Jamie Eason Workout and Diet
Fitness Model
Born: 1976
Jamie Eason grew up in Texas. While at Texas A&M, she took a weight training class which led to her interest in fitness. In 2001, she was selected for the new Houston Texan cheerleading squad but was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 22. At 28, the cancer returned, along with a second diagnosis of Spina Bifida Occulta. An inactive lifestyle and poor-quality diet took its toll on her body and she started exercising and working with a nutritionist to regain control of her health. She got her body fat down to 10% and began entering competitions. In 2006, she earned a pro card at the Hardbody Entertainment Model Search and became a spokesperson for bodybuilding.com. She has appeared on over 150 magazine covers including Oxygen, Fitness and RX. Eason has created several workout routines that are followed by millions. She is also a global ambassador for Reebok. She has been married to fellow fitness enthusiast Michael Middleton since 2012 and they have 2 sons together. She has over a million followers on social media. Eason is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs about 110 lbs.
Known For:
Jamie Eason’s Diet
To regain control of her health following her cancer battle, Eason started working out, but she saw real results after consulting with a nutritionist. She eats every 3 hours, and recommends this to others as a way to maintain steady energy throughout the day. She also says that when you eat on schedule, your body releases fat because it knows it doesn’t need to hang onto it. This is also why she does not believe in going for long periods without eating. She chooses healthy, natural foods and avoids chemical additives and preservatives. She also recommends tracking your calories as a faster way to achieve your goals. She says that while supplements can help, they are not a fix for a bad diet. She also says water is the best beverage because it’s cheap and healthy.
Estimated Macros
- Low Fat 20%
- Variable Carb 40%
- Medium-High Protein 50%
Diet Details
Timing Matters
Eason eats every 3 hours to keep her metabolism stoked. She says planning is key to success with a healthy diet.
Get Creative
Eason says healthy eating doesn’t have to mean boring. She recommends experimenting with spices to keep things interesting.
On Carb Cycling
Eason varies her intake of carbs based on whether she’s looking to grow or cut. She also says eating carbs with protein after a workout acts like a broom, sweeping the protein into the muscles.
Break Out the Muffin Tins
Eason recommends cooking your food in muffin tins as a way to keep food moist, and for portion control.
Nix the Booze
Eason is against drinking alcohol while taking supplements. She also tells people to avoid preservatives and artificial ingredients.
No Snacks
Eason says the word ‘snack’ usually means eating something that is small but unhealthy, and may actually contain a lot of calories, along with toxic ingredients.
No Deprivation
Eason is not a fan of cheat meals because she considers them to be a slippery slope. She prefers to eat healthy food that tastes great so she never feels deprived.
What to Eat
All Vegetables
Green Beans
Fatty Fish (Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna, etc)
Lean Fish (Tilapia, Sole, Flounder, Cod, etc)
Chicken Breast
London Broil
Unsweetened Almond Milk
Greek Yogurt
Cottage Cheese
Egg Whites
Gluten-free Grains (oats, quinoa, rice, chickpea)
Maple Syrup
Coconut Sugar
Raw Stevia
What to Avoid
Empty-calorie Foods
Processed Foods
Refined Sugar
Junk Food
Fast Food
Chemical Ingredients
Artificial Additives
Eason on Food Prep
The diet is pretty strict in terms of no bread, very few carbs, no sugar, no bullshit. Healthy food, a lot of vegetables and a lot of game meat, mostly wild game.
Eason on Diet vs. Exercise
‘I prefer to eat clean as often as possible instead of doing huge amounts of cardio.’
Eason on Healthy Eating
If you eat cake and Ho Hos, and that’s all you eat, that’s what your body uses to regenerate cells, that’s what your body uses to grow. All of your tissue is eventually going to be made out of everything you eat.
Jamie Eason’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Transform Your Body
One of Eason’s most popular plans is the 12-week transformation. It involves 3 phases and she promises results.
Muscles Are Sexy
Eason challenges the stereotype that muscles on women are unfeminine and unattractive. She says inner strength can come from physical strength.
Keep It Fun
Eason says no one should miss out on fun because of exercise. She keeps her exercise schedule flexible so she has time to enjoy herself.
Don’t Overdo It
Eason says that while exercise is important, it’s even more important not to overtrain. Downtime, proper sleep, and diet are also pillars of health.
No Limits
Eason says it doesn’t matter what age you are or your current fitness level, you can develop a healthy lifestyle that will allow you to achieve your goals.
Daily Dose
Eason works out 6 days a week. She concentrates on weight training and would rather skip the cardio.
