Jenna Jameson Workout and Diet
Born: 1974
Jenna Jameson (Jenna Massoli) was born in Las Vegas to a showgirl who danced in the Folies Bergère. Her mother died of cancer when she was just 2. Bankrupt from paying for the cancer treatments, her family moved around frequently, often living in a trailer home. Jameson took ballet classes throughout her childhood, began modeling and dancing in strip clubs while she was still underage. She was earning $2,000/week before she finished high school. Jameson had a bout with drug addiction and lost so much weight, she could no longer find work as model. Her first erotic film appearance was in 1993. She overcame her drug addition and her career took off; she has won some 3 dozen adult-video awards. In 2000, she founded ClubJenna, an adult entertainment company which Playboy TV made a reality series about. In 2004, Jameson’s autobiography was on The New York Times best-seller list for 6 weeks. Between merchandising and film successes, she was the top porn star in the world at one time. She is a member of the Adult Video News Hall of Fame. Jameson has also made mainstream appearances, including on Howard Stern and WWE pay-per-views. She retired from the adult film industry in 2008, but still works as a model. She has 3 children and currently lives in Hawaii with her husband Lior Bitton. Jameson has over a million followers on Facebook alone.She is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs about 125 lbs.
Known For:
Jenna Jameson’s Diet
Diet Summary
Jameson lost 60 lbs. in just 4 months by following the keto diet. This involves eating things that are low in carbs but high in healthy fats like avocados, eggs, and meat. She only eats organic, whole foods, and avoids anything that comes pre-packaged. She also engages in intermittent fasting, which means she only eats during a small window of time each day. She says she gets a lot of questions about her diet, and openly shares her meal plans on social media. Jameson says one of the tricks that keeps her on track with her diet is drinking plenty of water. It tames cravings and helps her to feel full during her fasting periods. She mostly cooks for herself and rarely eats out.
Estimated Macros
- Low Carb 10%
- Medium Protein 35%
- High Fat 75%
Diet Details
Caffeine Fix
Jameson has coffee with stevia around 8 am each morning, but she doesn’t eat anything until 11 am.
No Brainer Breakfast
Jameson says she eats the exact same thing every day for her first meal: 3 eggs with avocado and cheese.
Lunch Rules
The ‘keto kween’ makes lunch her biggest meal. It involves vegetables, such as a salad, grilled asparagus or zucchini, and some form of meat, like chicken or a hamburger. If she feels hungry later, she’ll have nuts or cottage cheese, and then her fast begins at 6 pm.
Intermittent Fasting
Jameson fasts from 6 pm to 11 am each day, shrinking her window of eating down to just 7 hours each day, and fasting for 17. Intermittent fasting offers many benefits to the body, including autophagy which is a process where the body breaks down old cells and builds new ones.
Cheat Fest
Jameson likes to be bold, but her idea of a cheat meal is still pretty healthy. She posted a picture of herself enjoying a Mideastern feast of hummus, olives, rice and meat, which, as far as cheats go, is pretty tame.
Diet Dilemma
More recently, James took a break from keto and went back to eating more carbs — and gained back 20 lbs. She is still debating whether to return to low-carb or count calories.
What to Eat
Leafy greens
Cottage cheese
Macadamia nuts
What to Avoid
Refined carbs
Fried food
Processed food
Junk food
Chemical ingredients
Non-kosher foods
Jameson On Her Weight Loss
‘No magic, no fancy diet…just clean, whole, organic foods.’
Jameson On Processed Foods
‘I waved bye bye to anything processed or packaged a long time ago.’
Jameson On Her Predictable Diet
‘I’m one of those odd people that doesn’t need variety.’
Jameson On Her Cheat Meal
‘When I have a cheat meal I go IN! Israeli style!’
Jenna Jameson’s Workout Routine
Weekly Workout Routine
Zero Gym Time
Jameson is a self-confessed gym-hater, and is at a loss for what to say when people ask her about her routine, which does not involve any time on the elliptical.
Lifelong Habit
Jameson studied ballet for many years, has always been active. She attributes her figure to muscle memory.
Power Walk
Jameson says that while she tried to develop a yoga habit or some sort of gym routine, it didn’t stick, so instead she gets her exercise by pushing the baby to the market every day.
Diastasis Diagnosis
Jameson developed the condition of diastasis recti during pregnancy, in which the stomach muscles separate. She pulls her abs in a static hold to help strengthen and reconnect them.
Workout Style
A Jenna Jameson Routine
Walk: daily
Abs: Tighten stomach muscles & flex them until failure.
Be active, eat well, and maintain a positive attitude for a healthy life.
