Cameron Diaz Workout and Diet
Born: 1972
Cameron Diaz is a native of California. She signed with Elite Model Management at age 16 and landed modeling gigs for big brands like Calvin Klein and Levi’s. When Diaz was 17, she appeared on the cover of Seventeen magazine. Although she had no acting experience, her first foray into acting was in The Mask which was a top-grossing film in 1994. More hits soon following including My Best Friend’s Wedding, There’s Something About Mary and Charlie’s Angels. Diaz has received much praise for her work. In 2013, she was named one of the highest-paid actresses over 40. Diaz retired from acting in 2018. She has written 2 books on health: The Body Book and The Longevity Book which both became New York Times bestsellers. She also has an organic wine brand called Avaline. Diaz is an active environmentalist. In 2015, she married Benji Madden and they have 1 daughter together. She has millions of followers on social media. Diaz is 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighs about 130 lbs.
Known For:
Cameron Diaz’s Diet
A self-described ‘reformed junk food junkie,’ Diaz has written 2 books about health and graceful aging. She is a proponent of the Mediterranean diet which emphasizes fresh produce, whole grains, healthy fats, and clean animal protein. She does not often eat out at restaurants and she is not a fan of snacking. Gut health is very important to her so she takes probiotics. But she also believes in living life to its fullest so she won’t say not to pork belly if it’s on the menu.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Fat 30%
- Medium Carb 40%
- Medium Protein 40%
Diet Details
Drink Up
The very first thing Diaz does every morning is drink a big glass of water. She says it rehydrates her and makes her feel like a new person.
Double Breakfast
Diaz’s first meal of the day is something that will give her energy to work out, such as an apple with almond butter, overnight oats, or scrambled eggs. Her second breakfast is a lot like some people’s dinner: chicken, veggies, and a whole grain.
Meal Formulas
Diaz has a simple formula she follows when she eats, which is protein + carbs + good fats + leafy greens. She also says everything tastes better with a squeeze of lemon. Olive oil and garlic are her other go-tos for adding flavor.
Treat Your Gut Right
Diaz is a big fan of probiotics for good digestions. She drinks a rice-based probiotic drink called Bio-K.
Sacred Day
Diaz spends Sunday night doing her weekly meal prep, which allows her to eat healthy food all week without spending hours in the kitchen.
Last Meal
Diaz says that if she could only eat one meal for the rest of her life it would be a savory dish with plenty of protein and avocado.
What to Eat
Whole, Natural Foods
Leafy Greens
Olive Oil
Whole Grains
Overnight Oats
What to Avoid
Junk Food
Refined Sugar
Processed Foods
Trans Fats
Artificial Ingredients
Chemical Additives
Diaz on Her Junk Food Diet
‘While I was eating burger and burritos and onion rings and french fries and soda, I had the worst skin.’
Diaz on Diet & Health
‘Good nutrition can extend life. What we eat affects how long we live and how we feel every day we are alive.’
Diaz on Drinking Water First Thing
‘Once I drink the water in the bottle by my sink, I feel it immediately. I go from being a wilted plant to one that has just been rejuvenated by the rain.’
Diaz on Pork Belly
‘I don’t eat pork belly when I’m home by myself, but when I’m at a restaurant with a friend, that’s another story.’
Diaz on Cheese
‘I love cheese. String cheese, Cheddar, goat, Parmesan, Gouda, feta, blue, double-triple-cream, Brie. I love cheese.’
Diaz on Her Meal Prep Day
‘I make sure not to have any meetings or calls scheduled during that time because that time is SO IMPORTANT for me. It’s the time that sets me up fo a successful week, for feeling good, for knowing that I’m taking care of myself.’
Cameron Diaz’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Can’t Win
Diaz is considered a sex symbol, but she says she hated her long, lanky body when she was growing up, and that she was often teased for being skinny.
Your New Best Friend
For Charlie’s Angels, Diaz trained with martial arts master Cheung-yan Yuen who informed the cast their new best friend who they’d be spending a lot of time with was named Pain.
Training Buddy
Not all trainers are trying to make you suffer. Diaz has worked with her personal trainer Teddy Bass for years.
Daily Dose
Diaz works out 5 days a week and takes the weekends off. She loves the gym, but if she’s short on time, she’ll just do 45 minutes of Pilates. Time permitting; she also adds weights and flexibility training.
Diaz’s cardio is often in the form of high-intensity interval training on the treadmill.
Move With Purpose
Diaz believes it’s important to incorporate movement into your entire day, not just treat it as something you do once and are done with. She enjoys golf, jet-skiing and paddleboarding, and even tire flipping.
Exercise Style
A Sample Cameron Diaz Routine
HIIT Training
Jog/Walk: 30/60 sec for 15 min.
Do 12-15 reps, max. If you can do more, increase the weight.
Triceps dips
Dumbbell kickbacks
Biceps curls
Rotating biceps curls
Lateral-to-front dumbbell raise
Reverse fly
Single leg squat: 15 reps/side
Side curtsey: 15 reps/side
Plié with calf raise: 15 reps/side
Move every day, whenever you can.
Diaz on The Gym
‘I love the gym. I love being around people who are sweaty and pushing themselves.’
Diaz on Training for Charlie’s Angels
‘We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.’
Diaz on Movement
‘I like to move with purpose.’
Diaz on Her Priorities
‘I know that strength is important to me and being capable is important to me and feeling good is important to me.’
Diaz on Success
‘At the core of every successful person, there is one common thing: discipline.’
Cameron Diaz’s Supplements
Diaz believes nutrition should come from food rather than supplements, and that taking pills encourages people to be lazy about what they’re eating.
Cameron Diaz’s Lifestyle
The 5 Pillars of Graceful Aging
Diaz says to enjoy a long and happy life, you need good nutrition, sleep, physical activity throughout the day, finding healthy ways to release stress, and having a spiritual connection or purpose in life.
Cool Kid High
Diaz attended Long Beach Polytechnic High School where she and Snoop Dogg were classmates.
Stand Tough
Back in the 1990s, professional photographer John Rutter took pictures and video of Diaz topless, but never released them. When Charlie’s Angels was about to come out, he offered to sell Diaz the pictures and video for $3.5 million before offering them to other buyers. Rutter was sentenced to 3 years in jail for grand theft, perjury, and forgery.
Double Trouble
Diaz is married to Benji Madden, twin brother of Joel Madden and husband of Nicole Ritchie. Ritchie was responsible for introducing the two.
Circle of Friends
Diaz has a committed friendship circle and considers these friends to be crucial to her emotional well-being.
Diaz on Her Upbringing
I had amazing parents; they were awesome. We weren’t privileged — very much the opposite. My family would collect cans to turn in for extra money, because $20 meant something to us. But we were very happy.’
Diaz on Smoking
‘If I had a time machine and I could back to that period in my life, I would never have lit that very first cigarette.’
Diaz on Aging
‘A lot of us fear the idea of aging — getting older, being less mobile, having less energy, and being less of ourselves. But I look at aging like this: getting older is a blessing and a privilege, and if you lay the foundation for a healthy life in your younger years, your older years may very well be some of the best of your life.’
Diaz on her Friendship Circle
‘I’ve started to weed out the people who are not contributing to my life in a positive way.’
Diaz on Her Sense of Purpose
‘My purpose has always been family and extended family and friends.’
Diaz on How to Extend Your Longevity
‘Pay attention. Be connected. Know your body. Listen to it. Ask it questions and it will talk to you.’
Diaz on Gratitude
‘Gratitude adds not only to your life experience but your life expectancy.’
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