Taylor Swift Workout and Diet
Born: 1989
Taylor Swift was born in Pennsylvania. As a young girl, she was interested in musical theatre and traveled to New York City regularly for voice and acting lessons. Swift first visited Nashville, Tennessee at age 11 to submit demo tapes, but was rejected. At 12, she learned to play guitar and started writing songs. Swift then began working with a talent manager and landed a modeling gig with Abercrombie & Fitch and an original song with Maybelline. At 14, she moved to Nashville to pursue a career in music. Swift’s self-titled first album was released in 2006 and won accolades including a Grammy nomination. She has gone on to sell over 200 million records worldwide, holds 27 Guinness World Records, won an Emmy and over 30 American Music Awards. Swift has been on Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World list several times. She is one of the most followed people on social media. Swift is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs about 140 lbs.
Known For:
Taylor Swift’s Diet
Swift felt pressure in the past to look a certain way, but now that she’s 30, she says she’s taking a more balanced approach. Rather than stick to any particular diet, she uses common sense to dictate her meals. She eats plenty of salads, yogurt and sandwiches, and avoids soda and other sugary beverages. Snacks are also healthy, such as veggies and hummus. She is a fan of The Barefoot Contessa and loves to bake. While she loves her daily skinny latte, she also stays hydrated with plenty of water.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Fat 30%
- Medium Carb 40%
- Medium Protein 40%
Diet Details
Hearty Breakfast
Sure, sometimes T-Swizz only has time for a shake, but if she can take her time in the AM, she’ll make herself a buckwheat crepe with Parmesan cheese and an egg, the wash it down with a glass of oj.
Meals For On the Go Gal
Swift will often have a salad or sandwich for lunch. Something filling, but not to heavy so she can keep going all day long.
Grills Sesh
Swift loves to grill for dinner and might make chicken breast along with green beans, broccoli and carrots for dinner.
A Balanced Approach
Swift does her best to stick to healthy habits on weekdays. She doesn’t give herself many rules and instead uses common sense.
Skinny Treats
Swift’s daily indulgence is a skinny vanilla latte. On the weekend, she might go for a spiced pumpkin. She has no intention of giving up her coffee habit.
Bake It Off
Swift loves to bake and often shares recipes and pix of her creations online, such as chi sugar cookies with eggnog icing.
Hydration Nation
Swift takes her hydration seriously and downs around 10 bottles of water each day. She makes a point of avoiding sugary, empty-calorie beverages.
Cheat Day
Swift lets herself cut loose on weekends, and this includes all the fun stuff like burgers, fries, ice cream and cookies. Having a plan for indulging can help you stay on track with your diet.
What to Eat
Wholesome Foods
Balanced Meals
Olive Oil
What to Avoid
Sugary Drinks
Empty-calorie Foods
Processed Carbs
Hydrogenated Fats
Artificial Additives
Chemical Preservatives
Swift on Accepting Her Body
‘I learned to stop hating every ounce of fat on my body.’
Swift on How a Little Extra Weight Can be Good For You
‘I worked hard to retrain my brain that a little extra weight means curves, shinier hair, and more energy.’
Swift on Dieting
‘A lot of us push the boundaries of dieting, but taking it too far can be really dangerous.’
Swift on Self-Acceptance
‘There is no quick fix. I work on accepting my body every day.’
Swift on Baking
‘I love baking cookies. Actually, I love baking anything.’
Taylor Swift’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Get Regular
Despite her busy schedule, Swift always makes time for exercise because it makes her feel good and is good for managing stress.
Great Outdoors
While Swift will run on a treadmill and uses an elliptical, she likes to get outside and see the places she’s visiting on tour.
Shake It Off
Swift likes dance-based cardio, and regularly takes classes at Body by Simone, a system popular with Victoria’s Secret models.
Sweat It Up
Swift likes a workout that makes her sweat. High-intensity exercise eliminates toxins and burns fat.
You Do You
Swift doesn’t care about looking like a twig. She embraces her curves.
Regular Dose
Swift’s high-intensity cardio dance workouts are short, just 20 minutes, but still torch the calories, perfect for busy people.
Resistance Training
Swift uses light weights to tone without getting bulky. Resistance training is essential for staying strong and looking toned, and it doesn’t hurt your attitude when you’re up on stage either.
Run Around
Swift runs, but not just for exercise. She uses it to explore her surroundings, wherever she finds herself, and, of course, to listen to new music.
Exercise Style
A Taylor Swift Routine
Do 3 sets of 10 of the following:
Jumping lunges
Push up shoulder taps
Side plank oblique crunch
Explosive jumps
Side leg lifts
Back bows: first legs alone, then arms alone, then full body
Side torso stretch
Cat-Cow stretch
Arm reach stretch
Run: 30-40 min
Swift on Running in New Places
‘I’m very much out in the world, and I love exploring the places we go when we tour. It’s important for me to live a full life.’
Swift on Goals
‘Everybody has a list of 100 things they would like to change about themselves, but it’s all about focusing on the good things.’
Swift on Making Things Fun
‘I don’t think you should ever take life so serious that you forget to play.’
Taylor Swift’s Supplements
Chia Seeds
Swift takes supplements to help tame her anxiety. L-Theanine is an amino acid that has been shown in studies to reduce anxiety.
Taylor Swift’s Lifestyle
Some people walk or talk in their sleep, but Swift eats. She says it’s not voluntary and that she can’t remember what she ate.
Master Stringer
Swift was determined to learn how to play the 12-string guitar, and would practice 5 times a day until she mastered it. She plays many of her songs on a 12-stringer.
Alternate Universe
Swift says that if the singing gig hadn’t worked out, she would have gone into advertising.
On Mental Health
Swift does not allow comments on her social media posts after being compared to ‘a weasel that got hit by a truck and stitched back together by a drunken taxidermist.’ She also doesn’t hesitate to block the haters.
The Power of Journaling
Swift has always used personal details in her songs. From the time she was little, she would write about her pain as a way of releasing it.
Giving Back
Swift has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to various causes, including arts education, children’s literacy, children’s hospitals, disaster relief, and LGBT rights.
Terrifying Tour
After the Las Vegas concert shooting and the bombing of Ariana Grande’s concert in Manchester, England, Swift says she was terrified to go on tour, and spent a significant amount of money to ensure fans wouldn’t be subjected to terrorism. She carries military-grade bandages due to an unfortunate history with stalkers.
Swift on Sleep-Eating
‘I rummage through the kitchen and eat whatever I can find…like a raccoon in a dumpster.’
Swift on Journaling
‘Any time I would feel pain, I would think, “It’s ok, I can write about this after school.”’
Swift on Lipstick
‘I’m always wearing lipstick!’
Swift on Social Media & Self-Esteem
‘I think it’s healthy for your self-esteem to need less internet praise to appease it.’
Swift on Media & Aging
‘These messages tell women that we aren’t allowed to age. It’s an impossible standard to meet.’
Swift on Being Stalked
‘Websites and tabloids have taken it upon themselves to post every home address I’ve ever had online. You get enough stalkers trying to break into your house and you kind of start prepping for bad things.’
Swift on Staying Positive
‘Every day, I try to remind myself of the good in the world, the love I’ve witnessed, and the faith I have in humanity.’
Swift on Living Bravely
‘We have to live bravely in order to truly feel alive, and that means not being rules by our greatest fears.’
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