Olivia Rodrigo Workout and Diet


Born: 2003

Olivia Rodrigo was born in Temecula, California. She started taking singing lessons in kindergarten and piano and acting lessons soon after. Rodrigo picked up the guitar when she was 12. Her first film role was as the lead in An American Girl: Grace Stirs Up Success, also when she was 12. In 2016, after landing a role in Disney’s Bizaardvark, she moved to Los Angeles. In 2019, Rodrigo was cast in High School Musical: The Series. She left the show in 2022 to focus on her own music. Rodrigo released the single ‘Drivers License’ in 2021 and it broke records within weeks of release, hitting over 80 million streams in a single week. She was named Entertainer of the Year by Time magazine in 2021. Rodrigo received 7 Grammy nominations in 2022 and won 2. She is a celebrity partner of the beauty brand Glossier. She has millions of followers on social media. Rodrigo is 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighs about 120 lbs.

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Olivia Rodrigo’s Diet

Diet Summary

Rodrigo follows a vegetarian diet. She is Filipino by ancestry and loves Filipino cuisine. But she also eats typical stuff like cereal and avocado toast. Matcha tea is her daily morning go-to. She fills up on veggies at lunch and dinner, also enjoys plenty of fresh fruit and whole grains. Plant-based meat replacements are also on the menu. Although she snaps pics holding ‘dirty soda,’ she drinks plenty of water every day to stay hydrated.

Estimated Macros

Low Protein

Medium Fat

High Carb

Diet Details

Light Breakfast

Rodrigo usually has something light for breakfast, like oatmeal from McDonald’s. If she’s feeling more upscale, she might have avocado toast. One of AM must-haves is matcha tea made with oat milk.

Reasonable Meals

Rodrigo’s lunch and dinner are a mix of veggies, grains, and fruit.

Spring Rolls, Veggie-Style

Rodrigo digs Filipino cuisine. While many Filipino dishes are naturally vegetarian, she loves a traditional speciality called lumpia, which are spring rolls. Her grandma makes them with tofu instead of meat especially for her.

Was that a Chicken Wing?

Rodrigo famously appeared on Hot Ones in which she ate chicken wings, but they were made from a veggie substitute.

Dirty Soda

Just about everything Rodrigo does goes viral, including the ‘dirty soda’ trend of mixing creamer, soda, syrup, and lime juice.

Carbs: the Cure for Sadness

Rodrigo’s top pick for her birthday and any day she’s feeling blue is mac n’ cheese and a Coke along with a side of bread from the Macaroni Grill.

What to Eat

  • All veggies
  • Oatmeal
  • Avocados
  • Fruit
  • Whole grains
  • Plant protein
  • Nuts
  • Matcha tea
  • Oat milk
  • Water

What to Avoid

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Junk food
  • Fast food
  • Chemicals
  • Artificial additives

Rodrigo on cooking for herself

Last night, I just had peanut M&Ms because I don’t cook.

Rodrigo on her favorite breakfast

My favorite thing in the whole world is McDonald’s oatmeal.

Rodrigo on her pick-me-up meal

My favorite meal ever is Macaroni Grill mac and cheese, bread, and Coke…Any time I’m feeling sad, I ask my mom if we can go to Macaroni Grill and get that.

Olivia Rodrigo’s Workout Routine

Workout Routine

Early Dreams

As a little girl, Rodrigo threw herself into gymnastics. Even though she wasn’t any good, she thought pure will power would take her all the way to the Olympics.

A K.I.S.S. Fitness Plan

Rodrigo is a busy gal, so she doesn’t stress herself out about doing strict exercise routines. A long-ish run and some abs work, that’s all she does on a regular basis.

Yoga for Serenity

When Rodrigo has time, she squeezes in a little yoga for strength flexibility, and to strengthen the mind-body connection.

