Britney Spears Workout and Diet
Born: 1981
Britney Spears was born in Mississippi and grew up in Louisiana. Always active, she started dance lessons at age 3. Spears also took lessons in gymnastics and voice and competed at many state-level competitions. When she was 8, she tried out for The Mickey Mouse Club. She was turned down for being too young, but the casting director recommended she go to performing arts school, so her mother moved her daughters to New York where Spears was cast as an understudy for Natalie Portman in Ruthless!. She also appeared on Star Search and was cast in several commercials before being picked up for The Mickey Mouse Club in 1992. In 1997 at age 15, Spears signed with Jive Records. Baby One More Time was named the Greatest Debut by Rolling Stone magazine and her first 2 albums were among the best-selling records of all time. Spears is often called ‘The Princess of Pop’ and credited with reviving teen pop in the 1990s & early 2000s. She holds many awards, including 7 from Billboard and 13 from the Guinness Book, but still only 1 Grammy. Her acting career was short-lived, with a single starring role in Crossroads. She was the highest paid celebrity judge on X Factor. Spears is also big on perfume and has created 20 fragrances over the years. She has 2 sons with backup dancer Kevin Federline to whom she was briefly married. She has millions of followers on social media. Spears is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs about 120 lbs.
Known For:
Britney Spears’ Diet
Between their teams of psychics and sometimes wild behavior, stars may seem different from the rest of us, but Spears is distinctly human when it comes to eating. She admits to being very moody with food, and needs help to keep her on track. Under the supervision of trainer Derek DeGrazioto, Spears follows a very disciplined diet consisting of no more than 1,500 calories per day, and primarily composed of lean protein and high-fiber veggies. Her protein comes in the form of egg whites, chicken breast, salmon, sushi and yogurt. She makes sure to get her greens every day with hearty salads and steamed veggies. She also eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables for specific properties, such as to help tame asthma and headaches. Her snacks are healthy too, such as nuts or fruit smoothies.
Estimated Macros
- Low-Medium Carb 20%
- Medium Fat 30%
- High Protein 60%
Diet Details
Power Up
Spears starts her day off with a filling breakfast consisting of an egg white omelet and wholegrain toast or oatmeal with fruit.
Food Is Medicine
Spears has started focusing on certain foods for specific properties. She eats bananas, strawberries and pears for stress and spinach, garlic and lemons for asthma.
Wholesome Meals
Spears often has a salad with animal protein at lunch for a meal that is satisfying but won’t slow her down and send her into a carb-coma in the afternoon. Dinner might be some grilled meat with a side of steamed veggies.
Savvy Snacker
When Spears feels a snack attack, she has nuts, yogurt and granola or a smoothie made from fresh fruit so she never has to say ‘Oops.’
Cheat Day
Spears sticks to her healthy eating 6 days a week, and cuts loose on Sundays. Chocolate and pizza are some of her faves, but she can go for just about anything. This balanced approach helps many people stay on track and avoid unhealthy bingeing.
What to Eat
Egg Whites
Wholegrain Bread
Lean Protein
Soy Chips
Chocolate (treat)
What to Avoid
Empty-calorie Foods
Refined Sugar
Processed Carbs
Hydrogenated Fats
Artificial Additives
Chemical Preservatives
Spears on Hunger
‘When I’m hungry, it’s like, “Don’t talk to me.” I am the devil. I am so moody.’
Spears on Her Mood & Food
‘It’s tricky because sometimes my appetite is through the roof and I will just inhale a club sandwich or some fries. Then sometimes, I’m just very cold and I don’t want to eat anything. It’s really, really weird how back and forth I am.’
Spears on Solving Health Issues with Food
‘I have weak eyes and stress and asthma and headaches. So this chart has helped me so much with those problems…and my weight!!! Whoop whoop!’
Spears on Chocolate
‘Chocolate for me is just like an orgasm.’
Britney Spears’ Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Lifelong Love
Spears did gymnastics as a kid, and taught aerobics at her parents’ gym until she hit it big. She’s lucky enough to have a job that helps her keep fit. Nothing like shaking your booty on stage for a few hours every day to keep in shape.
Stay Flexible
Spears does yoga on a regular basis, up to 4 days a week. As she closes in on 40, flexibility is key to feeling good, and avoiding injury.
