Shakira Workout and Diet
Born: 1977
From Columbia, Shakira Rioll has 8 older half-siblings. Entranced by her father typing out stories on a typewriter, she requested and received one for Christmas when she was 7. Shakira wrote poetry which eventually became songs. She also became fascinated with belly dancing at a young age and decided she wanted to be a performer. Shakira’s debut album came in 1990 when she was just 13, and subsequent albums were popular throughout Spanish-speaking countries. In 2001, her English-language Laundry Service album sold 13 million albums worldwide. She has received many awards including Grammys, MTV Video Music Awards, Guinness World Records. She is the bestselling female Latin artist of all time. Shakira has done much philanthropic work with the Barefoot Foundation and was appointed to the President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics by President Obama in 2011. She has 2 children with Spanish professional soccer player Gerard Pique. She is one of the most followed people on social media.Shakira is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs about 120 lbs.
Known For:
Shakira’s Diet
At 40+ and a mother of 2, Shakira is in amazing shape. She maintains her figure through a regimen of strenuous exercise and a strict diet. She eats fresh food every 2-3 hours prepared by her personal chef and often advised by her trainer, Anna Kaiser. Each meal contains protein along with veggies or low-glycemic fruit. Shakira is not a big fan of taking supplements, but will sometimes have some plant protein or greens powder in a smoothie. Soup is another one of her go-tos for the satiation it provides.
Estimated Macros
- Low Carb 20%
- Medium Fat 40%
- High Protein 50%
Diet Details
Small Portions
Shakira eats small, nutrient-packed meals to help keep her fueled throughout the day. Breakfast might be an egg or avocado with olive oil or a smoothie made with protein, berries and greens.
Pre & Post Workout Fuel
Shakira likes to drink coffee right before her workout ‘to get her heart rate up.’ After working out, she’ll have something like turkey sausage with cucumbers, tomatoes and feta cheese.
Focus on the Positives
Shakira focuses on what she can eat rather than on the things she can’t.
Super Bowl Diet
Leading up to the 2020 Super Bowl, Shakira eliminated sugar and dairy from her diet to be extra ripped for the big day.
Treats Are Okay
While Shakira eats healthy foods as a rule, she also doesn’t deny herself. If she really wants a treat, she’ll have it. One of her favo-rites: pork chops. A daily treat is dark chocolate or chocolate tea.
Healthy Eater
Even when Shakira doesn’t have a big show on the schedule, she is very good at eating in moderation.
Super Soup
When the 4 o’clock munchies strike, Shakira’s trainer recommends soup because it’s filling without being too high in calories.
What to Eat
Fresh Food
Pork Chops
Olive Oil
Plant Protein
Sea Salt
Dark Chocolate
Chocolate Tea
What to Avoid
Refined Sugar
Processed Foods
Junk Food
Trans Fats
Artificial Ingredients
Chemical Additives
Shakira on Taking Time to Eat
‘Make it a little bit of a ritual and sit down every 2-3 hours, even if it takes you 5 minutes to eat it. You’ll be surprised how that triggers your brain.’
Shakira’s Trainer on Snacks
‘At the 4 o’clock hour, when people are craving caffeine and a cookie, soup is a really great option because it fills you up and feels like a meal so it can keep you going until dinner, but it’s not hugely caloric.’
Shakira’s Trainer on Her Diet
Breakfast, lunch & dinner, with a protein in every meal and fresh veggies or small amounts of low-glycemic fruit for snacks.’
Shakira’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Stay Flexible
Shakira’s routine is different every day as she prepares for big upcoming events, and smaller day-to-day demands.
Friend in Need
Shakira works out with trainer and pal Anna Kaiser who also trains celebrities like Kelly Ripa, Alicia Keys and Hilary Duff.
Track It
Shakira wears an activity tracker to help her keep tabs on her progress.
Age Is Just a Number
Shakira is well into her 40s, proving once again that age is just a number. She exercises to stay strong so she can continue to perform injury-free.
Daily Dose
Shakira works out 6 days a week, anywhere from a brief 20-minute dance class if her schedule is packed to an hour-plus of strength training when she has the time. Sometimes she even works out twice. Her day off is Sunday.
Make It a Habit
Shakira’s routines may be anything from sports conditioning to dance intervals to circuits to high intensity interval training. What matters most is not which exercises you choose, but the commitment to do it.
Body & Mind
Shakira’s constant challenge to her body also involves her mind. She must pay attention and not zone out, helping her to get the most out of her workouts.
No Limits
Sometimes Shakira works out late at night, like swimming at 1 am. Exercise can calm down the body and help you unwind before sleep.
Exercise Style
A Sample Shakira Routine
Lunges: 12 reps x 3 sets
Squats: 12 reps x 3 sets
Pulsing cat: 30 reps x 1 set
Half-plank push-up: 12 reps x 3 sets
Thera-band burn & chest opener: 20/side x 2 sets
Pick 3 moves, do 10-12 reps per exercise & repeat circuit 3x.
Ski plyos
Supine Swiss twist
Jackknife w/ twist
Double tap-outs
Twisting sit-ups
Side passé dip
Belly dancing moves like figure 8s, circles, slides, shimmies.
Strength training
Shakira’s Trainer on Her Workouts
‘Each day is different because I want to make sure I’m preparing her not just for the Super Bowl, but for each day as it comes.’
Shakira’s Trainer on Focus
It is really important both for your mind and your body to consistently switch up your workouts so that you keep you head in the game, you don’t get bored, and you have a workout that’s going to work for you that day.’
Shakira’s Trainer on Her Level of Commitment
‘Shakira’s committed to fitness and wellness, and not just to be in shape for a specific event.’
Shakira’s Supplements
Plant Protein
Greens Powder
Vitamin C & E
Shakira’s Lifestyle
Turn Off
When you’re as busy as Shakira, you need to set limits. She takes Sundays off, and keeps her phone powered down until she has done her workout and spent some time with her kids each day.
Always Grateful
Shakira’s name means ‘grateful’ in Arabic. Her father’s family is of Lebanese descent.
Shakira was rejected from the school choir for having too strong of a vibrato, and the music teacher said she sounded like a goat.
Set Goals
Shakira is always setting goals for herself, and challenging herself to improve in different areas of her life.
A K.I.S.S. Skincare Routine
Shakira keeps things very simple when it comes to her skin: 100+ SPF sunscreen and a vitamin C serum which stimulates collagen production, brightens skin, and evens out tone. She almost never wears makeup.
Giving Back
Shakira’s father used to take her to the park where she would see orphaned children. It made a great impression on her and she founded the Pies Descalzos (Barefoot Foundation) when she was only 18 years old.
Shakira on Life
‘In this life, to earn your place, you have to fight for it.’
Shakira on Achieving
‘You can’t achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice.’
Shakira on Charity
‘It doesn’t matter if you are a musician, a business leader, a president or a student. We all have a responsibility to give back.’
Shakira on Beauty
‘My brain, I believe, is the most beautiful part of my body.’
Shakira on Makeup
‘There is no better makeup than self-confidence.’
Shakira on Scars
‘Scars remind me of just how far that I’ve come.’
Shakira on Lies vs The Truth
‘I prefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie.’
Shakira on Education
‘Education affects every major challenge we face in society. It creates economic growth, paves the way for peace and stability, and helps erase the legacy of marginalization.’
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