Exercise Style

An Olivia Rodrigo Routine

  • Running
  • Yoga
  • Abs circuit
  • Crunches: 50
  • Cross crunches: 30
  • Leg raises: 20
  • Russian twists: 20
  • V-ups: 20
  • Plank twist: 20
  • Plank: 40 sec

Rodrigo on her running form

I am a terrible runner but it’s the thought that counts.

Rodrigo on making time for exercise

In the afternoon, I went on a run and did an ab workout to help release some energy.

Rodrigo on getting out after quarantine

I’m…so excited to go to the beach.

Olivia Rodrigo’s Supplements

Other than her hair vitamins, Rodrigo doesn’t have much to say about supplementing. So, below are options that may benefit anyone following a similar diet plan.

Hair Vitamins

Hair Vitamins

Rodrigo takes Olly vitamin gummies as part of her beauty routine. She says she can really tell the difference in her hair.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

As a vegetarian, Rodrigo should consider adding a few things such as vitamin B12 which supports metabolism and brain function, and can be difficult to get from plant sources.

Omega 3s


Omega-3s are essential for brain and overall health, and can be found in vegan-friendly algae oil.

vegan iron supplement.

Vegan Iron Supplement

Plant-based iron is harder to absorb. To be sure you’re getting enough, consider adding a vegan iron supplement.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another vitamin many vegetarians and non-vegetarians run low in, even those who live in sunny places like SoCal.

Olivia Rodrigo’s Lifestyle

Rise & Compose

Rodrigo has made it a habit to compose music every morning right after breakfast. She says that even if what she comes up with isn’t great, it’s an important part of the creative process.

Down with Distraction

Rodrigo cuts out distractions that interfere with her productivity, such as going out every night or clinging to a boyfriend.

Mega Star Inspo

Rodrigo credits Taylor Swift for inspiring her to become a musician. Rodrigo also names Alanis Morissette, Lorde, and Cardi B among her influences.

The Upside of Quarantine

Rodrigo wrote a song every day for the first 4 months of the pandemic quarantine, sharing snippets of them on Instagram.

Second Hand Glam

Rodrigo is concerned about sustainability in fashion, and wears vintage clothes as well as repeating outfits to show that it’s okay to wear clothes more than once.

Giving Back

Rodrigo has been involved with several philanthropic undertakings, including My Friend’s Place that helps homeless youth, She Can STEM, and selling Spicy Pisces t-shirts to benefit She’s The First which sponsors girls’ education.

Prized Possession

Rodrigo says her Yamaha piano is her most prized possession, and the first thing she bought with her own money. She writes all her songs on it.

Straight-Laced Kid

Rodrigo says she was a goody two-shoes as a kid. Her parents weren’t strict because they didn’t need to be. She got straight As and always tried to please her teachers. Songwriting became her outlet for making mistakes.

Overnight Sensation

Plenty of ‘overnight sensations’ are actually years in the making, but Rodrigo is one who really did enjoy instant success. Her hit single ‘Drivers License’ catapulted her to fame in the space of a week.

Breaking Barriers

Rodrigo is the first Filipino-American to be featured on an American Vogue magazine cover. She says she is proud to be a role model for Filipino girls.

Rodrigo on insta-fame

A hard thing for me to grapple with when this whole thing started happening is, just, anyone can say anything. You can’t control [it].

Rodrigo on creativity

I’m a big believer in creativity as a discipline.

Rodrigo on Filipinos

I think that Filipino people are some of the most wonderful, loving people on the planet.

Rodrigo on representing a minority

I think representation is all about adding. I don’t think it’s about taking anything away from anyone.

Rodrigo on songwriting

I literally wrote break-up songs before I ever held a boy’s hand. I just love writing music.

Rodrigo on aging

I feel like I get happier with age, so hopefully that’s a trend that continues.

Rodrigo on her taste in fashion

I look for quality, and I like pieces that are kind of funky and weird…I try to shop vintage, mostly.

Rodrigo on the best way to recover from a breakup

Besides cutting off all contact, I think it’s important to not only forgive them but forgive yourself for letting everything happen.

Rodrigo on her first crush

Edward [from Twilight].

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