
Reign Energy Drink Review – Are These Beverages Right For You?

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By Thomas Youngerman

Reviewed by Juliana Tamayo, MS, RDN - Last Updated

Reign Energy Drink Review

Reign Energy Drinks offers three formulations: Storm, Body Fuel, and Inferno. Storm is the brand’s “clean energy/ plant-based” product, promising to increase energy, enhance focus, accelerate your metabolism, and provide immune support. With 100% of your recommended daily value of B7 (Biotin), the product also claims benefits for skin and hair health. Body Fuel is a more potent product, the company’s fitness-focused offering with 300 mg of natural caffeine versus 200 in Storm, plus BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids), electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and magnesium), and CO Q10 to fuel your high-performance needs. Finally, Inferno, as the name implies, is a thermogenic offering to aid in fat-burning and weight management. 

Our initial intent was to review the Storm offering as the product most likely to appeal to a broader audience, those seeking a nice boost of clean energy, as opposed to a more performance-oriented drink. Typically, I’ll test these energy products before resistance training and a cardio session to see their effects, if any, on performance. After trying Storm, I quickly discerned that I would need to upgrade to Body Fuel for a better comparison to other energy drinks in the category.   

As a bonus, this article reviews both Storm and Body Fuel. The Storm review will be brief. An energy drink’s first objective is to deliver energy, something Storm failed to do for me. Admittedly, I have a high tolerance for caffeine, typically consuming three to four or more cups of coffee per day, plus my pre-workout drink with 300 mg of caffeine anhydrous. However, many competitive energy drinks deliver a nice boost for me from both natural and anhydrous caffeine. We go into greater detail on Body Fuel, reviewing the formulation and what each ingredient is designed to do for you, taste, price/value, and how the product performs. 

Reign’s go-to-market strategy differs from most other energy drinks and nutritional supplements. There is no direct-to-consumer component – their website is more of a landing page offering a few blurbs about the products and directing you to a list of their retailers where you may purchase the product. TherRee are no nutrition facts panels on the site or a comprehensive list of ingredients. The Promotions page has no entries, and the Ambassadors and Events pages are the most detailed pages on the site – interesting. The site is more akin to a food company’s website, and Reign states that Storm is an FDA “regulated” beverage – “not a dietary supplement masquerading as a beverage”. The FDA regulates all food products and supplements. Note the product is not FDA “approved,” and neither are supplements. All food and supplement manufacturers marketing products in the U.S. must be registered with the FDA. 

Reign is owned by the Monster Beverage Company and is distributed by Coca-Cola. PR releases from its introduction in 2019 position Reign as a challenger to Bang Energy drinks; however, Monster now owns the Bang brand as well, as of August 2023. Other Monster entries in the space include NOS and Monster.  

Reign Energy Drinks

About Reign Energy Drink

Reign Storm

Reign Storm is a twelve-ounce carbonated beverage, available in four flavors and PhD-formulated to deliver clean energy. The product is plant-based, Vegan, and Kosher and promises no “BS claims.” Benefits are increased energy, accelerated metabolism, and immunity support, in addition to skin and hair health. The caffeine in Storm is naturally sourced from green coffee beans and green tea extract, and Storm contains no artificial flavors or colors; however, it does contain erythritol, a sugar alcohol, and sucralose artificial sweeteners. 

As a beverage, Storm has a Nutrition Facts versus a Supplement Facts panel. A twelve-ounce can delivers ten calories and zero fat, sugars, or protein. Vitamins A and C are at 25% of the RDV, while the B vitamin complex (B3, B6, B12, B5, and B7) are all at 100%, as is Chromium. The Zinc component (50% of the RDV) provides immunity support. There are four additional compounds of note in the formulation:

  • Panax Ginseng, an adaptogen
  • Guarana Extract, an energy component
  • Chromium Picolinate, for metabolism and weight loss
  • Guayusa Extract, for mood and possibly weight loss

Nutrition Facts panels list ingredients separately in descending order by volume. As such, we cannot determine the exact dosing of these compounds.

