Shia LaBeouf Workout and Diet
Born: 1986
An LA native, Shia LaBeouf was raised by free-spirited parents. He attended the 32nd Street Visual and Performing Arts Magnet School and Alexander Hamilton High, although he received most of his education from tutors due to his acting schedule. He began performing stand-up comedy when he was 10 years old. LaBeouf landed a role on Disney’s Even Stevens which eventually earned him a Daytime Emmy. He has gone on to play in films, including Holes, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Transformers. He has also tried out directing both music videos and the short film Maniac. LaBeouf created 3 short graphic novels and wrote and starred in the film Honey Boy. His performance art includes monologues and silently crying while wearing a paper bag on his head. LaBeouf has had struggles with alcohol abuse. He has over a million followers on social media. LaBeouf is 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighs about 160 lbs.
Known For:
Shia LaBeouf’s Diet
LaBeouf is an ectomorph, what some would call a hard-gainer. He was well known as being a skinny nerd, but packed on 15 lbs. of muscle to appear in Indiana Jones. To achieve that, he had to take some kind of fuel, often a protein shake, every couple of hours. His diet consisted of high-protein, high-carb, low-fat clean foods like egg whites, oatmeal, chicken and pasta. It goes without saying that he also had to consume plenty of water to stay hydrated during his marathon 3-hour workout sessions.
Estimated Macros
- Low Fat 15%
- High Protein 50%
- High Carb 50%
Diet Details
Regular Refuelings
To keep feeding the machine, LaBeouf had to eat every couple of hours. At least 3 of his meals were protein shakes.
Clean Eating
LaBeouf ate things that are common to a lot of bodybuilders’ diets: egg whites, oatmeal, rice, broccoli and chicken breasts.
Look Out Chickens
LaBoeuf’s breakfast would often consist of 8 egg whites (along with a big ol’ bowl of oatmeal.) Lunch was a sizable chicken breast.
Look Out Shia
LaBeouf participated in the Hot Ones show in which celebrities eat their way through increasingly hot wings. LaBeouf teared up when he hit Da Bomb Beyond Insanity.
What to Eat
Egg Whites
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Leafy Greens
Olive Oil
What to Avoid
Processed Food
Refined Sugar
Junk Food
Fried Food
Chemical Ingredients
Artificial Additives
Meat (in moderation)
Nightshade Vegetables
Dairy Products
LaBeouf on His Protein Intake
‘I drink protein shakes nonstop — 3 or 4 per day.’
LaBeouf On Carbs
‘I run a lot, so I get rid of the bad carbs and keep the rest of the energy needed to make it through the days.’
LaBeouf on Hot Wings
‘That’s Bikram hot. I’m gonna switch to the milk because I can’t even see you anymore.’
Shia LaBeouf’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Crank It Up to Eleven
LaBeouf really hit the gym hard to get ripped for Indiana Jones. He worked out every single day of the week.
Crank Up the Endurance
LaBeouf would run for an hour to build his endurance and stamina to prep for Indiana Jones.
Crank Up the Weights
LaBeouf also lifted every single day, which can backfire if you don’t know what you’re doing. Of course, LaBeouf worked with a trainer to prevent injury and overuse.
Daily Mega Dose
LaBeouf hit the gym for 3 hours, 7 days a week in a true heart-and-soul training program leading up to filming Indiana Jones.
Cardio King
LaBeouf ran for an hour every single day as part of his training for Indiana Jones. Cardio is a great way to stoke your metabolism and burn fat.
Classic Split
In addition to his hour-long run, LaBeouf lifted weights most days. He followed the typical bodybuilding method of focusing on one body part per day, allowing it to recover the rest of the week. He primarily did compound moves to maximize muscle gains.
Plyometric Training
In addition to weights, LaBeouf would do 2 days of plyometrics, or explosive movements, that use the body’s own mass as resistance.
Exercise Style
A Shia LaBeouf Routine
For best results, use heavy weights.
