Tom Ellis Workout and Diet
Born: 1978
Tom Ellis is originally from Wales. Throughout his childhood, he was quite musical and played French horn in a youth orchestra. For college, he studied Dramatics at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Ellis has played on many tv shows and films, but is perhaps best known for his role on Miranda and for playing the lead in Netflix’s Lucifer. He is also an avid golfer. Ellis was married to actress Tamzin Outhwaite for 8 years and has 2 children with her. He married actress Meaghan Oppenheimer in 2019. He has millions of followers on social media. Ellis is 6 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs about lbs.
Known For:
Tom Ellis’s Diet
If you think playing the devil means you can take a devil-may-care attitude toward eating, think again. When Lucifer was re-optioned, Ellis promised his trainer he would do whatever it took to get ripped. He followed a strict diet that involved counting macros and lots and lots of chicken breast for 3 months straight. He ate 5 high-protein meals a day along with two protein shakes. Besides chicken breast, some of his staples were egg whites, veggies, unprocessed brown rice, and nuts. He also drank plenty of water. Ellis gained 20 lbs. in the first 2 months, then started his cutting phase in the final month.
Estimated Macros
- Low Carbs 20%
- Medium Fat 30%
- High Protein 70%
Diet Details
A Helluva Breakfast
Ellis kicked off his day with a humungous omelet made of 5 eggs, 5 egg whites and vegetables like mushrooms, onions and peppers.
Fired Up About Protein
In addition to chicken breast, Ellis had at least two whey protein shakes each day which he might mix with strawberries for extra flavor.
Sinless Snacks
A snack for Ellis is a double serving of almonds which provide heart-healthy fats.
The Devil Is in the Details
Elllis says he never worked so hard as he did to prepare for season 5 of Lucifer because it involved commitment and persistence on all sides.
Natural Slacker
Ellis says giving up beer was the hardest part for him, and while he felt tempted, he didn’t give in because his trainer checked on him every single day. He also says he is now much more conscious of his choices when he does want to indulge, and usually just sticks to one beer.
Good English Breakfast
If he could get away with it, Ellis would have poached eggs, bacon and baked beans every single day.
What to Eat
Egg Whites
Fresh Vegetables
Chicken breast
Fresh Fruit
Brown Rice
Peppermint Tea
What to Avoid
Junk Food
Empty-calorie Foods
Processed Foods
Refined Sugar
Refined Carbs
Hydrogenated Fats
Artificial Ingredients
Chemical Additives
Ellis on the Importance of Diet For a Ripped Physique
‘Stay hydrated, eat clean, and you’ll see the difference.’
Ellis on his Strict Diet and Exercise Routine
‘It was like a new full-time job.’
Ellis on Beer
‘I’ve always loved beer — or liquid bread, as Paulo calls it.’
Ellis on Drinking Tea Instead of Beer
‘It’s nice to be able to get up in the morning and feel fresh.’
Ellis on his Trainer
‘I couldn’t have done it without him.’
Ellis on Oysters
‘Oysters are the devil’s food. Not a fan!’
Tom Ellis’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Feel the Burn
Lucifer was originally canceled after 4 seasons, but fans campaigned to bring it back. Ellis worked hard to give his audience something new.
A New Level of Devil
Even a deity can sometimes need a helping hand. Ellis hired celebrity trainer Paulo Mascitti to help with all aspects of his training both diet and exercise.
Obey the Commandments
For maximum gains, Ellis signed up for almost-daily workouts and a strict diet.
Almost Off the Hook
Ellis made a bet that if the show was renewed, he would sign up for a 3-month training program. He was torn between relief and regret at the show being canceled, and had the same reaction when it was renewed.
Devilish Daily Dose
As part of his new fitness regimen, Ellis committed to working out 6 days a week. Four of those days were split between upper and lower body using heavy weights, and the other two were dedicated to high intensity interval training (HIIT).
Split Like a Pitchfork
Ellis did a lot of compound movements like squats and jumps to engage the large muscle groups. He also used kettlebells, medicine balls and most importantly, switched things up to constantly challenge his muscles.
The Devil Wears Yoga Pants
Ellis takes yoga to help maintain flexibility. This is especially important as we get older.
Exercise Style
A Tom Ellis Lucifer Routine
Warmup: 20 min.
Jog: 5 min
Sprint/walk intervals: 45 sec/15 sec
Upper Body Workout
Bench press: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Pull-up: 6-10 reps x 4 sets
A. Seated overhead press: 8-12 reps x 4 sets
B. Cable lateral raise: 12 reps/ side x 4 sets
Wall curl 10 reps x 4 sets
Cool down: 10-15 min
Stretching exercises
Ellis on Upping his Physique for Lucifer
‘I really wanted to gain some muscle mass.’
Ellis on Losing his Fitness Bet
‘I’d just hit 40 and was looking for a new challenge, but I just didn’t have the time.’
Ellis on his Normal Routine
‘We got to a point where we were happy, and now it’s more about maintenance.’
Ellis on Golf
‘It’s where I unwind and don’t think about anything else.’
Tom Ellis’s Supplements
Whey Protein
Tom Ellis’s Lifestyle
Digging the Transient Lifestyle
Ellis says he enjoys working in one country (America) and living on another (UK). He also says he sometimes dreams ‘in American.’
Feeling the Love
Unlike many actors with difficult pasts, Ellis says his family was steeped in genuine Christian values such as love, understanding, and harmony. His father, uncle, sister and her husband are all pastors.
Channel Your Inner Demon
Ellis’ preferred method of getting into character is to make playlists to create different moods and emotions.
Deadly Zits
Ellis suffered from terrible acne as a teen and even into his 20s, and he still uses Dermalogica.
Hitting the Right Notes
Ellis’ mom was a music teacher and he and his siblings all learned to play instruments. Ellis can play trumpet, French horn, and guitar, and he also sings.
Cool Classmates
Ellis is good friends with actor James McAvoy, and they were at acting school together. Actor Sam Heughan was also at the Royal Conservatoire a couple of years behind them. McAvoy got him Ellis first professional acting gig and introduced him to his first wife, Tamzin Outhwaite.
Kind of Lazy
While many actors do serious research prior to auditioning, Ellis actually had no idea that Lucifer was based on a Neil Gaiman character or a spin-off from another series.
Lots of Lucifans
Ellis says people tease him by saying things like ‘Speak of the devil!’ but he doesn’t mind. He has a sense of humor about it.
Ellis on Education vs Work
‘The weird thing about drama school is that you train for 3 years for one thing, then, more often than not, it’s something that you haven’t trained for that you end up doing.’
Ellis on Playing the Villain
‘There is a kind of liberating feeling about saying certain things to certain people, and I think that it’s always quite satisfying to do that.’
Ellis on his Childhood
‘I grew up on the very human side of Christianity, so messages in the household I grew up in were about peace, love, and being understanding of everybody, which I think is quite cool.’
Ellis on Playing the Devil
‘It’s an old joke: All evil people are British.’
Ellis on his Long Work Commute
‘I like being bi-continental.’
Ellis on his Kids’ Opinion of Him
‘Both my daughters are both so unimpressed when they see me on television.’
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