As mentioned, the web page does not indicate pricing; instead, it directs you to its retailers. Pricing is as follows for a twelve-pack of twelve-ounce cans:

  • – $23.88
  • Walmart – $24.99
  • Target – sold by single can at $2.19. or $26.28 for a twelve-pack
  • Safeway – $2.00 per can or $24.00 for twelve

Although the Reign site directs you to GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, and, the brand is unavailable in these retailers. 

So, How Did Storm Perform

Unfortunately, we were less than impressed with the Storm product. The taste of the Nectarine flavor was overly sweet, and the Valencia Orange left an aftertaste. There was no discernible energy boost, improved focus, or benefit pre-, during, or post-workout. The product itself states it will not aid in weight loss in the absence of exercise and a healthy diet. Unwilling to deliver such a negative review, it was back to Safeway to try Reign’s Body Fuel.

Reign Body Fuel

My first observation was that the more robust formula in Body Fuel comes at a premium. Body Fuel retails at $2.99 per can versus $2.00 for Storm, a fifty percent upcharge. However, Body Fuel is a sixteen-ounce can versus the twelve-ounce Storm, and $2.99 is competitive with other sports-oriented ready-to-drinks such as C4 or Amino Energy and at parity with Bang. 

Reign Total Body Fuel

My second thought was that the Storm positioning as a beverage versus a supplement doesn’t apply to Body Fuel as the product contains BCAAs, electrolytes, 300 milligrams of caffeine, and COQ 10 – comparable to sports nutrition offerings from Cellucor and Optimum Nutrition. Also, the Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Sorbate eliminated from the Storm product appear as preservatives in Body Fuel. 

Sixteen-ounce Body Fuel is available in eight flavors. Like Storm, the product delivers only ten calories, with no added sugars, zero fats, or protein, and no artificial flavors or colors. Sucralose is the artificial sweetener in Body Fuel.  

Our pricing analysis found some strange deviations, with prices radically different in certain retailers. The best value is at 

  • – Reign Body Fuel retails for $21.38 to $27.36 for individual flavors and $29.86 for a variety pack. 
  • Walmart prices are all over the board, from $22.99 per twelve-pack to $45.00 or more. Individual cans are $2.29.
  • Target – sold by single can at $2.39.
  • CVS – $3.49 per can.
  • Safeway – $2.99 per can. 

The rest of our review will focus on Reign Body Fuel, so let’s keep going!

Reign Energy Drink Ingredients 

Beyond knowing the ingredients in Reign Energy Drink Body Fuel are listed by volume in descending order, we cannot determine the precise amount of these components other than the caffeine content in Body Fuel. 

  • 300 mg of Caffeine from natural sources – naturally sourced caffeine from coffee beans or green tea may be gentler on your body; however, anhydrous is a more potent form. Caffeine has been extensively researched for cognitive function, energy, endurance, and to boost your metabolism to aid in fat burning. 
  • BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are one of the more prominent compounds in intra- and post-workout supplements for athletic performance. Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are three of the nine essential amino acids – building blocks that help build, maintain, and repair muscle. A typical dosage is six grams in a ratio of 2 parts Leucine, 1 part Isoleucine, and 1 part valine. Our research indicates 1000 mg of BCAAS in a can of Body Fuel.
  • COQ10 is another popular dietary supplement. In addition to being a powerful antioxidant, COQ 10 aids in cell growth and maintenance. 
  • Electrolytes – Sodium, potassium, and magnesium are added for proper hydration, absorption, and electrolyte replacement. Adequate hydration is key to maintaining cognitive function and endurance, protects you from overheating, and aids in recovery. 
Reign Energy Drink Cans

What to Expect from Reign Energy Drink

Fortunately, the taste of Body Fuel seemed more palatable than the Storm flavors. I sampled the Orange Dreamsicle and Razzle Berry, which were quite good. Although a bit sweet, the Dreamsicle was my favorite. With eight exotic flavors, we’re sure you can find one to your taste.

