Miranda Kerr Workout and Diet
Born: 1983
Miranda Kerr grew up on a farm in Australia. Her mother was only 18 when she gave birth and had to work so Kerr spent a lot of time with her grandmother. At age 13, a friend entered her in a model competition which she won, but Kerr wasn’t especially interested in modeling and chose to finish her studies before trying it out as a career. In the early 2000s, she moved to New York where she scored runway gigs and magazine ad campaigns. She was a model on the TV show Project Runway and she also made a guest appearance on How I Met Your Mother. In 2007, Kerr became the first Australian to be signed as a Victoria’s Secret Angel. She has been on many Sexiest Woman Alive lists and has appeared on Forbes list of top-earning models since 2010. She has also written a couple of self-help books aimed at teens and created a skincare and heath supplement line called Kora Organics. Kerr has one child with Orlando Bloom and 2 with her current husband, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel. She has millions of followers on social media. Kerr is 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighs about 117 lbs.
Known For:
Miranda Kerr’s Diet
Kerr has always been interested in healthy eating and she holds a certificate in nutrition. She follows Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s Blood Type Diet because she says it works for her. Kerr eats a lot of fresh organic vegetables and fruit, salmon and a little free-range chicken from time to time. For the most part, she avoids caffeine, red meat, gluten and dairy. Instead of coffee, she has hot water with lemon first thing in the morning, and she uses a lot of fresh herbs and spices in her cooking. She also drinks plenty of alkaline water each day. If she cuts loose and has pancakes with her kids, they’re still pretty healthy, her recipe being eggs, oatmeal and bananas.
Estimated Macros
- Low-Medium Fat 25%
- Medium Protein 30%
- Medium Carb 50%
Diet Details
When Life Gives You Lemons…
Kerr reaches out with both hands and grabs them. She starts her day with fresh lemon juice in hot water that she says is great for digestion and gives her body a boost with antioxidant vitamin C. She flavors much of food with lemon: salmon, salad, soup, you name it, she adds lemon to it.
Power Up With Vitamins
Kerr follows up her lemon water with a smoothie made with almond milk, fresh fruit and a dose of her own Kora Organic skin food supplement which contains Noni extract, acai, blueberry and matcha green tea.
Light & Lean
A typical lunch for Kerr is a piece of salmon seasoned with spices and more of her beloved lemons. Her salads are made fresh with things like sprouts and purple cauliflower and avocado. Kerr’s dressing is a homemade blend of olive oil, still more lemon, apple cider vinegar and a dash of sea salt. Dinner is similar lean protein and more greens, such as a slow-roasted chicken, a vegetable soup and a 10-ingredient salad (with lemon juice, of course).
80/20 Rule
Kerr follows the 80/20 principle of eating healthfully 80% of the time and indulging her taste buds and cravings for the other 20%. Some of her faves are Indian curries, chocolate, and cake.
What to Eat
Organic vegetables
Organic fruit
Wild-caught fish
Organic free-range chicken
Olive oil
Apple cider vinegar
Coconut milk
Gluten-free pasta
Alkaline water
What to Avoid
Refined sugar
Fried foodssta
Junk food
Processed foods
Red meat
Kerr on healthy eating
‘I try my best to eat healthy the majority of the time so that I feel good and have more energy.’
Kerr on mealtime
‘No matter how busy I am, I really try to take a moment and just really be present with eating and really enjoy my food.’
Kerr on her diet
‘I try to stick to an organic diet and stay hydrated with a lot of alkaline water.’
Miranda Kerr’s Workout Routine
Weekly Workout Routine
Regular Intervals
Kerr works out with her trainer Justin Gelband 75 minutes at a clip, 3-4x a week, doing a mix of cardio, weight training and stretching.
Mix It Up
Kerr changes up her routine all the time, to keep from getting bored and to work different muscles. She’ll do anything and everything from ballet and Pilates to kickboxing, spinning and circuits.
Mind-Body Balance
Kerr does yoga and meditates daily. She says these are very important to her health and energy level.
Workout Style
Glute Circuit
Kerr uses ankle weights to boost the burn. Do 12-15 reps/leg per exercise.
Side leg extensions
Middle leg extensions
Angled leg extensions
Back stretches
Side leg press-ups
Middle leg press-ups
Angled leg press-ups
Side leg lifts
Knee leg lifts
Knee stretches
Clam Pilates exercise
Leg circles: 10/each direction
Cross-over stretches
Arms Circuit
These exercises require resistance bands. Do 12-15 reps/arm per exercise. Go slow to increase intensity.
Slight incline biceps curl
Triceps extension
Straight biceps curl
Decline biceps curl
Wood choppers
Stretch: 3-5 min
Core Circuit
Do 12-15 reps per exercise.
Side stretches
Knee crosses
Elbow planks
Inner thigh raises
Oblique V-ups
Tuesday/Thursday: Run/ Ballet
Run: 2.5-5km.
Fondue to arabesque plié: 32 reps
Arabesque pulse: 32 reps
Inner thigh splits to sous-sous: 32 reps, alternating legs
Side lying developpé: 24 reps/leg
Side lying upper glute developpé: 32 reps/leg
Supine grand battement series with 2 lb. weighs: 16 reps/side
Kerr on Staying Fit
‘Luckily, eating healthy and exercise are activities I enjoy.’
Kerr on Her Routine
‘I have been working out quite a big doing Pilates and yoga and strength training with weights and resistance bands.’
Kerr on Yoga
‘Yoga is at the core of my health and wellness routine, even if it’s only for 10-15 minutes.’
Kerr on her Secret Workout Weapon
‘…Doing the plank pose and holding that for a good 15-20 minutes while moving from side to back down on your elbows and back up on your hands again. If you can do that for like 15 minutes, that’s a full body workout!’
Miranda Kerr’s Supplements
Noni is a medicinal tree that contains amino acids, vitamins, and minerals which support healthy cell growth and immunity.
Acai berries are loaded with antioxidants that protect and repair damage from free radicals.
Blueberries contain a powerhouse of phytonutrients including immune-boosting antioxidants.
Matcha Green Tea
Matcha green tea provides an energy booster as well as a healthy dose of antioxidants.
Ginseng has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to treat anxiety, stress, fatigue, and overall health. It is well-studied and has been proven safe and effective.
Dandelion root tea is another traditional remedy that supports healthy digestion and stimulates the liver. It also acts as a diuretic, reducing water retention.
Miranda Kerr’s Lifestyle
Sleep Matters
Kerr says she often struggles to get a good night’s sleep and uses an app called Sleep Cycle that tracks her time in bed. She would prefer eight hours, but usually doesn’t get more than seven.
Tragedy Strikes
At age 16, Kerr’s first boyfriend died in a car accident. While she went for therapy, she says she learned she had to work through pain on her own, and now uses meditation and visualization to deal with difficulties.
Bling Ring Thing
In 2009, a gang of thieves known as the Bling Ring broke into Orlando Bloom’s house with the goal of stealing Kerr’s Victoria’s Secret lingerie.
Giving Back
Kerr adores elephants and donated $100,000 to an elephant hospital in Thailand. She is also involved with the charities Wildlife Warriors Worldwide and Children International.
Kerr on Sleep
‘There’s always so much to do but it’s very important to get enough rest.’
Kerr on her Childhood
‘I grew up with horses and motorbikes and being outside.’
Kerr on Paparazzi
‘You can’t begrudge it because it’s helped me get to where I am today. But there are times when [I wish] I didn’t have to worry about it so much.’
Kerr on the Power of Gratitude & Prayer
‘Praying is something my grandmother taught me…To pray and be grateful, have gratitude, is a big thing for me.’
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