Cody Garbrandt Workout and DIET
Mixed Martial Artist
Born: 1991
Cody Garbrandt grew up in the Appalachian region of Ohio. He was always sparring with his brother and tried out boxing as a young boy, but his mother guided him toward wrestling. In high school, Garbrandt wrestled and played football. He won a state wrestling championship in 2007 as a freshman and All-State honors as a linebacker in his junior year. After taking runner-up in wrestling in his sophomore and junior years, Garbrandt switched to boxing and earned a 32-0 record as an amateur. He briefly attended college but dropped out to box, doing odd jobs to make ends meet. ‘No Love’ Garbrandt’s professional debut came in 2012 and he signed with the UFC in 2014. In December 2016 at UFC 207, he defeated Bantamweight Champion Dominick Cruz. He plans to move up a weight class to Flyweight for UFC 269 in December, 2021. Garbrandt published his autobiography The Pact in 2018. He married Danny Pimsanguan in 2017 and they have 1 son. Garbrandt has millions of followers on social media. He is 5 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs 135 lbs.
Known For:
Cody Garbrandt‘s Diet
Garbrandt has been working with a nutritionist since 2016. He eats 3 main meals and 1 snack, which is either a protein smoothie or bar between training sessions. He eats healthy, balanced meals, like eggs, turkey bacon, and toast, or chicken, veggies and brown rice. He says that while he might have a cheat meal here or there, he prefers to eat clean all the time because he feels better for it. He drinks at least 1 gallon of water each day.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Fat 25%
- Low Medium Carb 25%
- High Protein 50%
Diet Details
Helping Hand
So he can focus on training, Garbrandt hires a nutritionist to oversee his meals and make sure he’s got healthy food on hand for when he’s hungry. He also asks his nutritionist a lot of questions, for example, what he should eat when he feels tired.
Square Meals
Most days, Garbrandt eats clean. He’ll have eggs, toast and turkey bacon for breakfast, along with bulletproof coffee made with MCT oil.
Protein Power
Garbrandt eats 6-8 oz. of protein with lunch and dinner in the form of fish or chicken, and then he’ll have a protein smoothie or bar while on a rest break between training sessions.
Cutting Time
Garbrandt starts cutting down his protein to 4-5 oz. about 2-3 weeks before it’s time to make weight, and fills up with extra greens.
Eat Your Greens
Garbrandt doesn’t skimp on greens. He’ll have broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, and leafy veggies. He often has a double helping at dinner.
Hydration Matters
Garbrandt spends a lot of time sweating it up at the gym and takes in at least a gallon of H2O every day.
Sweet Tooth
Garbrandt mostly sticks to the wholesome stuff, but admits to having a soft spot for sweets like s’mores, Twix, and Pop Tarts.
What to Eat
Turkey bacon
Sweet potatoes
Brown rice
Almond butter
MCT oil
What to Avoid
Junk Food
Fast Food
Processed foods
Hydrogenated fats
Artificial additives
Chemical ingredients
Garbrandt on his diet as a child
When I was younger, I didn’t have the luxury of eating organic.
Garbrandt on timed eating
After that first [training] session, I come home and usually within an hour window, I’ll have something like salmon, tilapia or chicken.
Garbrandt on his healthy smoothie
I’ll have a smoothie with protein, berries, banana, coconut water, and spinach for more greens.
Garbrandt on water consumption
The quickest time to rehydrate is right after you’re done training, so I’m always carrying these gallons of water to drink, drink, drink, so my body can recover faster.
Garbrandt on eating clean
I really enjoy eating healthy. My body feels better, I perform better.
Garbrandt on junk food
I can’t really eat bad foods and be able to get better in the off-season…I’ll have cheat meals, but I’m usually eating clean both inside and outside of camp.
Cody Garbrandt‘s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Born to the Sport
Garbrandt fought with his brother while they were growing up. An uncle introduced them to boxing, but their mother worried about brain injury and encouraged them to try wrestling instead.
Love/Hate Relationship
Garbrandt has gone back and forth between being proud of his career choice and despising it, but he says the passion has a way of reigniting and pulling him back.
Listen to Your Body
Garbrandt works out every day, so when he feels the need for a break, he’ll just take it to avoid burn out.