Reign Energy Drink Benefits

Although not as pronounced as the bang in some anhydrous products, there is a definite energy boost from the 300 milligrams in Body Fuel, which motivates you for your upcoming exercise program. Focus and concentration were good, and there were no jitters, anxiety, or crash. Caffeine and BCAAS play a role in endurance and reducing fatigue during your workout. Although these benefits were not as pronounced in Body Fuel as in other supplements, I completed both my resistance and cardio sessions in good time and without undue fatigue. 

Beyond the convenience of a ready-to-drink, you can keep one in your gym bag or grab one at a gas station; I would not consider Body Fuel a viable alternative to my normal pre- or intra-workout products. Besides a bit less energy, less than adequate BCAAs, and missing ergogenic aids such as creatine, betaine, beta-alanine, and a nitric oxide component, Body Fuel may serve in a pinch but would not be a steady replacement. 

Reign Energy Drink vs. the Competition

Although Monster Beverage introduced Reign Body Fuel to compete with Bang Energy Drinks, they failed to achieve the same performance in terms of energy (Bang uses anhydrous caffeine), focus, and delaying fatigue during intense workouts. 

More comparable products to Body Fuel are Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy RTD and LifeAid from LifeAid Beverage Company. Like Reign, both products feature caffeine from natural sources, amino acids (EAAs in Amino Energy and BCAAs in LifeAid), and electrolytes. Although Reign has significantly more caffeine, 300 milligrams, versus 200 mg in LifeAid and 100 mg in Amino Energy, all three deliver a somewhat mild energy boost. The electrolytes in these products may make them a better option for use during endurance training.

We prefer the ingredients in Cellucor’s C4 Ultimate Energy RTD for use during resistance training. C4’s 300 mg of caffeine anhydrous delivers more energy, and its patented Beta-Alanine and Betaine Anhydrous are superior strength-training aids.

Finally, for the extremely hard-core, there are two options: Hyde Extreme from Pro Supps and Ryse, Project Blackout Pre-Workout. Although both are on the higher side pricewise, the formulations are stout. 

Hyde Extreme contains 400 mg of caffeine anhydrous, two potent ergogenic compounds Citrulline Malate and Beta-Alanine at the appropriate dosages, plus Theanine, N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, Teacrine, GABA, and Yohimbe. Not for the faint of heart! 

The Ryse Project Blackout also contains 400 mg of caffeine from anhydrous (370 mg) and VitaSure (30 mg), a patented, slow-release caffeine. Additional ergogenic compounds include Beta-Alanine, Betaine, NO3 T (a patented nitric oxide compound), Theobromine, and Huperzine. 

Although we didn’t review Reign’s thermogenic RTD Inferno, its formulation is excessively caffeine-focused, from green coffee and green tea. Both are proven thermogenics that stimulate metabolism and aid in burning fat. However, if you seek an energy RTD proven to aid in weight management, we recommend you try Celsius RTD. In addition to 200 mg of caffeine from natural sources, Celsius contains Guarana Seed Extract, Ginger Root, Chromium, and C and B vitamins. 

In Summary: Reign Energy Drink Review

Reign was introduced by Monster Beverage and Coca-Cola in 2019 specifically to compete with Bang Energy, which had risen to the number three brand in the space. After successful litigation against Bang, in which Monster prevailed to the tune of $293 million, and after Bang filed for bankruptcy, Monster acquired the brand in 2023.

Bang is today an excellent product and, in our opinion, superior to Reign products. It will be interesting to see how Monster navigates the situation and if Reign is eventually replaced by an expanded Bang lineup, or vice versa, or if they coexist peacefully in the Monster portfolio.

Overall Rating:
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Thomas Youngerman

Thomas Youngerman is an entrepreneur and author in the health and wellness space with extensive experience in the supplement industry. He has owned multiple sports nutrition stores and served as the Category Manager and Director of Business Development for a regional chain of nutrition stores. Thomas created a successful line of men’s healthy aging supplements that was distributed in GNC, The Vitamin Shoppe, and Kroger, and later sold to a West Coast corporation. Thomas was previously a certified nutrition coach. He has a strong understanding of nutrition, supplement formulations, DSHEA, cGMP, and FDA regulations.