Olivia Wilde Workout and Diet


Born: 1984

Olivia Wilde is the stage name of Olivia Cockburn. She was born in New York City, grew up in Washington DC, and spent her summers in Ireland. Wilde graduated from Phillips Academy in 2002 and deferred her college acceptance at Bard three times to pursue her acting career. Instead, she studied acting in Dublin, Ireland. Wilde found small roles in the mid-2000s on tv (Skin) and film The Girl Next Door, Conversations with Other Women and Alpha Dog before being cast in the hit series House in 2007.She is also known for playing in Tron: Legacy and The Lazarus Effect. Wild has also appeared on Broadway in 1984. Directing credits include Booksmart and Don’t Worry Darling. Wilde is divorced and has 2 children. She has millions of followers on social media. Wilde is 5 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs about 120 lbs.

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Olivia Wilde’s Diet

Diet Summary

The film industry is not known for its pragmatic approach to diet. Wilde is a refreshing aberration in the land of eating disorders. She is a keen cook and mostly eats clean, indeed, ‘eat better’ is on her annual New Year’s Resolution list. But she also admits to indulging perhaps more than she should. That said, she doesn’t let a cheat meal derail her and she gets right back on track the next time she eats. She starts her day off with coffee and a healthy smoothie or avocado toast. Lunch might be grilled chicken or salmon with roasted veggies and quinoa or a salad, and dinner is similar, perhaps turkey meatballs with spaghetti squash or a healthy stir-fry. Typical snacks are veggies and hummus, nuts, and dried fruit or greek yogurt. She must have her morning coffee, and she stays hydrated with plenty of water.

Estimated Macros

Medium Fat

Medium Carbs

Medium Protein

Diet Details

Morning Must-Have

Wilde was never a morning person until she had kids, which makes coffee a standard.

Start Strong

Wilde’s morning go-to is avocado toast or a smoothie. The toast includes quality olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. The smoothie is made from almond milk, almond butter, blueberries, a banana and spinach or kale, and she sometimes adds cacao for extra flavor.

Serious Chef

Wilde loves to cook. When she was younger, she would sometimes skip school and stay home to watch her favorite cooking shows, and she still loves to feed people rather than spend money on clothes.

Sexy Vegetarian

In 2010, Wilde was voted PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity. She has since gone back to eating meat, but she hasn’t lost her sexy.

Sensible Eats

Wilde eats clean, natural foods, like lean meat, veggies and whole grains. She says her job helps her stay on track with the healthy eating.

On Cheat Meals

Wilde always strives to eat healthy, but if she’s in the mood for a treat, she’ll have it. And then vow to get back to the healthy eating at the next meal.

What to Eat

  • Avocados
  • Whole Grain Bread
  • Quality Olive Oil
  • Almond Milk
  • Almond Butter
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Lean Meat
  • Vegetables
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Quinoa
  • Nuts
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Green Tea
  • Green Tea
  • Cacao
  • Lemon Juice
  • Water

What to Avoid

  • Overeating
  • Junk Food
  • Empty-calorie Foods
  • Refined Foods
  • Artificial Additives
  • Chemical Ingredients

Wilde on smoothies

‘In my smoothies, I’m a big fan of almond butter.’

Wilde on her secret smoothie ingredient

‘Sometimes I’ll use cacao to make a yummy chocolatey thing that tastes more like a shake than a smoothie.’

Wilde on her no-go smoothies

‘People who do just straight green smoothies are too intense for me.’

Olivia Wilde’s Workout Routine

Workout Routine

Squeeze It In

Between work and family, Wilde is a busy woman. She makes time to workout whenever she can.

Studio Time

Wilde prefers to take classes or hit a yoga studio for her exercise, but she doesn’t always have time for that so she also works out regularly at home.

Do What You Can

Wilde says she’s learned enough from going to formal workouts to put together routines on her own.

Set Goals

Wilde uses her job as an actor as motivation for staying strong and in shape. She says everyone should have a goal, be it an upcoming vacation or just feeling better generally.

Daily Dose

Wilde does her best to get in a workout every day after getting her kids off to school.

Mix It Up

Wilde likes to keep things fresh by doing different types of cardio and strength training.

Daily Dance Party

Wilde makes time for a little dancing with her kids every morning before everyone goes their separate ways to work or school.