Day 1: Back
Gironda Sternum Chins: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Power clean from blocks: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Bent over barbell row: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Day 2: Chest
Barbell bench press- medium grip: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Incline dumbbell bench press: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Incline dumbbell flys: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Day 3: Legs
Leg extensions: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Lying leg curls: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Barbell squats: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Standing barbell calf raises: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Day 4: Plyometrics
Full-body routine including agility work, speed, core strength and stability, etc. Be sure to warmup thoroughly before beginning.
Day 5: Shoulders
Seated barbell shoulder press: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Arnold press: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Seated rear delt fly: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Side lateral raises: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Day 6: Arms
Barbell curl: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Triceps pushdown: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Seated dumbbell biceps curl: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Triceps dumbbell kickback: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Concentration curl: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Decline dumbbell triceps extension: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Day 7: Plyometrics
Same as day 4.
LaBeouf on his Inspiration for Getting Ripped
‘You don’t want to be standing next to Harrison Ford and not be jacked also.’
LaBeouf on his Indiana Jones Training
‘I have definitely not trained like this for anything in my life. I’m preparing like I’m going into battle.’
LaBeouf on Motivation
‘I think envy motivates a lot of people.’
Shia LaBeouf’s Supplements
Besides his protein shakes, LaBeouf is keeping the rest of his supplement choices under wraps for now. So, below are supplements that can benefit anyone following a similar diet.
Protein Shakes
Prepping for Indiana Jones, LaBeouf hit the protein shakes pretty hard — 3+ each day. Besides building muscle, protein helps you feel full and satisfied, and it also can help manage blood sugar.
weight gainer
A weight gainer is useful for those who struggle to get enough calories to grow muscle.
Perennial favorites with bodybuilders include BCAAs and creatine, which build muscle, increase stamina, and reduce recovery time.
vitamin-B complex
Shia LaBeouf’s Lifestyle
Unusual Upbringing
LaBeouf calls his parents ‘hippies’ which he says led to a pretty weird childhood. His mom was a dancer turned visual artist and clothing designer and his father was a Vietnam veteran. The family was poor and his mother supported them by selling jewelry and fabric.
Permanent Scars
LaBeouf’s father suffered from substance abuse problems and LaBeouf would sometimes attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings with his dad. His father once pointed a gun at LaBeouf during a war flashback.
Like Father, Like Son
In 2014, LaBeouf was arrested for disorderly conduct at a night club. He voluntarily signed up for outpatient treatment for alcoholism. He had a second, similar run-in with the law in Georgia in 2017 and pleaded guilty to public intoxication. He received a $1000 fine, 1 year probation, and an order to seek treatment for his anger and substance abuse problems.
Plagiarism Problems
LaBeouf’s 2013 short film Howard Cantour.com was called out for being similar to the 2007 comic Justin M. Damiano. His graphic novels were also flagged for plagiarism. Even LaBeouf’s apology was criticized for being copied from a Yahoo! Answers post.
Indy Dreams
LaBeouf has expressed interest in being in the next Indiana Jones film. While there had been no plans to include his character, rumors are circulating about changes to the script. The film was slated to hit screens in summer 2022, but that was before the pandemic delayed filming.
LaBeouf on his Life
‘I go to sleep at night and I feel like I just dreamed the whole day.’
LaBeouf on College
‘I turned down a scholarship to Yale. The problem with college is that there’s a tendency to mistake preparation for productivity. You can prepare all you want but if you never roll the dice, you’ll never be successful.’
LaBeouf on his Taste in Women
‘I like dark, mysterious, even gothic-type girls. They have to have a good personality too. I’m very picky.’
LaBeouf on Mistakes
‘You can’t buy back your respect. You can’t buy back your career. You only get one, so I don’t want to mess that up.’
LaBeouf on Himself
‘I’m trying to impress myself. I have yet to do it.’
LaBeouf on Downtime
‘I have a hard time with free time.’
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