Meghan Markle Workout and Diet
Duchess of Sussex
Born: 1981
Meghan Markle grew up in Hollywood and started acting while she was still in college. She played on Suits until 2017 when she got engaged to Prince Harry and moved to London to begin the process of becoming a British citizen. The couple married in 2018. She is an outspoken feminist and for a few years wrote a lifestyle website called The Tig which featured profiles of remarkable women, along with entries about fashion, travel and food. She is considered a fashion influencer and Tatler magazine and Net-A-Porter named Markle on their 2018 Best Dressed list. As a member of the British royal family, Markle is involved with promoting awareness of many social issues, including modern-day slavery, gender equality, social justice, mental health, clean water and animal rights. Markle is divorced from actor and producer Trevor Engleson. She and Harry have 1 child together so far. Markle is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs about 130 lbs.
Known For:
Meghan Markle’s Diet
Diet Summary
Markle is a self-described foodie but she follows a mostly plant-based diet. She tries to stick to eating vegan during the week, but may splurge on the weekends. She avoids animal protein partly due to health reasons but also for environmental ones. Still, she isn’t militant about being 100% veggie and she will sometimes have sushi. As for carbs, Markle loves ’em, especially french fries and pasta, although she indulges only occasionally. Markle stays hydrated with plenty of water, and usually starts her day with hot water and lemon.
Estimated Macros
- Low-Medium Protein 25%
- Medium Fat 35%
- Medium Carb 50%
Diet Details
Royal Rules
When you dine with the Queen, you stop eating when she does, even if your plate is still half-full.
Carb Queen
Markle loves her carbs, breaking away from the low-carb trend that even Queen Elizabeth reportedly follows.
Heart-Healthy Meals
One of Markle’s favorite lunches is sashimi, which is high in omega-3s. Eating fish is not normally part of a vegetarian diet, but it is not unheard of and is known as ‘pescatarian.’
Smart Snacks
Markle enjoys apple slices with almond butter and sea salt, and her afternoon pick-me-up is green juice rather than coffee. Her favorite is a blend of kale, spinach, apple, lemon and ginger.
Fermented Favorite
Markle is also a fan of kombucha, the fermented tea that contains gut-friendly probiotics. Another fermented beverage she is fond of is red wine, especially Tignanello (after which she named her website). She says she’ll take wine over cake any day.
Bogus Weight Loss Claims
Markle has had to battle scammers who used her image to sell diet pills.
True Love
Markle reportedly got hubs to give up pizza. Now that’s devotion.
What to Eat
Acai & other berries
Nuts/Nut butters
Red wine (Tignanello)
Chia seeds
Fish (in moderation)
What to Avoid
Refined carbs
Junk food
Markle On Diet
‘How I feel is dictated by what I’m eating, how much rest I’m getting and how much water I’m drinking.’
Markle On Balance
‘Do the things you enjoy within reason.’
Markle On Enjoying Food
‘Because I work out the way I do, I don’t ever want to feel deprived.’
Markle On Aging
‘As I’m getting older, my approach to aging is quite different. I make sure that I take care of my skin and body…And I don’t just take care of myself for aesthetic reasons.’
Meghan Markle’s Workout Routine
Weekly Workout Routine
Royal Runner
Markle is an avid runner and often takes 1 or both of her rescue pups with her on a jog.
Stretchy Sovereign
Markle follows in her mom’s footsteps and has been doing yoga since she was young.
Stately Strength Training
Markle also works with a trainer doing strength-training a few times a week.
Cardio Queen
Markle’s first choice for cardio is running, although she says as time goes on, it has started to impact her knees and so she often sticks to the treadmill rather than running outdoors. She says she needs it as much to clear her head as for physical exercise.
Prioritize Posture
Meghan works out with her trainer 3-4 days a week for 45 minutes. She usually does her routine early in the day to make sure it doesn’t get pushed aside by other obligations.
Pilates Power
Markle also does Pilates, which is great for core strength, flexibility, and sculpted muscles.
Yoga to Stay Youthful
Markle is a fan of hot yoga and Vinyasa flow and has been practicing for decades.
Tracy Anderson Method
When she’s short on time, Markle will sometimes pop in a Tracy Anderson DVD and do it in 15-minute increments throughout the day.
