
OmegaWell Fish Oil Review – Is This LiveWell Supplement Worth The Price?

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By Scot Mills

Reviewed by Juliana Tamayo, MS, RDN - Last Updated


If you’re looking for clean, healthy products from a socially conscious, you’ve come to the right place. Live Conscious, formerly LiveWell, has a mission rooted in the wellbeing of our bodies, minds, spirits, and communities; which reflects in the quality, affordability, and efficacy of their products.

This includes their many popular supplements such as CurcuWell, MagWell, ZenWell, and LiveWell Collagen. It also includes OmegaWell Fish Oil, Live Conscious’ answer to your need for a clear mind, pain-free joints, healthy heart, and all the many other benefits a quality, sustainable, all-natural fish oil can provide. 

Do you really need this fish oil supplement? Is it worth the cost? Let’s find out in this review of OmegaWell Fish Oil!

OmegaWell Fish Oil

About OmegaWell Fish Oil 

Fish Oil has become a popular supplement of choice for many. Formulated for maximum uptake and health benefits, OmegaWell Fish Oil packs 800 mg of EPA and 600 mg of DHA into each dose. This not only gives you the potency you’re looking for, Live Conscious ensures sustainable sourcing so that you have the peace of mind knowing you’re not causing the disruption of the ocean’s food chains, which would be all your fault if you bought the wrong fish oil. 


That, and polyunsaturated fatty acids—AKA PUFA’s, or healthy fats—are something your entire body needs for optimum health.

OmegaWell Fish Oil Benefits

Supports Brain, Heart, and Joint Health

While world-wide rates of dementia in older populations are climbing, one thing has become clear: those suffering from dementia have “…significantly reduced blood levels of EPA, DHA and total omega-3 fatty acids” in their systems. Since fat makes up around 60% of your brain, and around 30% of your grey matter containing the majority of your neuronal cells being comprised of DHA (at least in healthy brains), this points to the strong relationship between a healthy mind and enough healthy fat in your diet. 

That, and it dispels the myth that being called a “fathead” is somehow an insult!

OmegaWell for Brain

In all seriousness, the benefits of omega 3/6/9 fatty acids don’t stop there, since fish oil also helps reduce your body’s inflammation for smoother, more mobile joints, clearer thinking, and a happy heart and cardiovascular system that ticks along free of the ravages of oxidative stress. 

Sustainably Sourced

Our oceans and the lives they support already have enough to worry about without humans yanking away food sources to make money off of. That’s why Live Conscious at least says their product is sustainably sourced, although disappointingly for them, they don’t go on to say how their product is sustainably sourced. 

In fact, they don’t even tell us whether it’s salmon oil, sardine oil, or other plentiful source of the sea’s finest offerings. This is especially disappointing for us since Live Conscious tends to otherwise be such an open and transparent company.

So, if you’re listening Live Conscious, can you please address this? Thanks, your loyal customers appreciate it!

No Fishy Aftertaste

One of the biggest determents of seeking the benefits of fish oil can be the continuous reminder that you consumed it by the hours of fishy burps afterward. This is not only unpleasant for you, but for those attempting conversations from the same side of the room you’re on—not to mention those at the desk next to you, riding in your car with you, or any other close proximity that fishy breath can fill. 

And yes, there’s a reason the hold of a fishing boat isn’t the favorite hangout of anyone with a sensitive olfactory—leave that nasty stench to the seagulls!

But while Live Conscious doesn’t tell us how it is that they eliminate fishy aftertaste from their product, they do promise us that you won’t experience it. 

Again though, as with product sourcing, we’d like to know more about this. 

OmegaWell Fish Oil Ingredients

OmegaWell Fish Oil’s main ingredient is 2000 mg of fish oil with 800 mg EPA and 600 mg DHA. Below we will take a closer look OmegaWell’s fish oil and the benefits this ingredient can provide.

OmegaWell Fish Oil Supplement Facts

Fish Oil 2000 mg

We love simple formulas that work, and it doesn’t get any simpler or effective than a single ingredient your entire body needs for optimum health. Since many of us rely on our modern food supply—AKA the “Standard American Diet,” or SAD—we don’t get enough important polyunsaturated fats. That’s because not only are the processed foods of our SAD normally chock-full of trans fats, saturated fats, and hydrogenated fats, beef raised on a grain diet rather than the natural grass produces an imbalance of omega 6’s without enough omega 3’s. This results in you not getting enough of the anti-inflammatory properties your body needs and instead, is instead engulfed in pro-inflammatory omega 6’s, which need 3’s for balance. 

Incidentally, feeding cows a grain diet is similar to you eating mostly sugar and other high-glycemic foods. Since this fattens them up in much the same way as too much sugar fattens you up, it also produces the same inflammation and wrong kind of fats in cows as it does in you. 

Plus, from the cow’s point of view, aren’t green pastures filled with nourishing grass, friends, family, and fresh air better than some nasty feedlot that’s barren of anything pleasant? We’re hoping it counts for you too. 

