Justin Bieber Workout and Diet

Born: 1994

Canadian-born Justin Bieber was raised by his grandparents. He learned to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet when he was growing up. After Bieber won a local signing competition at age 12, his grandmother posted a video of it on YouTube. In 2007, marketing executive Scooter Braun came across one of Bieber’s videos by accident and he was soon signed to RBMG. Bieber is the first artist to have 7 songs on a debut album hit the Billboard Hot 100. The Prince of Pop has sold over 150 million records worldwide, has over 10 billion video views on Vevo, and has won numerous awards including a Grammy, 20 Billboard Music Awards and 21 MTV Europe Music Awards. Bieber has had numerous endorsement deals including Proactiv, OPI nail polish, fragrances, Schmidt’s natural deodorant, Crocs and his own clothing line called Drew. He is one of the most followed on social media. In 2018, he married model and socialite Hailey Baldwin. He supports several animal charities including PETA, and humanitarian causes including the Red Cross and Pencils of Promise. Bieber is 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighs about 145 lbs.

Known For:

Justin Bieber’s Diet


Bieber was just a kid when he rocketed to stardom, and he ate like you’d expect the average teen to eat: a lot of junk. He’s had some struggles with drugs, alcohol, and smoking along the road, but he is working to change over to healthier habits. Although Biebs temporarily tried vegan, it didn’t last. He knows diet is important for health and to look good, so he makes an effort consume to natural, nutrient-packed foods rather than processed ones. He eats smaller, more frequent meals rather than bigger ones. He also has whole fresh fruit rather than juice and he drinks plenty of water throughout the day. To get in shape for modeling for Calvin Klein a few years back, he actually had to gain 20 lbs., but of course it was all muscle.

Estimated Macros

  • Low-Medium Carb 35% 35%
  • Medium Fat 35% 35%
  • Medium Protein 50% 50%

Diet Details


It’s Gotta Be Yummy

Bieber is a young guy with a fast metabolism, so he can get away with more than most people. While prepping for his Calvin Klein photo shoot, he worked with trainer Dolvett Quince who advocates a Paleo-style diet which is low in carbs and high in lean protein and green vegetables. While Bieber didn’t always follow his advice, he did make an effort to eat this way.


Juice It

Bieber hit the green juice hard as part of his Get Ripped diet. He usually has a green juice first thing in the morning, and says it’s addictive like coffee, but in a healthy way.


Cut the Sugar For Better Mental Health

In 2020, Bieber cut way back on sugar and says it virtually cured his depression.


Classic Faves

One of Bieber’s favorite foods is spaghetti bolognese. Other top junk food choices include grilled cheese from Tim Horton’s and Crunch Berries cereal.

What to Eat


Everything in moderation












Leafy Greens






Olive Oil


Protein Shakes


Orange Juice



What to Avoid


Overdoing It




Processed Food


Junk Food


Trans Fats


Chemical Ingredients


Artificial Additives


Bieber on Sugar

‘I cut sugar pretty much out and…I feel like I’m not depressed.’


Bieber on Getting Ripped For His Calvin Klein Ad

‘I’m not on any special diet, but I do try to watch what I eat.’


Bieber on His Normal Diet

‘I do eat unhealthy sometimes.’


Bieber’s Trainer on His Diet

‘No late night snacks!’


Bieber’s Trainer on What to Have If You Are Going To Eat at Night

‘Go with protein-rich, like Greek yogurt which has a lot of calcium so the protein will last you all night.’


Bieber’s Trainer on His Favorite Foods

‘Justin loves grilled cheese, and whenever we’re in Canada, he loves his Tim Horton’s whenever he can get it.’


Bieber’s Trainer on Protein

‘Lean protein is key in everything that you do.’

Justin Bieber’s Workout Routine

Weekly Routine

Always Active

Bieber played hockey growing up and was voted MVP in the NBA’s All-Star Celebrity game in 2011.

Helping Hand

Although Bieber has a naturally lean body, he worked with Taylor Lautner‘s personal trainer, Jordan Yuam, to get himself some killer abs.

It Takes Commitment

Even after he broke his foot playing soccer, Bieber would hit the gym, using crutches to get himself around.

Daily Dose

To get ripped for his Calvin Klein gig, Bieber worked out 5 days a week for 45 minutes at a clip, a lot for someone as busy as Biebs. He does abs work every other day.

The Splits

Bieber does 3-day splits, focusing on 2 muscle groups per day. He pairs back and triceps; chest and biceps; and legs and shoulders.

