Let’s talk about weight loss products. When you get down to it, weight loss typically follows a very simple formula. In essence, as long as you consume fewer calories than you are burning, or have a consistent calorie deficit each day, you will eventually lose weight. Several weight loss products are designed to help your body burn more calories by kickstarting your metabolism or suppressing your appetite, causing you to not eat as much and making it easier to diet.
Boombod is a weight loss supplement that is marketed to work primarily as an appetite suppressant. Boombod claims that it can decrease bloating, contains only ten calories per serving, and cleanses your body with absolutely no laxatives, gluten, preservatives, sugar, or caffeine. It is marketed as a short-term weight loss plan and claims it can give results in as little as a week, which the company calls the “Boombod 7 day achiever”.
First, a quick note on the word “cleanse.” There are a ton of weight loss products out there that market themselves as “cleansing” supplements. The reality of it is that there is no standard definition of what a weight loss cleanse is. Sometimes cleanse can refer to simple diet changes, whereas other times cleanse may be referring to a physical detox through the use of laxatives.
Now let’s talk a bit about Boombod, what it’s made of, how it works, what the ingredients are, and whether or not it is worth the purchase. Keep reading our Boombod review to see if this is the right weight loss supplement for you.
What is the Boombod Weight Loss Drink?
Boombod markets itself as a “simple, quick, and tasty way to lose weight.” Boombod is designed specifically to suppress appetite and give you more energy, so you eat less, experience fewer hunger pangs, and don’t succumb to fatigue from the energy restricted diet. Each serving of Boombod has only ten calories. It is also sugar-free, gluten-free, and vegan.
How Do I use Boombod?
Boombod offers a seven day achiever program that is designed to help with weight loss. Each 7-day plan pack comes with 21 packets of energy shots that you take three times a day before each meal. Each package contains:
- 7-morning energy shots (Morning Energizer)
- 7 afternoon shots (Afternoon Motivator)
- 7 nighttime shots (Night Rejuvenator)
You simply take the shot after eating a meal and chase it down with a glass of water. Each package contains a unique blend of vitamins to give you sustained energy throughout the day. The company instructs users to stick to the combination of the Morning Energizer, Afternoon Motivator, and Night Rejuvenator for seven days to start seeing results.
Boombod Product Formulation
Boombod uses a unique blend of vitamins and minerals to help aid in weight loss. The formula isn’t overly complex, and it’s refreshing to see that most of the ingredients are well-researched and well-tested.
The vitamin and mineral blend includes Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, zinc, Vitamin D3, selenium, biotin, and many other essential nutrients. The nutrient formula differs per pack as the Morning Energizer contains nutrients catered more towards an energy and metabolism boost like Vitamin C and iron. The Afternoon Motivator contains nutrients, like zinc and B vitamins, known to reduce fatigue and essentially get you over that afternoon slump. The Night Rejuvenator contains nutrients like Vitamin D3, biotin, and selenium that help promote skin and hair health.
Boombod also contains a quality source of glucomannan fiber, which is the main ingredient that works to suppress your appetite. According to their explanatory video, the glucomannan mixture turns into a gel in the stomach, reduces the space for food, and contributes to a feeling of being full, so you eat less. We will take a closer look at the efficacy behind some of these ingredients later in our review.
Who Makes Boombod?
Boombod is made by Boombod Ltd., a company based out of Essex, UK. Boombod has been active since 2013 and has cultivated quite the online following. Boombod is marketed heavily in the UK on several online publications and has received endorsements from several high-profile celebrities.
As far as appearances, Boombod has pretty solid branding and has quite a lot of positive customer reviews. When we started our Boombod review, we wanted to see how other customers responded to the product. Boombod has a Trustpilot with several positive reviews and very few negative reviews. Most of the negative reviews have to do with the company’s shipping and payment practices, not the quality of the product itself. This is a good sign for Boombod.
How Does Boombod Work?
Boombod helps you lose weight by suppressing your appetite. The liquid mixture turns into a gel in your stomach, which makes you feel full and prevents cravings. Each packet of Boombod also contains a mixture of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamin B6, and riboflavin. In that sense, it’s a rather simple product.
As mentioned above, the product is designed to help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite. There is no magical ingredient that melts fat away (this ingredient doesn’t exist). Instead, Boombod can help you eat less without losing energy. Think of it like this. You know that you would lose weight if you ate 20% less food every day. That’s basic science. Of course, cutting back on food isn’t easy. You may feel tired, hungry, or grumpy. Boombod helps to alleviate those symptoms by suppressing your appetite and increasing your energy. Essentially, this product makes it easier to eat less so you can lose weight without feeling like you are making a major sacrifice.