But getting back to fish oil, you can expect its benefits to include:

  • Better brain health, which includes children who’s developing brains especially need EPA and DHA for strong development. This is also important for older adults, especially those at risk for dementia
  • Improved sense of wellbeing, since a healthy brain is a happy brain
  • Better heart health and reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, since polyunsaturated fats not only act as potent anti-inflammatories, they also help lower blood triglyceride levels
  • Better eye health and less risk of macular degeneration
  • Lowered risk for cancer, including up to 55% reduced risk of colon cancer, and lower risk of prostate and breast cancer in men and women respectively. 
  • Improved bone and joint health, which includes freer, more pain-free joints, lowered risk for osteoarthritis, and stronger bones
  • Improved skin health, since DHA is a structural component of skin
  • Better sleep

We could go on, though the bottom line is that you need enough omega 3/6/9’s in your diet for good overall health, which OmegaWell Fish Oil can provide.

Does OmegaWell Fish Oil Work?

In a nutshell, yes, OmegaWell works, especially for those not willing to stick to a diet of fresh, wild-caught fish, grass fed meat and dairy products, or other sources of healthy, DHA & EPA rich fatty acids. For them, this product provides a convenient means of boosting levels of these important fats without the fishy-flavored reminder that they’ve consumed something healthy a few hours ago. 

On the other hand, healthy fats are something you can get enough of through your regular diet, so long as your regular diet isn’t a SAD endeavor. By this, we mean a diet that includes grass fed meat and dairy products such as ghee butter, fresh wild-caught fish from low on the food chain (to avoid heavy metals), olive oil, avocados, and other whole foods containing a balanced supply of healthy fats. 

In other words, while OmegaWell Fish Oil does work, so does eating a healthy diet in the first place. Additionally, if you’re looking to receive all the benefits of fish oil with additional antioxidants, you may want to consider a krill oil supplement such as KrillMD. Just keep in mind that krill oil is less accessible, so the price point may be a bit higher than a fish oil supplement like OmegaWell.

OmegaWell Fish Oil Supplement Pills

Who Is OmegaWell Fish Oil Best For?

We all need the benefits omega 3/6/9 fatty acids provide, both young and old alike. 

While it’s best to speak with your pediatrician before giving youngsters fish oil capsules, older adults can benefit from the improved brain health, especially if they are at risk for dementia. While there is no cure for dementia or preventative measures that are proven to work, the fact that dementia patients tend to have low blood levels of omega 3’s in their brains suggests a connection. 

Athletes can also benefit from the improved heart efficiency and joint performance omegas can provide, as can anyone else feeling the effects of chronic inflammation. 

In short, if you’re human and not allergic to it, fish oil is your friend. 

OmegaWell for all Ages

Claims vs. Reality

The reality is that once again, Live Conscious lives up to their claims and delivers a product that does what they say it will. Granted, it’s kind of hard to go wrong with fish oil so long as what you’re selling is pure and third party tested, which OmegaWell says theirs is, since the fats it delivers are essential to your health. 

That said, it is Live Conscious selling it, which gives us confidence in knowing that the product comes from a company more interested in your wellbeing than in maximizing their own profits—something that can be seen in the low cost/high value of their products. 

Is OmegaWell Fish Oil Safe?

Some may be allergic to fish oil, and those on anticoagulants should not supplement with fish oil due to the risk of bleeding. 

For most of us though—and especially those who fall short of getting enough good fats in their diets—the only side effects will be a better memory, clearer thinking, great looking skin, balanced hormones, a healthy cardiovascular system, and we could go on, but you get the point. 

But for those already consuming enough healthy PUFA’s in their diets, there is little need to supplement further. You’re doing what you should be doing, which is consuming a balanced diet that includes healthy fats from whole food sources, and that’s something that beats popping pills any day. 

Where to Buy OmegaWell Fish Oil

OmegaWell Fish Oil is available directly from Live Concious’ official site here. They offer a variety of price and quantity options, which we will list below.

For a one-time purchase, pricing for OmegaWell Fish Oil is as follows:

OmegaWell’s pricing is the kind of value we’ve come to expect from Live Conscious. True, it is a very basic, very common supplement that many companies put out with their own sets of claims. What makes this one different is Live Strong doesn’t use grand claims to try and convince you their product is worth an exorbitant price (hint: it isn’t).  

OmegaWell Fish OilGet up to 32% off OmegaWell Fish OilWe scour the web for the best deals on supplements. Want up to 32% off OmegaWell? Click the button below to get this deal!GET THE DEAL

Live Conscious offers you a clean product at a good value. This can be further increased by taking advantage of their subscribe and save option which offers further discounts.

OmegaWell Fish Oil subscription pricing is as follows:

OmegaWell Fish Oil Live Conscious Website

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Scot Mills

Scot Mills is a nutrition writer who uses his unique skills and passions for natural products to share his research with others. Along with over twenty-years of experience working in natural industry sales, Scot graduated at the top of his class as a business major, and is a member of the Sigma Beta Delta honors society for his outstanding scholastic achievements. Scot specializes in using the latest scientific research to review supplements objectively. When he isn’t writing or hitting the gym, Scot can be found enjoying nature on epic trail runs, hikes, and mountain bike rides.