Exercise Style

An Olivia Wilde Routine


Chest Bench press: 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Incline dumbbell press: 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Cable chest fly: 10-12 reps x 3 sets


Back Bent-over rows: 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Pull-ups: 10-12 reps x 3 sets Seated cable rows: 10-12 reps x 3 sets


Overhead press: 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Lateral raises: 10-12 reps x 3 sets Upright rows: 10-12 reps x 3 sets


Squats: 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Lunges: 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Leg press: 10-12 reps x 3 sets


Biceps curls: 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Triceps extensions: 10-12 reps x 3 sets

Hammer curls: 10-12 reps x 3 sets



Moderate-intensity cardio: 30 min

Core ex (mountain climbers, planks, crunches, etc): 30 min



Wilde on her motivation to be fit

‘I have a very specific goal, and I think that helps.’

Wilde on being in shape for a movie role

‘If you don’t push yourself, then you won’t be able to do the job as well as you want.’

Wilde on finding motivation for non-actors

‘Create that specific thing that you want.’

Olivia Wilde’s Supplements

Besides for Cacao, Wilde is keeping any other supplements she takes on the down low. The following are some supplements that may benefit people who follow a diet and exercise routine similar to Olivia Wilde



Wilde sometimes adds antioxidant powerhouse cacao to her morning smoothie. Cacao reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, and boosts blood flow to the brain.



A multivitamin can help fill the gaps in your diet.

B Vitamins

B Vitamins

B vitamins are a smart pick to boost energy and to keep the metabolism humming along.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D and Calcium

Sufficient vitamin D and calcium are also important for strong bones as we age.



Collagen is another good idea to keep hair, skin and joints strong and healthy.

Olivia Wilde’s Lifestyle

Mornings Are Special

Wilde says she was never into getting up early until she had kids. Now she’s up at 6:30, and says she treasures that early time before the daily madness begins.

Demanding Job

Wilde’s role in the play 1984 was so physically demanding, she broke her tailbone. Costar Tom Sturridge broke his nose.

Literary Family

Wilde’s father is a British journalist; her mother is also a journalist and producer for 60 Minutes. Her grandfather was novelist Claud Cockburn and she has 2 uncles and an aunt who are journalists and writers. Her stage name is based on the writer Oscar Wilde and is a nod to the many writers in her family.

A-List Babysitter

When the family was living in Washington DC, the writer Christopher Hitchens was their tenant, and he would sometimes act as Wilde’s babysitter. She was also once ordered to go to bed by Mick Jagger.

Royal Hubby

In 2003 when she was just 19, Wilde secretly married Italian aristocrat, filmmaker and musician Tao Ruspoli. In doing so, became a member of the Papal nobility. They tied the knot in a school bus to keep things private, and divorced in 2011.

Golden Kids

Wilde has 2 children with actor Jason Sudeikis: Otis, born in 2014 and Daisy, born in 2016. The couple separated in 2021 and they share custody.

A-List Dates

Wilde also dated (the much younger) pop star Harry Styles whom she met while filming Don’t Worry Darling. That relationship ended in 2022.

Sustainability Is Sexy

Wilde is outspoken about the importance of sustainability in consumption. She is a fan of consignment shopping, upcycling, and ethical design. She supports the secondhand site ThredUp

Natural Beauty

Wilde says organic makeup was a game-changer for her as she suffered from adult acne into her 30s. She is a brand activist for the skincare line True Botanicals.

Happy to Be Older

Wilde says she’s very happy to have aged out of the naive ingenue phase of acting. Age has given her the confidence to try new things, like directing.

Wilde on Being an Early Riser

‘I wasn’t a morning person until I had kids — then you have to be a morning person because the action starts early.’

Wilde on Mornings

‘Mornings are really sacred and lovely.’

Wilde on why she did not become a writer

‘I’m aware of how thankless the job of journalist is.’

Wilde on Broadway

‘I never felt like I could call myself an actor until I had done it, and now I feel like I’m earning my keep.’

Wilde on her role model, her mother

‘I grew up sitting on the floor of her editing suite, and I saw her in a position of power.’

Wilde on her parents’ view of her acting

‘At every point in my kind of wild adult life, they’ve been so supportive.’

Wilde on her parents

‘Oh my gosh, the way my parents gaze at one another! They truly feel the other is the most interesting person in the room.’

Wilde on learning to direct

‘My de facto film school was on set.’

Wilde on dating a younger man

‘It’s really tempting to correct a false narrative. But what you realize is that when you’re really happy, it doesn’t matter what strangers think about you.’

Wilde on aging

‘It’s great when you get too old to play dumb.’

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