Miley Cyrus Workout and Diet
Born: 1992
Miley Cyrus is the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and actress Tish Finley. Cyrus spent her early years in Tennessee but moved to Canada in 2001 where her father was working as an actor. Cyrus decided she too wanted to take up acting and landed a small part in Tim Burton’s Big Fish, but her big break came in 2006 when she was cast as the lead in Disney’s Hannah Montana. Several successful music albums followed and added to her fame, as did her wild behavior. In 2009, she co-wrote her autobiography called Miles to Go and has sold over 2 million copies. After Hannah Montana ended in 2011, Cyrus continued to act and write music. She was also a coach for 2 seasons on the TV series The Voice. Cyrus has almost 100 million followers on Instagram, landing her on Time magazine’s 2014 list of Most Influential People. Cyrus married longtime boyfriend Liam Hemsworth in 2018, but they split up in 2019. Cyrus is 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighs about 105 lbs.
Known For:
Miley Cyrus’s Diet
Cyrus has followed a vegan diet since 2014. Vegans do not eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy or other animal products. Cyrus also avoids gluten. Vegans eat lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes and soy products. For many vegans, the choice to avoid foods that comes from animals is due to philosophical reasons, and this is the case for Cyrus. But while she cares about the ethical treatment of animals, she also gave up animal products for health reasons, in her case, lactose intolerance.
Estimated Macros
- Low Protein 20%
- Medium Fat 35%
- High Carb 75%
Diet Details
Food Allergies
Cyrus credits giving up gluten and dairy for her weight loss, not anorexia, as was widely rumored.
Cruelty-Free Meals
Cyrus eats things like green smoothies, pita wraps stuffed with veggies and lentils, vegetable stir-fries and avocado sushi rolls.
The Veganest
Cyrus had a vegan spread at her wedding, and PETA named her ‘the veganest vegan ever to vegan.’ She has a tattoo on her arm that reads ‘Vegan for life.’
Shades of Green
While Cyrus eats plenty of veggies, not all the plant-based products she partakes of are as healthy. She used to be a 2-pack-a-day smoker and openly smoked marijuana. In 2017, she cleaned up her act and gave up drinking, smoking and drugs, but she has more recently returned to marijuana, saying her mother got her back on it.
Ethnic Indulgence
Cyrus reportedly loves Chinese food, and a good churro. She’ll also treat herself to a vegan vanilla cupcake or vegan banana pudding from time to time.
What to Eat
Fresh Fruit
Whole Grains
Soy Products
Olive Oil
Cruelty-free Foods
What to Avoid
Animal by Products
Foods that Exploit Animals
Cyrus on Giving up Meat
‘The reason I started this was because I had a fish that was highly intelligent.’
Cyrus on Veganism
‘Vegan life is da bomb!’
Cyrus on Eating a Plant-based Diet
‘By not consuming animal products over the years, I have protected myself from preventable diseases.’
Cyrus on Quitting Bad Habits in 2017
‘I’m not doing drugs. I’m not drinking. I’m completely clean right now!’
Cyrus on Water
‘I think water’s, like, a really important thing.’
Miley Cyrus’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Pilates Power
Cyrus has been a fan of Pilates since 2013. She attends classes regularly and she even installed a Pilates studio in her home. Her personal trainer for Pilates is Mari Winsor.
Devoted Yogini
Yoga is another one of Cyrus’ staples. Her preferred style is Ashtanga which focuses on strength and cardio through synchronized breathing and movement.
Core Power
Cyrus focuses a lot on core strength, but she also does plenty of cardio in the form of hiking with her dogs and dancing on stage.
Daily Dose
Cyrus does Pilates almost daily for at least 30 minutes. It may not sound like much, but her killer abs tell the real story about that much concentrated ab work.
Commitment Is Key
Cyrus is so committed to yoga that she reportedly practices for 2 hours, 6 days a week.
