
Peter Attia Supplements – A Full Guide

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By Jack Cincotta, MS

Reviewed by Juliana Tamayo, MS, RDN - Last Updated

Peter Attia Supplements

With the explosion of different health and wellness podcasts lately, many people are getting the chance to see what various experts in health fields recommend for optimizing longevity and overall health. 

And one of the most popular and influential experts in this area is Peter Attia, who has covered a wide variety of topics related to longevity, healthspan, genetics, and general health tips. 

As a result, many people are interested in Attia’s own supplement routine to see what role these products have in his health-centered lifestyle.

Well, in this article we’ll leave out any confusion you may have by detailing Peter Attia’s full supplement regimen. Keep reading to see what he takes, why he takes it, and the overall evidence behind his routine.

About Peter Attia

Peter Attia, MD, is one of the leading public figures in regard to longevity and overall health and wellness. Attia received his medical degree from the Stanford University School of Medicine and went through a five-year training program at Johns Hopkins Hospital in general surgery.

Dr. Attia is also the founder of Early Medical, which is a medical practice that centers around increasing patients’ lifespans and improving their healthspan.

Attia has gained more public recognition and popularity through his podcast, The Drive, which focuses on health and medicine; as well as through his New York Times #1 Best Seller, Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity.

Overall, Peter Attia is regarded as one of the most trusted experts in the health and wellness space. 

Peter Attia’s Supplement Summary

Atita’s supplement routine changes periodically. He likes to update and modify his routine when new research comes out or from simply the desire to experiment and see how different protocols affect him.

Most recently in a special episode of The Drive (#276), Attia detailed his full daily supplement routine. 

You can take a look at the specific segment from that episode here

According to this, here is Peter Attia’s current supplement regimen:


  • Athletic Greens: 1 serving
  • Pendulum Glucose Control: 2 capsules
  • Carlson’s Maximum Omega-3: 4 capsules (2g EPA and 1.5g DHA)
  • Vitamin D3: 5,000 IU
  • Slow Mag: 2 to 3 capsules 
  • Jarrow Methyl Folate and Methyl B12 (standard dose): 1 of those
  • Vitamin B6: 50mg 3x/week
  • Baby Aspirin: 1 pill


  • Solgar Ashwagandha: 600mg
  • Thorne Glycine: 2g
  • Magtein Magnesium L-Threonate
  • Jarrow Phosphatidylserine: 100mg-400mg sometimes during travel

Peter Attia’s Supplements

One important point before we go over the supplements is that this is HIS routine, and we aren’t saying that people should follow it.

Attia himself says he actually hates talking about his supplement routine because “I notice that it tends to show up online and it somehow becomes like, well, if Peter does this, you should do this or something like that. And there’s no context to it, and therefore, nobody understands the rationale…the clinical history, and all those things.”

This is a good reminder and reflective of the mindset we also have when doing any of these sorts of reviews.

So, with that said, let’s get into the specifics of Attia’s supplement regimen!

Athletic Greens

Attia takes one serving of Athletic Greens (or AG1) in the morning. He does disclose that he’s an investor in and advisor of that company.

But he also says he truly believes in it as a way for him to cover his bases and just get a wide range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. 

Pendulum Glucose Control

Dr. Attia also takes a probiotic supplement called Pendulum Glucose Control. He believes that this supplement is one of the most rigorously tested probiotics out there.

In one of his most recent podcasts detailing his regimen, Attia notes one study in which “the people who had been taking this Pendulum had a 30% reduction in postprandial glucose AUC (area under the curve)”. 

He also mentioned another study in which this supplement lowered hemoglobin A1C. So, overall, Attia is taking this product to support insulin sensitivity and glycemic health. 

Carlson’s EPA/DHA

On his recent supplement listing, Attia also said he supplements with the highest-dosed product of EPA/DHA from Carlson (which is the same omega-3 brand Joe Rogan uses). From their website, we determined this was Carlson Maximum Omega-3.

Attia takes four capsules in the morning (which is two servings), providing 4g of omega-3s, which includes 2,500mg of EPA and 1,000mg of DHA.

This is a pretty high dose, but Attia says that “the reason I take that much is I’m treating to [achieve] a red blood cell membrane concentration of EPA and DHA of about 12%.” So, this is a specific biomarker he uses to see if he’s taking the right amount.

He’s talked before on how omega-3s are important for brain function, heart health, inflammation, and other concerns, and this has been a staple in his routine even when other things have changed.

Vitamin D3

In the morning, Attia also takes 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 (although we don’t know for sure which brand).