Antagonizing Is Good

Bieber does antagonistic supersets, meaning he moves between 2 exercises using similar muscle groups without resting.

Exercise Style


A Sample Justin Bieber Routine

Do 20 reps x 4 sets of each of the following. Rest 1 min be-tween sets
Toes to bar
Hanging leg raises
Side hanging leg raises
Abs roller

Do 10-15 reps x 3-4 sets for each exercise. Rest 1 min be-tween sets.
Bench press
Incline press
Dumbbell press
Pec fly machine
Chest press machine
Cable crossovers

Do 10-15 reps x 3-4 sets for each exercise. Rest 1 min be-tween sets.
Military press
Arnold dumbbell press
Side lateral raise
Front raise
Delt fly
Shoulder shrugs

Do 10-15 reps x 3-4 sets for each exercise. Rest 1 min be-tween sets.
Wide lat pulldown
Back lat pushdown
Cable row
Single-arm dumbbell row
Bent-over row

Do 10-15 reps x 3-4 sets for each exercise. Rest 1 min be-tween sets.
Biceps curl
Barbel biceps curl
Hammer curl
Preacher curl

Do 10-15 reps x 3-4 sets for each exercise. Rest 1 min be-tween sets.
Cable biceps curl
Triceps pushdown
Overhead press
Skull crushers
Triceps dips
Dumbbell kickbacks

Do 10-15 reps x 3-4 sets for each exercise. Rest 1 min be-tween sets.
Leg press
Leg extension
Leg curls
Stiff-leg deadlift
Calf rasie


Bieber on His Fitness Goals

‘I’ve been working out in the gym, getting bigger, trying to get sexy for the ladies.’


Bieber on His Calvin Klein Ad Routine

‘I work out with my trainer…5 days a week for about 45 minutes each.’


Bieber’s Trainer on His Broken Foot

‘It’s a pretty common injury, but it’s going to take at least 4 weeks before he can start walking properly.’

Justin Bieber’s Supplements

Protein Powder


Bieber supplements with protein as a way to build muscle and boost metabolism.

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Myostatin Inhibitor

Bieber swears by Myo-X, a supplement that stimulates mus-cle growth.

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green supplement

greens supplement

Bieber drinks his green juice every day, but if you don’t get as many veggies as you should, try a greens supplement to fill in the gaps.

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Bieber was diagnosed with Lyme in 2020. While there is no cure for the disease, certain supplements can help alleviate symptoms, including magnesium for muscle cramps and to improve sleep.

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Melatonin is another natural option to help achieve quality sleep.

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Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that reduces stress on the immune system, and probiotics also strengthen immunity.

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CoQ10 is another powerful antioxidant that promotes heart health and may reduce heart palpitations.

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vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 has been shown to reduce tingling in the hands and feet of patients with Lyme and ATP can help increase energy levels that get zapped with the disease.

Get it here

Justin Bieber’s Lifestyle

High Tech Recovery

Bieber sleeps in a hyperbaric chamber, which increases the air pressure to 3x more than normal ground level. Although there is no scientific proof to back it up, he swears it helps with anxiety.

Sound Baths

Bieber also does sound baths, which involves allowing sound waves made by Tibetan singing bowls wash over you to relieve stress.

Even Superstars Get the Blues

Bieber has struggled with mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. He takes anti-depressants and gets NAD+ infusions. He urges others to seek help, and to not feel ashamed of asking for it.

Normal Fears

Bieber is claustrophobic and hates elevators. He also isn’t a fan of clowns.

Legal Woes

Bieber has had several run-ins with the law, including a DUI, reckless driving, assault, and vandalism.

One Tiny Tick

Bieber was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2020. Untreated, the infection can damage joints, the nervous system and the heart. About 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year.

All in the Family

Bieber’s father plays guitar, his mother sings, and his grandmother plays piano.

Alternate Universe

Bieber says that if he hadn’t become a pop star, he would have been an architect.


Bieber on Seeking Professional Help For Mental Health

‘It just means you care about yourself and you wanna be a healthy individual.’


Bieber on Taking Risks

‘You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall.’


Bieber on Thoughtful Speech

‘Think before you speak, your words could hurt someone’s feelings more than you intended it to.’


Bieber on Himself

‘I’m not hiding from anyone. I am who I am, and I’m not perfect.’


Bieber on Ego

‘If you start taking yourself more seriously than you do God then there’s a problem.’

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