Kellan Lutz Workout and Diet
Born: 1985
Kellan Lutz grew up in North Dakota and Arizona, one of 8 children, 7 of which are boys. He attended college for chemical engineering before pursuing a career in acting. He found work in commercials, tv, film, and music videos before his big break in 2008 when he was cast in Twilight. Lutz also appeared in Immortals and played the lead in The Legend of Hercules. He is a model with the Ford agency and was a Calvin Klein X underwear model. Lutz’s charity work includes Saving Innocence which works to reduce child sex trafficking, as well as the animal rights charity, PETA. He is married to tv host Brittany Gonzales. Lutz has over a million followers on social media. He is 6 feet tall and weighs about 175 lbs.
Known For:
Kellan Lutz’s Diet
Lutz takes his diet seriously and it shows. For Hercules, he followed a Paleo-style diet, meaning he ate a lot of meat, fish, vegetables, and eggs. He usually had 5-7 meals per day, including post-workout protein shakes. While he tried to eat clean as much as possible, he struggled with giving up sugar and sometimes caved to the call of the chocolate bar. But he says his strict diet was worth it because he never felt healthier, and that eating this way gave him non-stop energy, despite long, grueling days on the set.
Estimated Macros
- Low-Medium Carb 10%
- Medium Fat 30%
- High Protein 60%
Diet Details
Eat Like a Greek God, or a Caveperson
To get into Greek god shape, Lutz consumed a Paleo diet which means that he only ate things that were available to our pre-agricultural revolution ancestors. This means no processed foods, grains, legumes, sugar or, for him, dairy.
Chickens Beware
Lutz focuses on protein, such as eating an entire chicken in one sitting. He also had the habit of eating hard-boiled eggs before bed.
Eat Fresh
Lutz says he learned to love salads, and felt lucky that filming Hercules took place in Bulgaria where there is tons of delicious, fresh produce.
Clean Snacks
If he was hungry between takes, Lutz would have a handful of nuts, a protein shake, or a fresh green juice.
Carb Timing
Lutz has carbs in the form of a protein shake right after a workout to replenish glycogen stores and build muscle.
Being a God Is No Fun
While the gods may party up on Mount Olympus, Hollywood actors have no such luxury. Lutz struggled with having to pass up desserts and drinks with friends.
His Achilles Heel: Sugar
Hercules was a paragon of power but mere mortals feel cravings. For Lutz, he had a hard time saying no to chocolate bars. He also loves gummy bears.
What to Eat
Leafy Greens
Chocolate (cheat)
What to Avoid
Processed Food
Junk Food
Fast Food
Artificial ingredients
Trans Fats
Lutz on his Diet as a Kid
‘Growing up with 6 brothers, I learned to eat what was put in front of me, and quickly.’
Lutz on Diet vs. Exercise
‘The real progress…came with paying strict attention to what I ate.’
Lutz on Clean Eating
‘I’ve even started to blend my own juices for a quick, healthy snack.’
Lutz on Temptation
‘If you’ve ever been on a movie set, there’s food all the time. It’s hard to stay healthy.’
Lutz on the Importance of a Healthy Diet
‘Diet is big time. You gotta feed your body. You gotta eat healthy.’
Lutz on Meat
‘I love meat. Just getting a whole chicken and eating that.’
Kellan Lutz’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Committed Dude
Even before he was cast as Hercules, Lutz already had a set routine. He was an athlete in college and once considered joining the Navy SEALs. He’s up every morning at 6:30 to run and do other exercises.
Horse Power
Lutz had to learn to ride a horse for Hercules, which he says quickly developed his legs and core.
Sword Play
Lutz worked with Spartacus’s Liam McIntyre to learn how to handle a sword, and did a ton of push-ups so that he’d look good shirtless while handling it.
Mix It Up
Lutz does classic weightlifting, but he also likes to keep his muscles guessing by changing up the exercises and mixing in martial arts like jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai at least once a week.
Get a Buddy
Lutz often works out with one of his many brothers. Having a partner increases accountability, and makes it more likely you’ll stick to a routine.
