Sandra Prikker Workout and Diet
Fitness Model
Born: 1989
From Holland, Sandra Prikker was always active. She began kickboxing at age 14 and wanted to turn it into a career. When she was 22, she suffered a terrible burn injury that left her disfigured. Two years later, she returned to the gym with the goal of becoming a fitness model. In 2016, she began documenting her progress on Instagram and in less than 6 months she had over a million followers. Prikker has appeared in many magazines including Strong Fitness, Esquire and Physique Generation. Prikker is sponsored by Shredz supplements and she also designs clothes for Body Engineer. Prikker still lives in the Netherlands. She had a baby in 2019. She is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs about 115 lbs.
Known For:
Sandra Prikker’s Diet
For Prikker, nutrition is an essential component of fitness. When she first started training to become a model, she didn’t have much experience with diet, but she worked with a personal trainer and learned how to eat. Prikker usually eats 5 times a day and makes sure to get protein into every meal. She eats a lot of lean protein such as chicken breast, along with plenty of veggies, complex carbs like oatmeal and healthy fats from natural sources like nuts. She also will have some fresh fruit in her day. Prikker supplements with vitamins, minerals, green tea and a fat burner.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Carb 50%
- Medium Fat 35%
- Medium-High Protein 40%
Diet Details
Power Breakfast
Prikker often starts her day with cottage cheese topped with almonds and blueberries for a balanced, satisfying, nutrient-dense meal.
Clean Meals
Prikker eats whole, natural foods. Chicken and broccoli are staples in her diet.
Not Afraid of Carbs
Prikker doesn’t shy away from carbs, but she eats the kind that contain fiber, such as oatmeal and brown rice.
Eating for Two
Prikker says breastfeeding has made her especially hungry, and that she must eat right before going to the gym or else she runs out of energy midway through her workout.
Hydration Rules
Prikkers drinks water first thing every day. She likes her coffee too, and she says this makes it especially important that you hydrate before taking in caffeine, which dehydrates.
Sweet Treat
Prikkers favorite indulgence is chocolate, and lots of it.
What to Eat
Whole, Natural Foods
Cottage Cheese
Chicken Breast
Fresh Vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Brown Rice
Whey Protein
Chocolate (treat)
What to Avoid
Processed Foods
Refined Sugar
Junk Food
Fast Food
Trans Fats
Artificial Ingredients
Prikker on her Learning Curve
‘I started going to the gym and learning all I could about training and eating.’
Prikker on Vitamins
‘Instead of taking a multivitamin, I actually prefer to take them separate so I know I get the right dosage.’
Prikker on Water
‘When I wake up, the first thing I do is chug a glass of water just to wake the whole system up and it’s just really good for you.’
Sandra Prikker’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Get Help
When Prikker first started working out, she didn’t see much development. Frustrated with her lack of progress, she hired a personal trainer who helped her design a program that worked.
Discipline Matters
Prikker is very disciplined when it comes to exercise and rarely misses a workout.
Not a Lightweight
Prikker lifts pretty heavy. She tends to go for high weight and low reps. She can squat about 200 lbs.
Not Picky
Prikker does a mix of free weights, bodyweight exercises and machines as part of her routine.
Take It Slow
After having her baby, Prikker says she took a full 8 weeks off from the gym, and even then, she felt pretty weak and it took some time to build back up.
Daily Dose
Prikker does weight training 5-6 days a week, along with about 15-20 minutes of HIIT a few times a week. Sunday is her day off.
Classic Split
Prikker tends to follow the classic bodybuilding method of focusing on one area of the body each day. Her favorite area to work: arms.
For cardio, Prikker prefers high-intensity interval training. She likes to keep it short and sweet — or if not sweet, at least short.
Exercise Style
A Sandra Prikker Back/Abs/HIIT Routine
Deadlift bent-over barbell rows: 8 reps x 3 sets
Bent-over V bar rows: 8 reps x 3 sets
Two-handed cable rows: 8 reps x 3 sets (drop set)
Kneeling cable crunches: 8 reps x 3 sets
Standing cable crunches: 8 reps x 3 sets
Weighted leg raises: 8 reps x 3 sets
HIIT: burn 300 calories in 15-20 min, such as a 30-sec sprint followed by a 1-min recovery walk.
Prikker on Exercise
‘I have always been very sporty and active in all circumstances.’
Prikker on Intensity
‘I like to train hard and also intensely.’
Prikker on Cardio
‘I prefer HIIT but usually I just give myself principles that I know work.’
Prikker on How She Exercises
‘I just set myself to burn 300 calories in 15-20 minutes. It doesn’t matter how I do it as long as it’s that energy expenditure in that time frame.’
Sandra Prikker’s Supplements
Prikker will have whey protein early in the day when she is working out to build muscle and casein before bed because it digests more slowly.
Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Green Tea
Sandra Prikker’s Lifestyle
Agonizing Accident
Prikker was at a party where a pan of oil burst into flames. Her hair caught fire and her eyes and mouth were burned shut. She needed a skin graft, which they took from the back of her head.
Fateful Setback
Prikker’s kickboxing contract was up at the same time that she had her accident. Her contract was not renewed, forcing her to rethink her career options.
Giving Back
Prikker got a big boost from her personal trainer, and so she wanted to help others. She became a personal trainer in 2016.
Self Promoter
Prikker doesn’t have any managers or agents. She does everything herself.
Can’t Buy Me Love
Prikker says she doesn’t take gigs just for money and has turned down some big endorsement deals. She only accepts when she actually believes in the product.
Fakes Need Not Apply
Prikker says while she couldn’t date a guy who didn’t have muscles, she doesn’t like the puffy, steroid look. She doesn’t like fake people more generally, but she admits to having had a boob job.
MMA Dreams
Prikkers says she would consider getting into MMA, perhaps fighting another fitness influencer.
Prikker on Working Solo
‘I don’t work with a manager. I don’t work with an agent. I do everything on my own.’
Prikker on Knowing What You’re Promoting
‘I’m the kind of person who does her research.’
Prikker on her Motivation
‘My motivation comes from each and every one of the friends, followers and women I train ‘
Prikker on Why She Lives in the Netherlands
‘In the Netherlands, I can easily walk across the street…but in France, no way. Especially if there is something fitness-related in the city at that moment.’
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