tobey maguire Workout and diet
Born: 1975
Tobey Maguire was born in California. His parents divorced when he was 2 which led to him being passed around to various relatives. Maguire took a drama class in middle school, and due to regularly changing schools, he dropped out of high school to pursue acting. His first film appearance was in 1989 with The Wizard. Bigger roles came in as the 90s went by, including Pleasantville, The Cider House Rules and Wonder Boys, but he is probably most famous for playing Marvel’s Spider-Man. Maguire has been nominated for many awards and won 2 Saturns and 2 Teen Choices. He also produces films. Maguire earned his GED in 2000. He has 2 children with ex-wife Jennifer Meyer. He has a limited presence on social media but still has hundreds of thousands of followers. Maguire is 5 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs about 155 lbs.
Known For:
tobey maguire’s Diet
Maguire wanted to be a chef when he was a kid, but his mom talked him into taking a drama class instead. He has been a vegetarian for some 30 years. He avoids meat but still eats dairy products and eggs, particularly when he needs to bulk up for a role. He’s a big fan of nuts and tofu, broccoli and vegan pizza. Maguire first played the role of Spider-Man back in 2002. He worked with the same trainer, Duffy Gaver, when he took up the role again for Spider-Man 4. To build muscle, Maguire doubles down on protein shakes, but his trainer said this time around, he focused more on exercise than diet to get the look right.
Estimated Macros
- Variable Carb 50%
- Variable Fat 30%
- Variable Fat 50%
Diet Details
No Fun Diet
For the first Spider-Man, Maguire says his caloric intake was so limited, he lost his sense of humor and would faint if he stood up too quickly.
90% Vegan
Maguire eats vegan most of the time. He says the smell of leather makes him ill, and visitors to his home must leave their leather purses in their car.
Get Your Protein
For Spider-Man 4, Maguire’s trainer had him consume a lot of protein shakes and other supplemental proteins to compensate for his no-meat diet.
Get Help
Maguire had a food delivery service called NutriFit deliver meals every day while he was training for Spider-Man 4.
Trend-Setting Star
Actress Natalie Portman credits Maguire with convincing her to make the switch from vegetarian to vegan.
Scheduled Cheat Day
Maguire took a balanced approach to diet and exercise while training for Spider-Man: 6 days on, 1 day off, so he didn’t get burned out.
What to Eat
Vegan Foods
All Vegetables
Vegan Protein
Some Eggs
Some Dairy
What to Avoid
Animal Products (most of the time)
Processed Foods
Artificial Additives
Maguire on His Training Diet
‘I go on a diet where I’m on it for 6 days a week, and then I give myself a free day. The same goes with my workouts.’
Maguire on his 1st Spider-Man Regimen
‘I couldn’t eat much food, and I had to work out a lot.’
Maguire’s Trainer on His Spider-Man 4 Diet
‘It was a lot of supplemental proteins.’
Maguire on Eggs & Dairy
‘I eat dairy and things with egg products, although I don’t like eggs and I’m not particularly fond of dairy either.’
Maguire on Doritos
‘I remember doing a Doritos commercial where there were 4 days in a row of eating them, and I will tell you, I have not eaten many Doritos since.’
Maguire’s Trainer on Food Delivery
‘A woman called Jackie Keller…went out of her way to help us get his nutrition on point.’
tobey maguire’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Old Pro
Maguire worked with celebrity trainers Gregory Joujon-Roche and Duffy Gaver back in 2002 for his first Spider-Man, and then Gaver again 20 years later for Spider-Man 4. Gaver has appeared in front of the camera in Se7en and The Rock, as well as trained Hollywood illuminati like Brad Pitt, Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth.
Have Gym, Will Travel
Maguire’s trainer had BMF Mobile Gyms bring a complete gym onto the set, so whenever Maguire or the other stars had some time, they could get a good workout in.
Attitude Matters
Maguire’s trainer says there are 2 things that make all the difference with being successful and not: 1) approach fitness like it is something you look forward to doing and 2) show up and do the work.
Disciplined Daily Dose
Maguire shows up and does the work. Five to six days a week, he is putting in the time.
