Paddy Pimblett Workout and Diet
Mixed Martial Artist
Patrick Pimblett was born in Liverpool, England. He started training in MMA when he was 15 and had his debut fight 2 years later in 2012. In 2016, Pimblett became the Cage Warriors featherweight champ. In 2017, he signed with the UFC and moved up to the lightweight division. ‘The Baddy’ has a 21-3-0 record. He has endorsement deals with Applied Nutrition and Barstool Sports. He is married and has twins. Pimblett has millions of followers on social media. He is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs 155 lbs. for fights and up to 200 lbs. in his off-season.
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Paddy Pimblett’s Diet
Diet Summary
Pemblett loves to eat. He particularly loves junk food. He says that if he didn’t have a physical job, he would be very fat. He fights at 155 lbs. but he went above 200 lbs. and had to drop 50 lbs. in 2022 to get back into fighting shape. When he’s in a training camp, he follows a strict diet with no cheats. All his food is weighed and measured and he consumes less than 1,700 calories per day. When he’s not prepping, he could easily consume 8,000 calories per day. Macro Chef and former fighter Joel McCarthy prepares his training meals. Protein is a staple, including protein granola and protein cookies. Pemblett always drinks lots of water.
Estimated Macros
Medium Carb
Low Fat
High Protein
Diet Details
Eat to Live or Live to Eat?
Pemblett loves to eat. Some of his faves are Nutella, McDonald’s triple cheeseburgers and fried chicken. At Christmas, he’ll have 2 dinners, one at his mother’s and one at his in-laws’. When friends don’t finish their food, he finishes it for them.
Dialed In
Despite his reputation for eating anything and everything, Pemblett has the ability to focus completely on healthy eating. When training, he does not cheat at all.
The Secret to Winning
Pemblett says that having to restrict his eating for a fight makes him mad, and that’s how he wins fights.
No Limits
In celebration after a fight, Pemblett has been known to consume huge quantities of food. After winning against Rodrigo Vargas, he reportedly ate 11,000 calories, 5,000 of it being from chocolate.
What to Eat
- Protein granola
- Oatmeal
- Chicken
- Wagyu beef
- Fish
- Lean meat
- Sweet potatoes
- Greens
- Vegetables
- Pasta
- Yogurt
- Bananas
- Protein cookies
- Water
What to Avoid
- Overeating (when prepping for a fight)
- Junk food
- Added sugar
- Excess salt
- Empty-calorie foods
- Processed foods
Pemblett on his physique
‘I’d rather be fat and happy than ripped.’
Pemblett on his diet
‘If I weren’t a fighter, I’d be a diabetic.’
Pemblett on food
‘Food for me is…everything. It’s the be all and end all.’
Pemblett on his approach to eating
‘You’ve got to get creative.’
Pemblett on his secret training diet
‘[When] I do a 10-week camp where I can’t have nothing like that [junk food]…I want to rip my opponent’s head off.’
Paddy Pimblett’s Workout Routine
Workout Routine
First Love
Pemblett first discovered jiu-jitsu when he was 15. As a 110-lb scrawny kid, he says he was always on the bottom, but learned he could still score a lot of submissions from that position.
Team Work
Pemblett credits his team of helpers including his chef and trainers for his impressive record of success.
Recovery Matters
Bodywork is also a staple of Pemblett’s routine to keep him loose and limber, and to prevent tension leading to injuries. As for ice baths, he’s not a fan.
Daily Dose
Pemblett jokes around, but not when it comes to training. He trains hard and doesn’t miss a workout.
All-Around Training
Pemblett practices wrestling, boxing, kicking and jiu-jitsu as well as weightlifting and cardio as part of his prep.
Mix It UP
Pemblett is always trying new things, from water training with Laird Hamilton to training with Navy SEALs.
Exercise Style
A Paddy Pimblett Routine
- Boxing
- Jiu-jitsu
- Pad work
- Weight training
- Cardio
Pimblett on his fitness
‘I used to be a fighter but now I’m an athlete as well.’
Pimblett on his team
‘Without them, my life would be so much harder.’
Pimblett on recovery work
‘Ice baths are not my forte.’
Paddy Pimblett’s Supplements
Pre Workout
Pemblett endorses Applied Nutrition, which is from his hometown of Liverpool, England. They offer ABE preworkout in Baddy Berry flavor in his honor. It is currently only available in the UK.
Paddy Pimblett’s Lifestyle
UFC Dreams
Pemblett watched UFC fights as a teenager, and decided right then that he would be one of them.
Scouse, Not English
Pemblett is very proud of his Liverpudlian roots, and says he has never wanted to live anywhere else. His ultimate dream is to fight at Anfield football (soccer) stadium.
Relatable Guy
Pemblett says he wears his hair floppy and shows off his dad-bod physique because he thinks kids relate better to that than some huge tattoo-covered guy.
Perfect Record
Pemblett’s amateur fighting record was 9-0. His pro record isn’t too shabby either: 21-3-0.
All or Nothing
Pemblett says he never does anything by halves. He either does goes full-throttle or not at all.
Fat Shamed
Pemblett says he’s taken a lot of flak for gaining weight. He has discussed cutting weight with former Navy SEAL Jocko Willink.
Learning Curve
Although Pemblett isn’t going to give up eating and bulking in the off-season, he has learned healthier ways to cut weight.
Pimblett on his younger self
‘I was a stupid idiot when I was younger. I didn’t mature until I was 24-25.’
Pimblett on his approach to life
‘With me, there’s no in-between. Anything I do, whether it’s partying, gambling, training, eating, it’s go hard or go home.’
Pimblett on himself
‘I’m going to be one of the biggest sports stars in the world.’
Pimblett on suicide prevention
‘If you’re a man and you’ve got weight on your shoulders, and you think the only way you can solve it is by killing yourself, please speak to someone…Please, let’s get rid of this stigma. And men, start talking.’
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