What are the Boombod Ingredients?
The only active ingredient in Boombod is 1g of glucomannan. All the other ingredients are vitamins and minerals that are not directly related to weight loss. Glucomannan is a popular weight loss supplement and is marketed in a lot of weight loss products. Glucomannan is a polysaccharide dietary fiber.
The general idea is that the glucomannan fibers help fill up the stomach, reducing the amount of empty space and making you feel full and suppressing appetite. Glucomannan is currently approved by the European Food Safety Authority for use as a weight-loss supplement.
Glucomannan does have some known side effects, though. First and foremost, too much glucomannan can cause constipation, like too much of any fiber. This can also cause increased bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort and distress. This risk is decreased if the product is taken with a lot of water. By also consuming additional water everyday, you are also helping enhance the absorption of some of these nutrients included in each blend as well.
Is Boombod Safe?
The ingredients in Boombod are generally regarded as safe. The most active ingredient is approved by the European Food Safety Authority, and the rest of the ingredients are common vitamins and minerals. The biggest cause for concern when it comes to the active ingredients is definitely the glucomannan. Although this ingredient is approved by the European Food Safety Authority, it is still under-researched. In addition, any compound that makes you feel satiated by contributing a large amount of fiber is cause for concern. Too much fiber can cause gastrointestinal distress, discomfort, and bloating.
As shown by the reviews on the website (and our own review process), very few users experienced some of these negative side effects though. A small percentage of users reported feeling nauseous and constipated. These side effects can be minimized by taking the product with a lot of water. It should also be noted that although aspartame-free, the Boombod 7 day achiever does contain artificial sweeteners in the form of sucralose. This artificial sweetener has somewhat of a bad reputation as it can cause nausea, bloating, and might even cause increased hunger for some.
It is not recommended to take Boombod if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking a prescription medicine without consulting your GP. You should always consult with a healthcare professional before taking a weight loss supplement, especially if you have a history of gastrointestinal issues.
Where To Buy Boombod
You can currently buy Boombod directly from the company website or from Amazon. It does not currently seem to be available in physical retail stores. The 7-day achiever pack costs $39.99 while the 14-day and 28-day achiever packs cots $79.99 and $159.96, respectively. The 28-day program comes with a free shaker bottle, which is a nice added bonus.
Common Questions About Boombod
During our review process, we came across a lot of common questions about the product. Here are some common questions and answers to help you rate the efficacy of this product further.
Does Boombod Make You Lose Weight?
Boombod is designed to aid in weight loss. The keyword here is “aid.” It is difficult to find a safe, over-the-counter supplement that can make the pounds magically disappear. That being said, certain supplements can help you in your weight loss journey. Boombod is designed to suppress your appetite without decreasing your energy and also boost your metabolism, which is a great feature when coupled with a healthy workout routine. This makes it easier to eat less, which will ultimately contribute to weight loss.
As with any weight loss supplement, Boombod is most effective when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Does Boombod Really Work?
The short answer is “yes”, but there are two parts to this answer. The ingredients are designed to suppress your appetite and increase your energy. People will experience these benefits differently. To illustrate the point, a great point of comparison is caffeine. Some people will have a cup of coffee and be wide-eyed and focused for hours, while others will just get a small energy boost.
You will need to figure out how these ingredients work for you specifically. However, based on the Boombod reviews on the company’s website, it appears that the product works well for the majority of users.
It should also be noted that if you take Boombod and continue to eat the same amount as usual, the product is unlikely to be effective for you in achieving the Boombod benefits.
How Long Can You Use Boombod For?
You should not use Boombod for more than 28 days. This is the longest program that the company offers, and for a good reason. Boombod is a great supplement to help boost your initial weight loss efforts. You should not get dependent on it and use it as a way to replace a healthy diet and exercise regimen. To reap the full benefits of Boombod, we recommend using it for 7-14 days at a time. You can always cycle off and pick it back up again at a later point.
Is Boombod Worth the Money?
When it comes to our overall rating, we have to first state that health is priceless and cannot be bought. If Boombod can help aid in weight loss and help you shed a few pounds then it definitely justifies the price. We recommend starting with the 7-day plan and seeing how it works for you. If you see great results, you may decide to order the 14-day or 28-day packages. Boombod is definitely a great option for those looking to enhance their weight loss results, especially when your diets fail or your workout routines are not proving to be as effective.
As stated, the ingredients in Boombod are not necessarily clinically proven to provide immediate weight loss. Consuming a healthy, balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise are essential in losing weight in a healthy, effective way.