He doesn’t always take vitamin D, but more often than not has it in his routine. According to Attia, the risk of vitamin D supplementation is “insanely low” (likely referring to hypercalcemia or other commonly cited vitamin D-related risks.

Attia has said that he likes to get vitamin D levels in the range of 40 to 60ng/mL. And he supplements mainly because it can be hard to achieve these levels if he’s not getting a ton of sunlight exposure.

Slow Mag

Peter Attia takes two to three capsules per day of Slow Mag, which is a slow-release form of magnesium

Attia says, “all in all, I’m trying to get a gram of total magnesium in my system in a day”, which comes from his diet, Slow Mag, and other forms of magnesium, which we’ll touch on below.

Two capsules provides 143mg of magnesium, 416mg chloride, and 238mg of calcium, so it has other minerals besides magnesium too, mainly for nerve and heart function.

From this short clip, we heard Attia say that “the three big systems where I think magnesium matters the most is with respect to bone health, with respect to nerve transmission, and with respect to glucose control and insulin metabolism”. So, in other words, he takes it to have healthy, strong bones, optimal brain function, and a healthy metabolism.

He also believes most people are woefully deficient in magnesium, especially if they don’t supplement on a regular basis. 

Jarrow Methyl Folate & Methyl B12

Attia also takes a methyl folate and methyl B12 supplement from Jarrow. He says that, “I take these to keep homocysteine below 9” (which refers to 9 micromoles/L). 

In regard to dosage, Attia sticks to the standard dose because it’s all he needs to hit his biomarker for homocysteine (an amino acid). And he believes the methylated forms do a better job of lowering homocysteine levels.

This is important since elevated levels of homocysteine are related to an increased risk of dementia, heart disease, and stroke, among other issues.

Vitamin B6

Another B vitamin Attia uses is vitamin B6. He initially took 50mg daily, but now only takes this dose three times per week after he realized he didn’t need quite as much as he thought.

On episode #276 of The Drive, Attia states, “We have seen some people who, when they take too much B6, can actually develop a sort of neuropathy as a result of it.” 

He takes B6 to help with homocysteine levels. Other benefits of vitamin B6 are cognitive function and decreased risk of heart problems. 

Baby Aspirin

The last supplement Attia takes during the morning/day is one baby aspirin. Attia says he doesn’t really need to take it for heart health, but he says that the risk to potential benefit ratio is still good enough that he takes it daily.

However, he’s noted that he goes through periods of not taking it for a while either. So this doesn’t seem to be that big of a part in his routine.

Solgar Ashwagandha

Now, we’ll get into the night/evening supplements Attia uses, starting with Solgar Ashwagandha. Specifically, he takes 600mg at night to reduce cortisol and help him sleep better. 

Indeed, research does show that ashwagandha can reduce cortisol levels and may improve sleep, anxiety, and stress. 

Thorne Glycine

Another supplement that Attia uses to help him sleep is Thorne Glycine, at a dose of 2g. He’s talked about before on how glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter and can help calm the brain down.

Additionally, glycine has been shown to lower core body temperature, which is also important for initiating sleep. 

As a result, it’s a mainstay in his pre-bed supplement routine.

Magtein Magnesium L-Threonate

Attia uses the Magtein® form of magnesium l-threonate. He uses this one not only for sleep but also to improve brain health and cognitive function. This is also a part of Andrew Huberman’s night routine. 

On an episode of the Jay Shetty Podcast, Attia says there’s evidence that  “magnesium l-threonate is beneficial to the brain and might even have some capacity to reduce the risk of dementia”. 

At this time, it’s unclear exactly how much he takes, but a standard dose typically provides around 100 to 150mg of elemental magnesium (from magnesium l-threonate).

Jarrow Phosphatidylserine

The last supplement in Attia’s arsenal is phosphatidylserine. He only takes this when traveling and experiencing jet lag. In these cases, he’ll use up to 400mg. 

Final Thoughts: Peter Attia Supplements

Altogether, Peter Attia’s supplement routine is pretty straightforward and perhaps a lot less complex than others may have thought. But this points back to the idea that achieving optimal health and wellness doesn’t take an exorbitant amount of steps. 

For the most part, it’s all about doing the basics very well and adding in other things depending on your individual factors.

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Jack Cincotta, MS

Jack Cincotta is a certified holistic health coach through AFPA and a board-certified holistic health practitioner through AADP. He has written hundreds of articles on nutrition and supplementation. Jack has a M.S. degree in Psychology and is passionate about researching the science behind nutrition. He often uses research-backed supplementation protocols for many of his clients to optimize results.