Training Is Training
Maguire’s trainer says the actual exercises you have to do to get ripped are the same as they were 20 years ago, although this go-around, Maguire didn’t have to worry about going shirtless.
Basic Training
To get in shape for Spider-Man 4, Maguire did exercises just about everyone would recognize and can do without any fancy equipment: pull-ups, push-ups, dumbbell rows, sit-ups and band work.
Exercise Style
A Sample Tobey MaguireNo-Frills Routine
Warm up:
Assault bike: 15 min
Pull-ups: reps 12, 10, 8, 8
Rest 30 sec between sets
Push-ups: 20, 20, 18, 16
Rest 30 sec between sets
Goblet squats: 20 lbs for 20 reps, 25 lbs for 20 reps, 30 lbs for 15 reps, 35 lbs for 15 reps
Rest 30 sec between sets
Pull-downs: 80 lbs for 15 reps, 90 lbs for 12 reps 100 lbs for 12 reps, 110 lbs for 10 reps
Rest 30 sec between sets
Push-ups: 12 reps x 5 sets
Rest 30 sec between sets
Dumbbell bent-over rows: 35 lbs for 20 reps, 40 lbs for 15 reps, 40 lbs for 15 reps, 40 lbs for 12 reps
Rest 30 sec between sets
Maguire on His 1stSpider-Man Routine
‘I spend 2-4 hours working out a day, 6 days a week. It’s a combination of strength training, cardio stuff, stretching stuff.’
Maguire’s Trainer on How to Approach Fitness
‘If you look at training like it’s something you have to do, that’s a crappy way of looking at it. Look at it like something you’re lucky you get to do.’
Maguire’s Trainer on How to get Fit Like Spider Man
‘The minutiae isn’t as important as straightforward reps and just putting the work in.’
Maguire’s trainer on his commitment to training:
‘He was very disciplined about showing up and making the workouts 5 or 6 days a week.’
Maguire’s Coach on Training in 2002 Versus Today
‘Training then and training now is the same training.’
Maguire’s Trainer on Extra Benefits of Working Out
‘I think it had a good effect on [Maguire] personally…There’s something great about feeling healthy and strong.’
tobey maguire’s Supplements
Vegan Protein
Wellness Shots
tobey maguire’s Lifestyle
The High Life
As an up-and-coming young star, Maguire fell into the trap of partying hard. In the mid 1990s, he had to deal with the fact that alcohol addiction was ruining his career. He joined AA, and is still a member today.
Not a Comics Fan
Maguire has countless fans, but he himself was never big on comic books and has hardly read any.
Near Miss
Maguire almost had to withdraw from Spider-Man 2 due to an injury he picked up while filming Seabiscuit.
Cosmic Double
Maguire is often mistaken for Jake Gyllenhaal, who was the back-up chosen to play Maguire in Spider-Man 2, but luckily Maguire recovered.
A-List Company
Maguire got into acting around the same time as Leonardo DiCaprio and the two often ended up auditioning for the same roles.
Sharing the Limelight
Spiderman: No Way Home was a huge blockbuster, and the first film to earn over $1 billion since 2019. Besides Maguire, it also has 2 other former Spider-Men: Andrew Garfield andTom Holland.
Primo Poker Player
Maguire began a tournament poker career in 2004. He was tutored by professional Daniel Negreanu and appeared in the 2005-07 World Series of Poker Championship. He has won hundreds of thousands of dollars playing, although he famously lost to Ben Affleck back in 2004.
Maguire on His Public Status
‘I have no illusions at all about being a sex symbol…I don’t have any packs of women chasing me down the street like a Brad Pitt.’
Maguire on Living in Los Angeles
‘I complain about LA left and right but then I always end up wanting to go home.’
Maguire on Watching His Movies
‘I’m so critical of my own work that it’s difficult for me to disassociate myself and watch it as an audience.’
Maguire on His Version of Success
‘I don’t need to make tons of money and I’m not dying to get famous.’
Maguire on Himself
‘I am a blank slate, therefore I can create anything I want.’
Maguire on Life
‘I discovered peace and happiness in my soul, and with this knowledge, I also see the beauty of human life.’
Maguire on His Success
‘I believe in a higher force that is within me.’