Scott Herman Workout and Diet
Fitness Model
Born: 1984
Scott Herman is originally from Massachusetts. He was always an active child and enjoyed playing sports like soccer and wrestled. Herman says being bullied made him want to grow his muscles and began lifting weights when he was 12. He earned a business degree at college and ran a successful DJ company before moving to New York City and scoring a roll on the TV show The Real World. Herman also won the Men’s Health 2007 Iron Abs competition. He then started his YouTube channel called ScottHermanFitness, and later founded his Muscular Strength website. Herman has millions of subscribers to his YouTube channel. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs about 180 lbs.
Known For:
Scott Herman’s Diet
Herman is very particular about nutrition and counts his macros every day. He does not have an on- or off-season, but instead focuses on making lean gains, meaning his daily macros and calories stay about the same. As his strength and muscle increases, he adjusts his intake, usually by adding a little more fat and protein, with a slight increase in carbs. On his website, he offers a meal planning system which calculates macros and creates balanced nutrition from real foods based on your preferences and goals.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Carb 25%
- Medium Fat 30%
- High Protein 45%
Diet Details
No Off-Season
Herman maintains more or less the same diet year-round, although he’ll vary prioritizing strength vs. gaining muscle. Since he likes to keep his body fat low, he’ll only add about a 250 calorie surplus when he’s trying to gain muscle.
Figure Your Macros
Herman counts his proteins, fats, and carbs carefully. He has a marcro counter to help you keep track of yours on his website, but, he says, to be successful with any diet, you have to stick to it.
Herman’s K.I.S.S Plan
Herman says you can eat what you want, so long as you hit your macros. Use common sense and make healthy choices as your go-to.
No Cheats
Herman says he doesn’t ‘cheat’ because he finds ways to incorporate the things he likes into his macros.
What to Eat
Greek Yogurt
Chocolate Milk
Peanut Butter
What to Avoid
Junk Food
Refined Foods
Processed Foods
Artificial Ingredients
Fatty, Low-quality Meats
Anything That Throws Off Your Macros
Herman on Alcohol
Your body considers alcohol a toxin, and will basically stop trying to digest food you ate to get rid of the alcohol, and this can cause the food you ate throughout the day to be stored as fat.
Herman on Juicing
…[B]ecause most bodybuilders juice, they can get away with eating what they want and just monitor calories. It’s a horrible misconception and often sends people down a path of fat gain that might ruin their motivation and drive. Fat cells never go away once created.
Herman on Determination
Determination. It makes everything possible.
Scott Herman’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Get A Goal Board
If you want to achieve your dreams, Herman says you need to write them down and see them every day.
Get A Notebook
A small notebook you can take with you to the gym that tracks your workouts is a great reference, and a good way to push yourself to work harder than the week before.
Focus On Free Weights
While Herman says he will use machines for ab work, he mainly uses free weights because they work more muscle groups at one time.
Focus On Food
Diet is key to a killer physique. It can sometimes seem tedious to figure out what works for you, but once you find it, you’ll see great results. Herman eats almost the same thing every day to save time and hassle.
Focused Routine
Herman concentrates on one area each day, with ab work virtually every day. Monday is chest & abs; Tuesday is back, shoulders & abs; Wednesday is legs; Thursday is arms & abs; Friday is straight-up abs.
Quick Cardio
Herman usually does a brief, simple 20-minute treadmill run, 3 times per week, at the end of a lifting session. He’ll also do some side shuffles for a few minutes to keep his ankles strong.
Run In The Sun(day)
Herman takes a 6-8 mile run on Sundays.
Rest & Recover
Saturday is Herman’s rest day.
Exercise Style
Weekly Workout Routine
Herman does 3 sets and 6-8 reps of each exercise, unless otherwise noted.
Dumbbell Chest Press
Dumbbell Incline Chest Press
Cable Fly: High
Cable Fly: Low
Cable Fly: Middle
Lat Pull-down
Reverse Pull-down
Deadlift (straight bar)
Wide-grip Pull-up
Low Row
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Dumbbell Front Raise
Dumbbell Alternating Overhand/Underhand Lateral Raise
Shrugs (straight bar)
Squats – 5 sets, 15-20 Reps
Leg Extension
Single-leg Extension
Hamstring Curl
Single-leg Curl
Hip Adduction – 15 Reps
Hip Abduction – 15 Reps
Donkey Calf Press – 15-20 Reps
Single-leg Calf Raise – 15-20 Reps
Arms & Abs
Straight Bar Biceps Curl
Alternating Dumbbell Curl
Hammer Curl
Reverse Curl
Close-grip Bench Press
Seated Triceps Extension
Triceps Push-down (v-bar)
Reverse Pull-down
6-8 Mile Run
Scott Herman on Momentum
The only thing keeping me going is not stopping!
Scott Herman on His Role Models
My motivation was, I wanted to look like my favorite superheroes when I was a kid. Pretty cheesy, but that is what got me started.
Scott Herman on Weightlifting
Try to stick to free weights as much as possible as they work the stabilizers as well as the main muscles being targeted.
Scott Herman on His Favorite Muscles
My favorite muscle to train is triceps. Always has been my strongest muscle group as well.
Scott Herman on Finding The Right Fitness Routine
The biggest mistake I see people make is they are not on the right program. You should be circuit training and performing cardio 4-6 days a week.
Scott Herman’s Supplements
Whey Protein
Herman is all about getting plenty of protein and uses BSN’s Syntha-6 protein blend.
Glutamine can help with post-workout recovery and supports immune function.
Branched-chain amino acids can help you retain muscle while losing weight. They can also help you feel full. Herman uses Amino X from BSN.
The Stack
The Scott Herman Stack contains protein, BCAAs, creatine, caffeine and other energy-boosting vitamins, minerals and amino acids in one convenient stack.
Scott Herman’s Lifestyle
Sleep To Gain
While most people only think about their routine for gaining muscle, sleep is key to recovery & gain. You need 7-9 hours every night for maximum muscle growth. Herman also takes slow-digesting casein before bed to avoid muscle breakdown.
Beach Babe
Herman said he really enjoyed playing the beach bum on The Real World.
Humble Beginnings
Herman started lifting his father’s weights at age 12. He became obsessed with the fitness lifestyle, and when he was 14, took a job cleaning a local Gold’s Gym for the free membership.
Herman likes to do many sports besides lifting, including boxing, running cross-country, wrestling, soccer, and kickboxing.
Herman on judgement
I don’t think it’s okay to judge others and put people down. However, it should be okay to be concerned about the health of someone which could lead to major health problems in the future.
Herman on Goals
Having a core main focus is the key to being able to stay determined. Most people only set small goals, and when they accomplish them…it’s hard to stay on track as they are not trying to achieve anything else.
Herman on Learning
People love to learn new things, and you need to understand they want to learn it as easy as possible.
Recommended Products
Syntha-6 RTD
N.O.-Xplode Caffeine Free
Syntha-6 Protein Crisp
Fish Oil DNA
Whey DNA
Carnitine DNA
Creatine DNA
Hyper FX
Nitrix 2.0
Cellmass 2.0
Pumped Edge
R3build Edge
Medi-Back Lumbar Support – Thermal Action Back Brace
Knee Sleeves
Speed Training Sled
Odyn Athletics
Fitness Genes