Mel Gibson Workout and Diet
Born: 1956
Mel Gibson was born in Peekskill, New York, 1 of 11 children.When he was 12, his family moved to Australia. Gibson studied at the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney. After graduating in 1977, he began working on Mad Max while simultaneously working as a stage actor. He is famous for the Lethal Weapon series in the 1980s and won awards for his 1995 film, Braveheart which he produced, directed, and starred in. Gibson became of the most popular action stars of his era but legal issues and controversial statements affected his career for many years. He came back with Hacksaw Ridge in 2016 and won 2 more Academy Awards for it. Gibson has a limited presence online. He was married to actress Robyn Moore from 1980-2011 and has 9 children. Gibson is 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighs about 200 lbs.
Known For:
Mel Gibson’s Diet
Gibson was suffering from the dreaded Middle Age Spread when a chance encounter in a restaurant with a personal trainer helped him turn things around. In 2018, Gibson started working with Samantha Jackson, dropped 30 lbs. and took 10 inches off his waistline in just 8 weeks through a combination of diet and exercise. He ate a small meal every few hours, including 2 protein shakes a day. He stuck with things like eggs, chicken breast, salmon, and veggies, and cut out all added sugar, fat and alcohol.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Fat 30%
- Medium Protein 40%
- Medium Carb 40%
Diet Details
Rise & Shine
Gibson would have breakfast within 1 hour of waking, often an omelet with tomatoes and peppers.
Regular Refuelings
Gibson would eat every 3 hours for a total of 5 meals per day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner consisted of a balance of protein, healthy fats, and veggies, and his 2 snacks were protein shakes.
Forget the Fads
Gibson’s trainer says no crash diet or oddball diet will be sustainable, and they can be downright harmful. Make dietary changes you can stick with over the long term.
Shrink the Plate
Gibson ate smaller, more frequent meals to keep his fat-burners stoked and to avoid binging.
Skip the Fat, Sugar & Alcohol
Gibson cut out all junk food and alcohol, which can be too drastic for some. Eliminating these foods will really shrink belly fat, but if it’s too hard, cutting back will also produce positive effects.
What to Eat
Whole, Natural Foods
Chicken Breast
Grilled Salmon
Lean Protein
Whole Grains
Low-Fat Dairy
Protein Shakes
What to Avoid
Junk Food
Empty-Calorie Foods
Added Sugars
Saturated Fats
Fatty Foods
Artificial Additives
Gibson on Weight Loss
‘I was bemoaning the fact that I couldn’t get rid of my “spare tire.” Now all my clothes fit and my back doesn’t hurt anymore. I sleep better. It was pretty miraculous.’
Gibson on His New Diet
‘Basically, you’re eating more often, but better. At least I fit in the mirror!’
Gibson on His Health
‘I feel good, really healthy. You’re eating more often, but better.’
Gibson’s Trainer on the Dangers of Belly Fat
‘Large amounts of it is linked to increased risk of terrible diseases like some cancers, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and all sorts of horrors that nobody wants heading in their direction.’
Mel Gibson’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Face the Tape
Gibson’s trainer says it’s important to face facts. Measure your waist. If it is over 40 inches, it can be an indication that dangerous fat called visceral adipose is that increases your risk of many diseases, including diabetes and stroke.
Minimize the Gut
Gibson’s trainer had the goal of cutting his visceral adipose to reduce his risk of health issues and improve energy, not to mention his silhouette.
Age Is Just a Number
Gibson proves that change is possible at any age. It takes some discipline, but he says it was totally worth it.
Daily Dose
Gibson’s trainer gave him the rule of moving every day. If he tried to get out of it, se’d call him on it. It doesn’t matter so much what you do as creating the habit of movement.
Pump It Up
Gibson’s trainer had him do activities that raised his heart rate and built muscle.
No Excuses
Gibson would text with his trainer dozens of times a day and FaceTime several times a week. It helps to have a friend or coach to help stay on track.
Exercise Style
A Mel Gibson Routine
Move every day.
Cardio: walk, run, hike, swim, etc.
Strength train to build muscle for best results.
Gibson on Losing Weight
‘I’ve got more energy to work out.’
Gibson on the Benefits of Getting in Shape
‘My overall, pure health is better. I may live longer.’
Gibson on More Benefits of Weight Loss
‘All my clothes fit; my back doesn’t hurt anymore.’
Gibson on Pain
‘Pain is the precursor to change.’
Mel Gibson’s Supplements
Gibson hasn’t shared many of his supplement secrets, so below are supplements that can benefit anyone following a similar diet.
saw palmetto
Mel Gibson’s Lifestyle
Drop Lbs. for Better Sleep
Gibson says losing the excess weight led to all kinds of improvements in his life, including better sleep. He calls the change ‘miraculous.’
Saint Mel
Gibson’s is named after the 5th century Irish saint and founder of his mother’s native diocese in Ireland. His middle name Colm comes from Colm-Cille, which is were his mother grew up.
All in the Family
Of Gibson’s 10 siblings, only 1 of his brothers, Donal, is an actor. Gibson has 9 kids of his own, but the only one following in dad’s acting footsteps is his son Milo.
Serious Wrong Turn
Gibson was a Hollywood darling until he made a series of offensive remarks including against Jews and homosexuals that caused studios to drop him. Drunk driving and a domestic violence charge also contributed to his being blacklisted for years.
Making Amends
After his drunken anti-semitic rant, Gibson started working with the Survivor Mitzvah Project which offers emergency aid to Holocaust survivors in Eastern Europe.
Gibson on Weight Loss & Sleep
‘I started sleeping better, and it was pretty miraculous, really.’
Gibson on Political Correctness
‘I am politically incorrect, that’s true. Political correctness to me is just intellectual terrorism. I find that really scary, and I won’t be intimidated into changing my mind.’
Gibson on Women
‘I love women. They’re the best thing ever created. If they want to be like men and come down to our level, that’s fine.’
Gibson on Risk
‘You know what happens when you don’t take a risk? Nothing.’
Gibson on Himself
‘They think I’m crazy, and maybe I am. But maybe I’m a genius.’
Gibson on his Public Image
‘You ask anybody what their #1 fear is, and it’s public humiliation. Multiply that on a global scale, and that’s what I’ve been through.’
Gibson on Marriage
‘After about 20 years of marriage, I’m finally starting to scratch the surface of what women want. And I think the answer lies somewhere between conversation and chocolate.’