Get Help
Spears worked with a personal trainer to get her body back after the birth of her 2 kids, and before a big tour.
Reasonable Dose
Spears usually does 2-3 days a week of strength-building. She also spends a fair amount of time working on choreography for her shows.
Dancing Queen
Spears loves to dance and it is one of her go-tos for fitness. Her routines often center around hip hop, but all types of dance build stamina and strength.
Abs Rule
Spears does a daily abs routine for about 20 minutes or so. She’ll do circuits or sets, depending on her mood.
Strength is King
As much as she loves to dance, Spears says one of the most important parts of her regimen is strength training.
Exercise Style
A Britney Spears Routine
Abs work: 20-30 min/daily
Do 15-20 reps of each of the following:
Cross crunches
Leg raises
Russian twists
Side planks
Leg lifts
Strength training: 5 days/week
Do 3-4 circuits of the following:
Bosu ball push-ups: 12-15
Incline pull-ups: 12-15
Burpees: 12-15
Upright rows: 12-15
Stability ball hip thrusts: 12-15
Mountain climbers: 12-15
Split squats: 12-15
Stability ball bench dips: 12-15
Yoga: 2-4 days/week
Spears on Dance
‘Dancing is a great cardio workout. Tough and fun at the same time.’
Spears on Getting Ripped
‘If you want a chiseled body, forget kickboxing classes and all that combative stuff and go for the sense of grace.’
Spears on Yoga
‘I think yoga is about finding the right teacher.’
Spears on Exercise
‘I don’t workout that much, to be totally honest with you.’
Spears on Hitting the Gym
‘Going to the gym isn’t fun…so to do it every day would be horrible.’
Britney Spears’ Supplements
While Spears may be in the public eye quite often, one thing she is keeping quiet about is her supplement choices. So, below are supplements that can benefit anyone following a similar diet routine.
Spears makes an effort to eat healthy foods, including protein which helps curb cravings while it satisfies.
Vitamin D
greens supplement
Get it here
Britney Spears’ Lifestyle
Spirit Mattress Guide
Spears bought a bed based on a psychic’s recommendation who said that the piece of furniture belonged to Spears in a previous life, and that it also belonged to a princess.
Bad Habits
Spears’s whole life is on display, and one of her less-than-ideal habits is nail biting. Another one of her bad habits is leaving candles burning. She almost burned down her NYC apartment and their house in Louisiana when she was a teen by leaving a candle burning.
Odd Gifts
Spears and pal Justin Timberlake once bought each other custom-made toilet seats with their faces on them for $21,000.
Going Au Naturel
Sure, Spears is infamous for going panty-less and popping up naked in in appropriate locations, but she is now a big fan of going nude — on her face. She says makeup is fun, but that a bare face makes her look much younger.
Family Tension
Spears only has 30% unsupervised custodial time with her 2 boys, Sean and Jayden. The court decision comes after Spears spent time in a mental health facility, which she says was to deal with stress over her father’s illness.
Record Holder
Spears hold a record for being married for the shortest duration: 55 hours. On New Year’s Eve 2004, she married Jason Alexander, only to have it annulled immediately after.
Family In the Spotlight
Spears’ mother Lynne Irene Spears co-authored a book about Britney’s life called Heart to Heart. She also wrote the novel A Mother’s Gift, and a tv movie was based on it. In 2008, Lynne released a journal entitled Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World relating what it is like to live with the media tracking your every move.
Famous for the Wrong Reasons
Spears’ sister Jamie Lynn is also famous: for getting pregnant at age 17. She and the father of her child never married and ended the relationship after a couple of years.
Spears on Her Bed
‘One of my psychics said that in another lifetime, it used to be my bed. And they said it belonged to a princess. She could be totally wrong but it’s a nice thought, right?’
Spears on Her Life
‘I go through life like a Karate Kid.’
Spears on Success
‘Success is sometimes harder than failure because when you are successful, people expect so much more out of you.’
Spears on Being in The Public Eye
‘I can’t go anywhere without someone judging me.’
Spears on Makeup
‘Who would have thunk it?!?! After all this time in my life, I’m just now learning that no makeup is the way to go.’
Spears on Her Image
‘I would like to be called an inspiration to people, not a role model, because I make mistakes like everybody else.’
Spears on Herself
‘I don’t like defining myself. I just am.’
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