Stephen Amell Workout and Diet
Born: 1981
Canadian-born Stephen Amell decided he wanted to be an actor when he was a teenager. In 2004, he landed a role in Queer as Folk, and found other small roles leading up to his breakthrough in 2012 as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow. He has played that role on 6 different tv series and performs his own stunts. Amell has also appeared in a few films, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and he has dipped his toe into directing with a short film shown at the Cannes Film Festival in 2018. Arrow in 2018, and Amell is now considering creating a drama about his long-time passion, pro wrestling. He actively supports charities including those related to cancer research, children’s hospice and mental health. Amell is married and has 1 child. He is 6 feet 1 inch tall and weighs around 185 lbs.
Known For:
Stephen Amell’s Diet
Amell is a good example of abs being ‘made in the kitchen.’ This isn’t to say he doesn’t work out, but he takes great care with his diet to look as ripped as possible. He cut processed sugar, gluten, dairy and beer out of his diet, and focuses on lean protein, healthy fats and complex carbs. He also makes sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water.
Estimated Macros
- Low-Medium Carb 20%
- Low-Medium Fat 20%
- High Protein 70%
Diet Details
Cut the Junk
Amell doesn’t touch refined sugar, processed food, gluten, or dairy. He fills up with things like eggs, chicken, oatmeal and salad.
Power Up With Protein
To build and maintain muscle mass, Amell eats 0.7-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.
Say Boo to the Booze
Amell avoids drinking beer, in part because it contains gluten, but also because it blurs his six-pack abs.
Recovery Routine
Amell had a tough time after Arrow ended, suffered from panic attacks and could barely get off the couch. He saw a doctor, did vitamin therapy and took some mental health time to recover.
What to Eat
Lean Protein
Complex Carbohydrates
Leafy Greens
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Sweet Potatoes
What to Avoid
Junk Food
Refined Foods
Processed Foods
Hydrogenated Fats
Artificial Ingredients
Amell on Food
‘It’s your fuel. I try to stay away from gluten, dairy and processed sugars. This allows for…more lean proteins, veggies and complex carbs.’
Amell on Vitamin Therapy
‘I had an IV service come to the house and they just pumped me full of fluid and vitamins.’
Amell on his Panic Attack
‘I was in a really bad spot and I’m happy to report that I’m doing much better.’
Stephen Amell’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Partial to Parkour
Since Amell does his own stunts, a lot of his training involves being able to perform complex moves believably.
Functional Full-Body Routines
Amell aims to strike a balance between strength and fitness. He focuses on his core, bodyweight exercises and high-intensity cardio.
Mix it Up
Amell varies his routines to keep challenging himself and to keep from getting bored.
Roll It Out
Amell starts his routine with myofascial stretching on a foam roller. Then he moves on to a light cardio warm-up.
Daily Dose
Amell works out most days of the week, but sometimes takes a recovery day on Sunday.
Dark Archery
Besides parkour and bodyweight exercises, Amell practices archery, jiu-jitsu and kickboxing.
Exercise Style
Abs Routine
Do this 5-6 days/week. You can wear a weighted vest if you so choose.
Toes to bar: 25 x 3 sets
Mini circuit: Do 3 sets. Try not to let your feet touch the floor until you finish each set.
Lying leg lifts: 20
Scissor kicks: 20
Second hollow rock: 20
Sit-ups: 25 x 3 sets
Planks: 60 sec x 3 sets. Increase weight with each set.
Arm Routine
Chin ups: 10 x 3 sets
Bench dips: 15 x 3 sets
Wide-grip chin ups: 10 x 3 sets
Dips: 15 x 3 sets
Close-grip chin ups: 10 x 3 sets
HIIT Cardio: 15-30 min. 1 min quick jog/1 min walk
Leg Routine
Lunges: 15/side x 3 sets
Pistol squats: 10/side x 3 sets
Air squats: 15 x 3 sets
Jump squats: 10 x 3 sets
Lunges: 15/side x 3 sets
HIIT cardio: 15-30 min. 30 sec sprint/1:30 min walk
Chest Routine
You can wear a weighted vest for these.
Regular push-ups: 15 x 3 sets
Diamond push-ups: 10 x 3 sets
Handstand or High Arch push-ups: 15 x 3 sets
Rings/Bar dips: 15 x 3 sets
Regular push-ups: 15 x 3 sets
HIIT Cardio: 30 sec spring/1:30 min walk
Back Routine
Standard pull-ups: 15 x 3 sets
Wide-grip pull-ups: 10 x 3 sets
Wide-grip push-ups: 15 x 3 sets
Wide-grip pull-ups behind head: 10 x 3 sets
Standard pull-ups: 15 x 3 sets
HIIT Cardio: 1 min quick job/1 min walk
Also: Parkour, running, archery & MMA: Jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, etc.
Amell on Archery
‘You have to relax when you’re shooting an arrow. You can’t be tense, and that just helps in your day-to-day life.’
Amell on how he Prepares for Going Shirtless
‘I like to give myself a nice run up to a shirtless scene. Physically, it really doesn’t make any difference. It’s about mentally feeling good about it.’
Amell on Looking Good on Camera
Martial arts are a vehicle for developing your human potential.
Stephen Amell’s Supplements
To build and maintain his muscle mass, Amell almost certainly supplements with protein, but other supplements are also important when you’re doing intense workouts, such as BCAAs.
Branched-chain amino acids increase endurance and minimize post-exercise muscle soreness.
Even if you eat a super clean diet like Amell, your body can only use what it absorbs, and so supplementing with probiotics is a smart choice.
Adaptogens such as ashwagandha, tulsi and cordyceps also help the body manage stress.
Creatine is also popular with serious athletes because it promotes muscle gains and aids with recovery, while a fat burner can help sculpt those abs you’ve worked so hard to build.
Collagen helps keep your joints and other connective tissues strong.
Another supplement that is important for overall health is omega-3s because they tamp down inflammation, promote heart health and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.
Stephen Amell’s Lifestyle
Even Superheroes Struggle
Amell openly admits to having a hard time when Arrow ended. He suffered a full-blown panic attack during the middle of an interview and had to cut it short. He returned two weeks later and finished the interview.
Clever Crossover
Amell is co-owner of a winery in Walla Walla, Washington called Nocking Point. The wines also have archery-related names, including Vigilante Red, New Bow and Wicked Aim. Some of the proceeds go to Amell’s favorite charities.
Heroism Runs in the Family
Amell’s first cousin Robbie plays Firestorm on The Flash.
Amell has always been crazy about pro wrestling, and has appeared opposite famous wrestlers including Triple H and Stardust.
A Knack for Neologisms
Amell is also big on vocabulary, and he created the word ‘sinceriously’ which means to speak honestly and to spread good karma.
Amell on the Early Days of His Career
‘When I first broke into the acting industry, I taught spinning classes to support myself. It’s funny…I have a Twitter account and I’m starting to get messages like… “We miss you as a spin instructor.”’
Amell on Pro Wrestling
‘I was a big wrestling fan growing up…I had the action figures and the magazines, and everything like that.’
Amell on his Mental Breakdown
‘I took real stock in the fact that I was taking a break and I really needed to. You want to fix it immediately but that’s not the way it works.’
Amell on Acting
‘I’m still an actor who wants to work all the time.’
Amell on his Intellectual Side
‘I like vocabulary and I actually read a book called ‘Word Freak’ which is about a guy who basically went into competitive Scrabble for a year. But having a big vocabulary and being good at Scrabble are not the same thing.’
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