Miesha Tate Workout and DIET
MMA Fighter
Born: 1986
Born in Washington state, Miesha Tate describes herself as a tomboy when she was growing up. She wrestled in high school and won the girls’ state title as a senior. Tate found her fighting groove in college after a friend encouraged her to check out an MMA club. Her debut match was in 2006, went pro in 2007 and joined the UFC in 2013. She holds 3 championship titles in the women’s Bantamweight class.In 2018, Tate joined the ONE Championship as Vice President. She retired from fighting for a few years, then announced her return in 2021. Tate appears in Fight Life, a documentary about MMA. She also co-hosts a show on Sirius XM with Renee Paquettecalled Throwing Down With Renee and Miesha. Tate has sponsorship deals with Budweiser and NASCAR and has modeled for magazines including the 2013 ESPN Body Issue. She won the 3rd season of Celebrity Big Brother. Tate is married to fellow MMA fighter Johnny Nuñez and they have 2 children. She has millions of followers on social media. Tate is 5 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs about 135 lbs.
Known For:
Miesha Tate’s Diet
Tate takes her diet seriously, even more so since having kids. During her pregnancies and while breastfeeding, she cut way back on caffeine because she saw the negative effects it had on her babies. She says one upside of breastfeeding was getting to eat more. She drinks non-caffeinated tea each morning along with a tall glass of greens supplement mixed with water. She loves her food, and always prioritizes nutrient-rich ones, like fish and nuts, and she has plenty of water throughout the day.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Fat 30%
- Medium Carb 30%
- High Protein 50%
Diet Details
Morning Ritual
Tate drinks decaf tea first thing in the morning to give herself a lift without passing along caffeine to her baby, which she noticed caused irritability in the infant. She continues to follow this habit even though her kids are no longer babies.
Timing Matters
If Tate wants caffeine, she’ll have right after a feeding so her body had time to process it before the next one.
Get Your Greens
To start her day right, Tate takes a greens supplement dissolved in water. She is determined to get her nutrients in early.
Clean Eating
One of Tate’s go-tos is fish, tuna in particular. To be sure she’s not taking in excessive heavy metals, she only buys safe-caught fish.
Get Your DHA
Tate loves tuna and prioritizes foods that are high in DHA such as fish, egg yolks, walnuts, seeds which help her baby’s developing brain.
Smart Snacks
Tate’s snacks of choice are trail mix and Greek yogurt with blueberries and honey.
What to Eat
Safe-caught Tuna
Whole Grains
Fresh Fruit
Greek Yogurt
Greens Supplement
Herbal Tea
What to Avoid
Excess Salt
Empty-calorie Foods
Caffeine (while breastfeeding)
Junk Food
Fast Food
Artificial Additives
Tate on Caffeine & Breastfeeding
‘I’ve noticed that when I do consume any caffeine, Amia tends to get a bit irritable. I’ve been mindful to limit caffeine as much as possible.’
Tate on Appetite During and After Pregnancy
‘I was much more hungry postpartum than the entire time I was pregnant.’
Tate on Breastfeeding & Hunger
‘I found that while breastfeeding, my appetite was pretty ravenous.’
Tate on Breastfeeding & Burning Calories
I love food, so the idea of eating 500 extra calories a day was a welcome idea.’
Miesha Tate’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Always Active
Tate always preferred to do what the boys were doing, and opted for wrestling over basketball when she went to high school.
Ain’t No Shame
Tate says she had ‘no clue’ what she was doing on the wrestling team, and was always getting beaten. But by the time she was a senior, she had figured it out and went on to win the state championships.
Channel It
During Tate’s first MMA match, she wasn’t keen to punch her opponent, until she got socked herself. Then she cut loose and won.
Family Time
Tate doesn’t let kids slow her down. She started hiking a few miles a day with her daughter when she was an infant.
Reasonable Daily Dose
Tate is faithful to her morning exercise routine. She works out at least 4 days a week.
(Re)Build Strength
Shortly after giving birth, Tate got right back into exercise by walking. She then added in bodyweight exercises, followed by more intense routines.
Cardio Queen
In addition to sparring, Tate does sprints, both on flat surfaces and up stairs to build stamina.
Functional Training
One of Tate’s favorite workouts is using a Bulgarian bag, a flexible tool which improves grip strength, functional strength and overall fitness.
Exercise Style
A Meisha Tate Routine
Walk/hike: 20-30 min/day
Bodyweight exercises: lunges, squats, etc
Bulgarian bag workouts
Tate on Her Fitness Objectives
‘My main fitness goal was to feel good and to be healthy.’
Tate on Pregnancy & Fitness
‘Pregnancy and delivery do take a toll on the body.’
Tate on Fitting in a Workout
‘I found that if I didn’t work out at my first opportunity, I would expend more and more energy throughout the idea. Then the idea of working out later in the day wasn’t so appealing.’
Miesha Tate’s Supplements
Prenatal Vitamins
Tate is sponsored by Avion pharmaceuticals which makes prenatal vitamins to support a healthy pregnancy.
Greens Supplement
Tate starts her day with a tall glass of greens supplement dissolved in pure water. Getting sufficient phytonutrients is essential for good health.
Tate also has foods containing DHA at the top of her list for its many benefits including brain and eye health, fetal and infant development, reduced risk of heart disease and anti-inflammatory properties.
Miesha Tate’s Lifestyle
Prioritize Sleep
Tate loves her sleep, and was delighted that her daughter quickly caught onto the idea of sleeping through the night.
Parenthood: Not for Wimps
Tate says having a child changes everything, and she considers the health and fitness of the mother to be an essential part of a healthy, happy baby and mother.
A-List Fights
Tate has fought some of the biggest names in the biz: Ronda Rousey, Amanda Nunes, Holly Holm, and Cat Zingano.
Fighting Affinity
Tate dated UFC fighter Bryan Caraway for many years. She later married another UFCer, Johnny Nuñez.
Big Brother Blues
Tate says that she did not like being on the Big Brother show because of the weird lifestyle: not going outside or seeing family for a month, interviews under bright lights in the middle of the night, and no regular schedule all took its toll.
Seahawks Superfan
Tate is partial to her hometown football team, the Seattle Seahawks. She attends games often, and always wears her Seahawks fan gear to the stadium.
Tate on Sleep With a New Baby
‘We are really fortunate that [daughter] Amia loves her sleep as much as her mom.’
Tate on Life As a Mom
‘My days start earlier…much earlier.’
Tate on Juggling Family & Work
‘Managing to breastfeed and work certainly comes with some obstacles.’
Tate on Motherhood
‘Preparing for pregnancy and the transition of becoming a mom makes health and nutrition take on a whole new meaning. It’s not always an easy road. Empowering women to reach their personal goals and develop positive and healthy habits is a wonderful thing for them and their babies.’
Tate on Her Favorite Fighter
‘Randy Couture was my favorite fighter, and [when] he retired, I was so sad because I really enjoyed so many things about him…[like being] such a nice guy.’
Tate on Big Brother
‘It took everything out of me.’