Workout Style
A Meghan Markle Routine
Warm-up: 5 min. cardio of choice.
Dynamic stretching: 5 min.
Strength training: 30 min.
Rear foot elevated split squat and press: Holding a dumbbell in each hand, raise arms in goalpost position at shoulder height. Stand about 2 feet in front of bench and put 1 foot up on bench. Bend into a lunge, keeping chest upright. Push to stand, pressing dumbbells overhead. Do 10 reps/side.
Single leg kettlebell deadlift: From a standing position, hold kettlebell in 1 hand in front of thigh, and shift weight to opposite leg. Lift unweighted leg off floor, straight out behind you, lowering kettlebell toward floor. Do not lock out supporting leg. When you reach your maximum range of motion, return to standing. Do 15 reps/side.
Plyo step-ups: Stand in front of bench or box. Put 1 foot on bench and push off explosively, returning with control to floor. Do 15 reps/side.
TRX triceps extension: Attach TRX to anchor. Facing away from anchor, grip a handle in each hand and lean forward until you are bent at a 45-degree angle. Arms should bend back to 90-degree angle, elbows near ears. Engage triceps and push body back nearly upright. Do 15 reps.
Hanging abs raise: Hang from chin-up bar, legs extended. Bend elbows at a 90-degree Ange and use abs to lift knees to chest. Do 15 reps.
Cool down: 5 min.
Markle On Fitness
‘If I don’t have time for a long workout, I’ll grab my dog and go for a quick run. Being active is my own moving meditation.’
Markle On Motivation
‘Even if I’m not in the mood to go, I never leave class regretting having gone. I always leave feeling sort of euphoric.’
Markle On Running
‘I love running, but I think you have to find a workout routine that really speaks to you beyond trying to get goals for your body.’
Meghan Markle’s Supplements
Vitamin B12
A plants-only diet can make it difficult to get enough of this essential nutrient. Markle takes vitamin B12 drops to make sure she doesn’t fall short.
Magnesium is used in many functions in the body, including to calm nerves, relieve muscle aches, increase energy and regulate blood pressure.
A daily multivitamin is always a good idea to cover your nutritional bases, especially when following a somewhat restricted diet like Markle’s.
Cortisol Manager
Cortisol is a stress hormone and a cortisol manager promotes relaxation, helping Markle to sleep better.
Markle also takes ashwagandha, an Ayurvedic herb that also helps regulate the body’s response to stress.
Meghan Markle’s Lifestyle
Royal Rules
When you live at the palace, you do what the Queen does, including staying up late. Queen Elizabeth reportedly doesn’t go to bed before 11:30 p.m.
Juggling Jobs
Back when she was a working girl, Markle was a freelance calligrapher and also taught bookbinding to help cover expenses between acting gigs.
Working Together
One of Markle’s charities is the Hubb Community Kitchen which is run by the survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire. Markle encouraged them to write a cookbook and wrote the introduction.
Mixed Race Metaphor
Markle says growing up biracial taught her to ‘draw her own box,’ find her identity and her voice as a strong individual who won’t be defined by predetermined ideas.
Complementary Alternatives
Markle suffered from migraines for years, and uses acupuncture and cupping to relieve them.
Wedding Drama
Markle’s family produced a lot of drama around her day: her half-brother wrote a scathing letter to Harry warning him off marrying Markle, her father staged photos of himself prepping for the wedding and then her half-sister jumped in defending their father. None of these 3 attended the wedding.
Markle On Making Time For Herself
‘I give myself the luxury of downtime. We’re all so incredibly busy and juggling so many things, but I always take an hour to just decompress, watch mindless tv, snuggle with my dogs and enjoy a glass of wine.’
Markle On Madeleine Albright
‘She learned German on bed rest. How impressive is that? That’s girl crush material.’
Markle On Being A Celebrity
‘With fame comes opportunity, but it also includes responsibility — to advocate and share, to focus less on glass slippers and more on pushing through glass ceilings. And, if I’m lucky enough, to inspire.’
Markle On Her Mixed Ethnicity & Acting
‘Being “ethnically ambiguous,” as I was pegged in the industry, meant I could audition for virtually any role…Sadly, it didn’t matter: I wasn’t black enough for black roles and I wasn’t white enough for the white ones.’
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