Regular Activity
Cyrus likes to take her many dogs for a long hike in the Hollywood hills. Incorporating movement into your day adds up.
Exercise Style
A Miley Cyrus Routine
Pilates: 30 min./day
Yoga: 2 hrs. Cyrus does Ashtanga, which is a fairly rigorous form of yoga .
Cardio: Hike/dance/etc. Do any form of exercise that raises your heart rate for an extended period of time.
Some Ashtanga Yoga poses:
Ashtanga Vinyasa: Exhale into 4-limbed Staff Pose. Inhale into Up Dog. Exhale into Down Dog.
Ujjayi breathing: Constrict the back of the throat and inhale through the nose, making an audible sound, like the ocean (or Darth Vader). Pause after the inhale, then, keeping the the throat constricted, exhale through nose. Pause after the exhale. Repeat.
The primary Ashtanga series includes sun salutations & standing postures, forward bends, twists, seated postures, and hip openers. The ending sequence includes a shoulder stand, Fish Pose, headstand, Child’s Pose, Lotus Pose with breath work, and finishes with Corpse Pose.
Cyrus on Yoga
‘Gotta do yoga. Not for my body but for my mind! Do YOGA or go CRAZY!’
Cyrus on Taking a Rare Break From Yoga
‘I will never not practice for 10 days ever again! I got my ASStanga kicked!’
Cyrus on Success
‘If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.’
Miley Cyrus’s Supplements
Hair Vitamins
Cyrus took Viviscal to help regrow her hair. She said she’d also pull it every night in encouragement.
IV Vitamins
Cyrus has tried trendy things like taking vitamins intravenously, although there is no evidence that it works.
Omega 3s
Omega 3s are important for brain health and are also anti-inflammatory, and a vegan version made from seaweed is available.
As a vegan, Cyrus has a higher chance of being deficient in certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12 which can be difficult to get from plant-only sources.
Miley Cyrus ‘s Lifestyle
All In the Name
Cyrus’ parents named her ‘Destiny Hope’ as it was theirbelief that she was destined to bring hope to the world.Her childhood nickname of ‘Smiley’ eventually got shortened to ‘Miley,’ and she officially changed her name to ‘Miley Ray’ in 2008. The ‘Ray’ is in honor of her grandfather.
All in the Family
Cyrus’ godmother is none other than country singer superstar Dolly Parton. All of Cyrus’ siblings and half-sibs have been involved in show biz at some time or other.
Early Signs
Cyrus’ first paid employment was for dad Billy Ray who paidher 10 bucks to collect the bras and underwear fans would throw on stage.
Fate Intervenes
Dad Billy Ray tried to dissuade Cyrus from auditioning for Hannah Montana, fearing the rejection would crush her. She originally tried out for the role of best friend Lilly Truscott.
Giving Back
Cyrus contributed to the Haiti earthquake relief effort with ‘We Are the World: 25 for Haiti’ and ‘Everybody Hurts.’
Pet Custody
While Cyrus and her ex didn’t have any kids to worry about, Cyrus retained custody of their 7 dogs, 4 horses, 3 cats and pet pig (named ‘Pig’) in the divorce.
Cyrus on Choices
‘There’s no right or wrong, success or failure. I don’t look at things as black and white…The real choices in life aren’t that simple.’
Cyrus on Self-knowledge
‘I’m at a point where it’s like I know who I am, but I know that I’m not finished figuring that out, and I know I won’t be finished until I’m in the dirt.’
Cyrus on her Many Tattoos
‘Bumper stickers all over dis Bentley.’
Cyrus on Herself
We define ourselves far too often by our past failures. That’s not you. You are this person right now. You’re the person who has learned from those failures. Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired.
Cyrus on Performing
‘As soon as I step on that stage, nothing matters. I don’t think of it as work. It’s just so much fun.’
Cyrus on Being in the Public Eye
‘It’s so much easier to know who you are when there aren’t a thousand people telling you who they think you are.’
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