Mega Daily Dose
Garbrandt works out every day. He’ll hit the gym two or three times for a total of four to six hours per day, often adding up to 40+ hours per week.
Garbrandt mixes up his routine every day, but high-intensity interval training is a regular feature. He’ll do 90-second intervals with 1 minute of rest, getting his heart rate up to the high 180s.
No-Waste Workout
Garbrandt says he doesn’t do things like swimming or jogging because they don’t make him a better fighter.
Pump It Up
Weight training is another daily standard for Garbrandt. He does one or two heavy days and two light days each week.
Exercise Style
A Cody Garbrandt Routine
Train daily, 2-3 sessions lasting for a total of 4-6 hours.
Mix it up to stay fresh.
Lift weights
Pad work
Garbrandt on his training schedule
I train 7 days a week, 2-3 times a day for about 4-6 hours.
Garbrandt on his weekly routine
The first 3 days fo the week, I train really hard. The 4th day is less intense and focuses on recovery, maintenance, and mobility. Then the last 3 days, we power back up in intensity.
Garbrandt on recovery
If my body starts to fall apart, then I take a rest day.
Garbrandt on his attitude toward exercise
I enjoy getting up every day and having another chance to perfect my craft. It’s all about the process of trying to become better.
Garbrandt on his goals
Every day I go into training is a day closer to my goal of being a world champion.
Cody Garbrandt‘s Supplements
Garbrandt makes a version of bulletproof coffee for breakfast using MCT oil. Medium-chain triglycerides burn fat, promote weight loss, and can help you get more out of your workouts.
Garbrandt endorses the Orgain brand of protein and takes it more or less every day in his between-workouts smoothie. Protein builds muscle, burns fat, and helps you feel fuller, longer.
Coconut Water
Garbrandt also adds coconut water to his protein smoothie. Coconut water contains electrolytes which reduce fatigue, stress, and blood pressure, and can help lower cholesterol, promote weight loss and increase energy.
greens supplement
Garbrandt eats very clean, but if you don’t eat as well as you could, try adding a greens supplement to get those all-important phytonutrients.
Garbrandt also eats fish most days, which is packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3s.
He gets his fiber from natural sources, but many people’s diets are deficient in this important nutrient. Besides combatting constipation, fiber reduces your risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and can help you maintain a healthy weight.
Lily Collins’s Lifestyle
Rough Start
Garbrandt’s father was addicted to drugs. His parents separated when he was just a baby due to domestic abuse, and his father spent most of his life in prison. Garbrandt was raised primarily by his mother, and adopted by her now ex-husband when he was 10.
That’s What Brothers Are For
Garbrandt’s brother is only 10 months older and the two fought constantly growing up, including Cody almost cutting off Zach’s finger. Zach later prevented Cody from committing suicide.
Who Needs Training?
Garbrandt dropped out of wrestling as a high school junior to focus on boxing. Despite this, he placed 5th at a national wrestling tournament in his senior year and earned interest from several Division I schools like Penn State and Rutgers.
Serious Ink
Garbrandt had 15 tattoos before he turned 18 years old. He now has 35 and counting. He says he prefers a symmetrical look, and does similar things to both sides. His one regret is his chest which he says ‘didn’t turn out well.’
The Pact
Garbrandt made a pact with a 5-year-old hometown fan with leukemia named Maddux Maple. The deal was Garbrandt would win the UFC and Maddux would beat cancer. After 5 years of grueling work on both their parts, they both succeeded.
Long Hauler
Garbrandt tested positive for COVID-19 in August, 2020. He has suffered persistent symptoms including blood clots and mental fog.
Garbrandt on his pre-match mentality
Before a fight, I think of everything good I have in my life and everything I’ve accomplished so far.
Garbrandt on his fighting philosophy
I’m just thankful to be here. I’m not afraid to lose or to get beat up.
Garbrandt on winning vs. losing
I have people who love me and who will stay in my life and support me whether I win or lose.
Garbrandt on his tattoos
My uncle…tattooed my grandfather, my biological father and my other uncle. They were all tattooed so I thought it was the norm.
Garbrandt on his attempted suicide
I’m just thankful to be here. I’m not afraid to lose or to get beat up.
Garbrandt on his fighting philosophy
My brother came in the door and he saved my life.
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