Double Daily Dose
Lutz likes to do cardio in the morning to get his blood pumping. Then he’ll lift weights in the afternoon. Sundays are his day of rest.
Watch Your Technique
Lutz says he took especial care when lifting to avoid injury which could have thrown off the shooting schedule.
Keep Moving
Lutz only takes short breaks between exercises, not more than 90 seconds, as a way to keep his heart rate up throughout his workout.
Superset Me
Lutz often adds in supersets to his routine to amp up the fat-burning while simultaneously building muscle.
Exercise Style
A Sample Kellan Lutz Routine
AM Session: 30 min
Warm up
Sprints: 10
Bear crawls: 10
Dips: 20 reps x 3 sets
Run: 3 miles
Cool down
PM Session
Medicine ball slam: 10 reps x 5 sets
Bench press: 5 reps x 5 sets
Pull-ups: 5 reps x 3 sets
Alternate dumbbell shoulder press: 12 reps x 3 sets
Single-arm row: 12 reps x 3 sets
Hammer curl: 10 reps x 3 sets
Triceps cable push-down: 10 reps x 3 sets
Farmer’s walk 40 yds x 3 sets
Kettlebells wings: 10 reps x 5 sets
Burpees: 10 reps x 5 sets
Push-ups: 1000+
Lutz on Magic Bullets
‘The simple truth is that there is no shortcut to success.’
Lutz on his Preferred Exercise
‘I’d rather snowboard or play basketball than be in the gym.’
Lutz on Push-ups
‘I just really love doing push-ups. I ended up doing about 1000 a day.’
Lutz on Staying Active
‘I’m a firm believer in living an active live. It’s just not in my nature to stay indoors, lounging on a couch when I could be enjoying the outdoors.’
Lutz on What Makes a Great Physique
‘Mr. Clean doesn’t take his shirt off, so really, you just gotta look big. It’s more about size.’
Lutz on Having a Exercise Buddy
‘That’s what it’s all about! No better workout partner!’
Kellan Lutz’s Supplements
Other than his use of protein shakes, Lutz doesn’t have much to say about supplements. So, below are supplements that can benefit anyone following a similar diet.
protein shakes
Lutz enjoys his protein shakes.
vitamin D
Prebiotics and probiotics
Prebiotics and probiotics are wise choices to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.
A multivitamin is always a smart move and while Lutz ate his veggies, but if you don’t get enough, consider a greens supplement.
Kellan Lutz’s Lifestyle
Take Care of Yourself
Lutz says he dealt with loss of sleep due to long days on set by eating a healthy diet.
Gentleman of the Year
Love or hate his films, Lutz is deeply involved with charity work, especially Saving Innocence which rescues and rehabilitates victims of child sex abuse. GQ magazine named him Gentleman of the Year in 2014 for his work. Lutz is also invoved with PETA, Ape Action Africa, and other charities.
Tragic Loss
In February 2020, Lutz and his wife announced that their unborn baby was stillborn at 6 months. He says his Christian faith helped him through the difficult time.
Everyone’s a Critic
Lutz won several Teen Choice awards for playing Emmett Cullen in the Twilight saga, and 2 Golden Raspberry awards for playing Hercules.
Lutz on how to Handle Sleep Deprivation
‘When you’re on the set for upwards of 15 hours a day and losing out on sleep, it’s incredibly important to stay healthy and maintain your energy levels.’
Lutz on Realizing a Dream
‘I always wanted to play a Greek god.’
Lutz on Going For It
‘Even if I make a fool of myself, it’s better to have tried.’
Lutz on Life
‘I love life way too much and find fun in almost anything. I’m a chameleon.’
Lutz on Testosterone
‘I had so many older brothers who beat up on me, so I’m a tough kid. I love mixed martial arts, weapons training, guns, knives, driving fast cars and motorcycles. I love it all.’
Lutz on Tattoos
I have no real tattoos. I wear my bruises and tons of scars as my tattoos.’
Lutz on the Loss of His Unborn Child
‘We are so grateful she is in heaven.’
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