Chris Heria Workout and Diet
Fitness Expert
Born: 1991
From Miami, Chris Heria was always interested in fitness and worked out in public parks near his home. He became a Barstarzz athlete and traveled the world competing and holding workshops for the brand. Heria then founded the fitness company Calisthenics Academy offering tutorials for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. He built up a following on YouTube and developed a fitness app that he named ThenX. Heria has one son. He has millions of followers on social media and he also teaches live classes. Heria is 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighs about 155 lbs.
Known For:
Chris Heria’s Diet
Heria works out all the time, but he still considers diet to be an essential component of fitness. He counts his macros and engages in intermittent fasting, but varies his fasting sessions based on what time he plans to workout. On days when he does heavy lifting, his fast will be shorter and he will consume more carbs. In general, however, he takes a pass on breakfast and only has something light before his workout, such as a banana. He eats the usual suspects: chicken, salmon, eggs, broccoli, leafy greens, and whole grains like quinoa along with whey protein shakes and other supplements. He is serious about his water intake and starts sipping first thing every morning.
Estimated Macros
- Variable Carb 30%
- Low-Medium Fat 20%
- High Protein 60%
Diet Details
Torch That Fat
To keep his 6-pack, Heria prefers to work out on an empty stomach, or mostly empty. He might have a banana, along with BCAAs as his pre-workout.
Plan It
Heria makes his shopping list based on 3 categories: protein, carbs, and snacks. When he shops with a list, he is less tempted to pick unhealthy items.
Drink Up
Heria passes on the food first thing, but he does have water along with some supplements like fish oil, collagen, glutamine and biotin.
Counting (Ma)Cros
Heria says if you’re looking to gain muscle, you must focus on getting enough protein which means counting macros. Without paying close attention to what you’re taking in, gains will likely be a lot slower.
Do Not Skimp on Veggies
A lot of people would rather supplement than eat their greens; not Heria. He often has 4 cups of veggies in a single meal.
Sensible Choices
Heria is not a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ kind of guy. He is sincere about health and eats clean most of the time. Lunch is often chicken breast and broccoli along with some quinoa, and dinner might be omega-3-rich salmon, more quinoa and a bunch of vegetables.
Solid Snacks
Heria bedtime snack is whey protein with Greek yogurt to help him sleep and recover. Everything he eats promotes health and wellness.
What to Eat
Chicken Breast
Ground Turkey
Turkey Bacon
Black Beans
Chick Peas
Greek Yogurt
Greek Yogurt
Greek Yogurt
Whey Protein
What to Avoid
Empty-calorie Food
Fast Food
Junk Food
Fried Food
Refined Sugar
Artificial Additives
Hydrogenated Oils
Heria on Diet
‘If you’re not already doing so, being very aware of your macronutrients and having a balanced diet will immediately give you results.’
Heria on Tracking Macros
‘It was a lot of trial and error for me in the beginning, but if I had counted my macros, I probably would have gained a lot more muscle faster.’
Heria on Eating Before a Workout
‘A lot of guys like to eat around 8 in the morning. I like to fast. It feels most comfortable to me.’
Heria on Intermittent Fasting
‘I’ll probably eat for the first time, lunch, around 2 pm…It’s a personal thing for each and every person.’
Chris Heria’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Morning Rush
Heria gets his first workout in the morning. He hits it hard first thing: 100 push-ups and 100 pull-ups, and that’s just the beginning.
No Gym Required
Heria grew up using whatever he could get his hands on to exercise, and proves that fancy equipment and expensive gym memberships are not necessary to get a ripped physique.
Helping Hand
Heria says a big part of the reason he developed his fitness program was to help people avoid the mistakes he made.
Crossover Benefits
Heria says one of his biggest motivations to get strong was the effect it had on other areas of his life, such as the improvement in his skateboarding skills.
Daily Dose
Heria works out 5-6 days a week for at least 2-3 hours. Because not everyone has this much time to devote to working out, Heria developed several quick routines that still give results.
Stretching Matters
Heria considers the warm-up essential to prevent injury. He always stretches both before and after working out.
Cardio of Choice
Heris does 10 minutes of cardio as part of his warmup routine. He often uses a rowing machine, but it can be anything that gets the blood flowing.
Exercise Style
A Chris Heria Workout
Chest: Use weighted vest if desired
Push-up: 25
Ring dip: 12
Push-up with bar: 25
Ring push-up: 12
Decline push-up: 25
Warm up:
Spiderman push up across: 5
Mountain climbers: 45 sec
Plank: 45 sec
Do 4 sets of the following:
Barbell deadlift: 5
Bent-over row: 7
Pull-up: to failure
Single-arm dumbbell row: 7
Barbell curl: to failure
Australian pull-up: to failure
Do 3 sets of the following:
Single-arm pull-up: 4
Tuck planche press to handstand: 6
Barbell military press: 10
Handstand to 90-degree push-up: 10
Dumbbell rear delt fly: 12
Handstand push-up: 8
Do 4 sets of the following
Jump squat & hold: 15
Alternating lunge & hold: 20
Sumo squat: 20
Jumping jacks: 45 sec
Calf raise & hold: 20
Pistol squat: 8
Wall sit: 45 sec
Box jump: 15
Do 3 sets of the following:
Pronated curl, back to wall: 10
Supinated curl: 10
Neutral curl: 10
Overhead triceps extension: 10
Laying dumbbells extension: 10
Supinated triceps kickbacks: 10
Heria on the Right Way to Breathe
‘If you exhale all your air going up on your squat, you’re going to be able to deliver more power, which is going to increase your repetitions.’
Heria on Making Progress
‘If I’d known exactly what progressions to do, in the exact order, I would have achieved these exercises way sooner, and I would have hit way less plateaus in the process.’
Heria on Motivation
‘Every time I would see improvements in my strength…I would see it transfer over into my other physical activities.’
Chris Heria’s Supplements
Fish Oil
Whey Protein
Chris Heria’s Lifestyle
Burn Fat While You Snooze
To burn calories while you’re asleep, Heria recommends doing a high interval exercise routine before you go to sleep. Another tip: skip the pizza and ice cream before bed. They wreak havoc with blood sugar, lowering your chances of getting quality Zzzs.
New Year, New Workout
Heria is always looking for new ways to challenge himself, and one of them was to try out Muay Thai boxing. While it is very physical, it is also considered a spiritual practice.
Tip Top Tutor
Heria demos all kinds of neat tricks on his YouTube channel, from how to do a super high pull-up to the easiest way to perform a human flag.
Go Zen
Heria is a single dad to his son Zen who turns 10 in 2021. Each birthday, Zen adds a new strength challenge for each year of his life.
Heria on his Childhood
‘Growing up in Miami was hot, so you spend most of your time outside in the sun, hanging out with your friends.’
Heria on Rocketing Up Through The Fitness World
‘Soon I found myself traveling all over the world, competing, teaching, meeting some amazing people, and creating some of my greatest memories.’
Heria on His Career Path
‘I didn’t know what this was all leading up to, but it felt right. After developing an arsenal of knowledge and perfecting my craft, I came back home to open the first Calisthenics Gym in Miami.’
Heria on ThenX
‘ThenX is a lifestyle…It’s a family.’
Heria on His Success
‘We’re growing crazy, like, every single week.’
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