphil moisturizing lotion
Murad Essential-C Day Moisture Broad Spectrum SPF 30
Derma-E Vitamin C Concentrated Serum
Aquaphor healing skin ointment
Ensure protein shakes