Short & Sweet
When Eason does cardio, she keeps it short by doing plyometrics and interval training for maximum fat-burning in minimal time.
Hit Every Muscle Group
Eason says it’s important to work all your muscles every week. Her preference is to focus on 1 area per day, but in a pinch, she will do the whole body in 1 day.
Train for Your Weaknesses
Eason says there’s always some part of the body that lags behind the others. Give that part 2 days a week rather than just 1. To break through plateaus, she suggests lifting heavy.
Easy as 1-2-3
The first phase of Eason’s plan is to revamp your diet and start lifting weights. In phase 2, you add cardio and cut carbs to burn fat and sculpt muscles. The third phase focuses on building muscle and continued clean eating.
Exercise Style
A Jamie Eason Routine
Pull ups: 5 reps x 5 sets
T-bar row: 10 reps x 3 sets
Single-arm dumbbell row: 10 reps x 3 sets
Seated row, close grip: 10 reps x 3 sets
Lat pulldown: 10 reps x 3 sets
Seated dumbbell press: 10 reps x 3 sets
Side lateral dumbbell press: 10 reps x 3 sets
Lateral raise w/ cables: 10 reps x 3 sets
Seated rear delt fly (machine): 10 reps x 3 sets
Seated leg extension: 10 reps x 3 sets
Smith machine squats: 15 reps x 3 sets
Walking barbell lunges: 20 reps x 3 sets
Standing calf raises: 20 reps x 3 sets
Seated calf raises: 15 reps x 3 sets
Arms, Chest & Abs
Seated incline dumbbell press: 10 reps x 2 sets + 2 min jump rope
Cable flys + Cable biceps curls: 10 reps x 2 sets
Roman chair leg raises: 10 reps x 3 sets
Bicycle crunches: 25 reps x 3 sets
Cardio: 40-60 min
Seated leg curls: 20 reps x 3 sets
Smith machine squats: 15 reps x 3 sets
Stiff leg deadlift: 15 reps x 3 sets
Leg press: 15 reps x 3 sets
Lying leg curl: 10 reps x 3 sets
Seated calf raises: 10 reps x 3 sets
Eason on Growth
‘Give your muscles the attention they need to grow by focusing on 1 major muscle group per day.’
Eason on Cardio
‘I do as little cardio as possible.’
Eason on Music & Motivation
‘Music can really affect the intensity of a workout. I love having it on during cardio especially.’
Eason on Self-image
Martial arts are a vehicle for developing yo‘For the record, someone will ALWAYS say that you are too big, too thin, too lean, too fat, too whatever…A person with confidence won’t be deterred! Keep after it!’ur human potential.
Jamie Eason’s Supplements
Eason says no matter how great your diet, no one gets 100% of their RDA of every nutrient so everyone should be taking a multivitamin.
Jamie Eason’s Lifestyle
Don’t Skimp on Sleep
Eason says many people do not realize how important sleep is to make gains. The body undergoes growth and repair while you’re asleep, and sleep deprivation also suppresses human growth hormone, essential to build muscle.
Keep Stress in Check
Eason says another common reason people fail to achieve their fitness goals is stress. Stress hormones wreak havoc on your system, elevate blood pressure and blood sugar, can lead to weight gain and a depressed immune system. Chronic stress can even lead to heart attack, stroke, and cancer.
Multiple Health Scares
Eason was diagnosed with cancer at age 22. Five years later, the cancer was back, and she had a second diagnosis of Spina Bifida Occulta, a painful disease in the spine when it flares up.
Commit to Health
Eason says exercise isn’t something you do for 20 minutes on a Tuesday. She says even on days you don’t work out, you should still find ways to get activity into your day.
Get Your Priorities Straight
Eason says to people who make excuses about organic food costing too much or they can’t afford a gym membership, that poor health costs more, both monetarily and in lost enjoyment in life.
Eason on Cancer
‘I never imagined at 22 that I would have breast cancer, but you never know what can happen. Don’t wait until something forces you to focus on your health. Be proactive about it now.’
Eason on Life
‘This is your life. If you are not who you want to be, change it! It won’t be easy and it may take some time, but surround yourself with people who love and support you and go for it!’
Eason on Positivity
‘A positive attitude goes a long way. Focus your energy on the here and now, and see how a happier your shines through.’
Eason on her Family
‘I have the most amazing and supportive family. My parents always encouraged us to aim high and follow our dreams. They instilled in us that nothing worth having comes easy.’
Eason on The High Cost of Ill Health
We define ourselves far too often by our past failures. That’s not you. You are this person right now. You’re the person who has learned from those failures. Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired.
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