Jameson On Body Image
‘Body positivity, no matter your size, is so important.’
Jameson On Motivation
‘Nothing motivates me more to stay on my health trajectory than seeing progress, even the smallest of advancement…Be kind to yourself and your body will respond.’
Jameson On Her Weight Loss
‘I feel weird when people ask me about my workout routine. I feel like they won’t believe I lost all of this weight by diet alone. But that’s the truth.’
Jameson On Her Toned Physique
‘I attribute a lot of it to muscle memory. I’ve been athletic all my life, plus a ballerina for a good part of it.’
Jameson On Going To The Gym
‘I wish I was an avid gym head, but I’m not. I despise the gym.’
Jameson’s Advice On Exercise
‘Bottom line, stay active, eat right, and live with gratitude and I promise you’ll see beautiful results without having to toil in the gym.’
Jenna Jameson’s Supplements
Adrenal Support
Jameson takes a supplement for adrenal support. It is a blend of herbs, vitamins and amino acids that promotes adrenal health, increases energy and reduces stress.
Jameson also takes grass-fed collagen, which supports strong, healthy hair, skin, and nails, as well as strong bones, joints and other connective tissue.
Other than collagen and adrenal support, Jameson doesn’t have much to say on the subject of supplements, but if you are trying out the keto diet, there are a few that can support your efforts. Magnesium is an essential nutrient that regulates blood sugar, and boosts immunity and energy, and you may run low on the keto diet because a lot of foods that contain magnesium also tend to be carb-y, such as fruit and legumes.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains MCTs or medium-chain triglycerides which can help keep you in ketosis, and also feel full, promoting weight loss. Some people like to mix MCTs in their morning coffee to extend their fasting period.
While the keto diet involves eating plenty of healthy fats, you may wish to supplement with anti-inflammatory omega-3s to help maintain the correct balance of omega-3s to omega-6s which we often consume a lot of in our Western diet.
digestive enzymes
A diet that is high in fat, even the healthy kind, can sometimes cause diarrhea or nausea, and so a supplement of digestive enzymes can help with those symptoms.
green supplement
Keto isn’t a license to eat all the bacon double cheese burgers you want, and leafy greens should be a big part of the diet, but if you’re not getting as much as you should, you can take a green supplement to help provide those essential vitamins and minerals.
electrolyte blend
A low-carb diet means the body doesn’t hold on to as much water, which can throw off your balance of electrolytes. Consider supplementing with salt, potassium, or an electrolyte blend.
A multivitamin won’t go amiss either, and it will help ensure you’re hitting all your nutritional bases.
Jenna Jameson’s Lifestyle
Sensible Bedtime
Jameson may be a former wild child, but these days this busy mother of 3 hits the sack early, around 10 pm, so she has the energy to chase her kids around all day long.
In & Out
Jameson had 2 sets of breast implants to help her career in the adult film industry, then had them removed when she decided to leave it.
Rolling In It
Jameson pulled down big bucks as a stripper: $2,000 a night as an (underage) teenager, and up to $25,000 a night in her heyday. She earned $60,000 per day at her peak in the film industry.
Meaningful Ink
Jameson’s first boyfriend gave her that signature tattoo, a pair of hearts on her rear end. Her brother later added the words ‘Heart Breaker.’
Near Miss at Penthouse
Jameson almost bought Penthouse magazine, but reorganization of the business and someone else swooping in at the last minute thwarted her plans.
Jameson On Self-Confidence
‘Moral of the story is, never let anyone dictate what’s acceptable. We all have cellulite and shake when we walk. Let’s embrace it together.’
Jameson On Tattoos
‘Getting a tattoo should hurt. It’s a rite of passage.’
Jameson On Courage
‘My definition of courage is never letting anyone define you.’
Jameson On Judgement
‘I want to be judged by who I am as a person, not by what happened to me.’
Jameson On Being In The Limelight
‘People are always gonna talk, and to tell you the truth, I love it. I love the attention. I do what I do because it puts a smile on my face, and I’m the only one in the world that matters.’
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How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale
K Nutri Adrenal Support
K Nitri Grass-fed Collagen
Julian Bakery Paleo Thin Wraps
Yo Mama’s Keto Marinara Sauce
Litehouse Guacamole
Keto Nut Granola
Keto Instant Hot Cereal
Quest Protein Chips
Kitu Super Creamer
Kitu Super Coffee
Choc Zero
Sesame Oil
G Hughes Sugar-free Honey Mustard
Stonewall Kitchen Sriracha Aioli
Legendary Foods Peanut Butter
Rhythm Organic Kale Chips
Cauliflower Pizza Crust
Highkey Keto Mini Cookies
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