Madonna Workout and Diet
Born: 1958
Madonna Ciccone grew up in Michigan where she got good grades in school but tended to act out. She studied ballet and earned a dance scholarship to the University of Michigan. In 1978, Madonna dropped out of college and moved to New York City where she worked as a backup dancer, and also at Dunkin’ Donuts to pay the bills. She formed a couple of bands but soon decided to go solo and signed with Sire Records in 1982. Her first 2 singles, ‘Everybody’ and ‘Burning Up’ did well on the club song scene and were soon followed by more hits. Madonna has had 21 Top 10 hits in the US and sold more than 300 million records worldwide. She is considered to be the most influential female music artist of her time and is often called The Queen of Pop. Madonna is the wealthiest woman in the music business with a net worth somewhere around $800 million. She also had a lengthy acting career with films like Desperately Seeking Susan, A League of Their Own and Evita for which she won a Golden Globe. Her fashion style made her a trendsetter in the 1980s. Madonna has started several fashion brands and other business ventures including a coconut water company. She was married to actor Sean Penn and director Guy Ritchie. Madonna has 2 biological children and 3 adopted children. She has millions of followers on social media. Madonna is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs about 120 lbs.
Known For:
Madonna’s Diet
At 60+, Madonna is incredible shape, and although she could afford to eat gold-dusted unicorn horn if that’s what she fancied, she actually eats quite simply. She follows a macrobiotic diet consisting of seasonal foods including vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, fish, whole grains and fruit, and avoids meat, dairy and sugar. In addition to water, she drinks vitamin-packed coconut water and health-boosting teas such as ginger and Yerba Mate.
Estimated Macros
- Low Fat 15%
- Low Protein 20%
- High Carb 80%
Diet Details
Macrobiotic Basics
The goal of macrobiotics is to optimize health and prevent disease. There are many different ways to eat macrobiotically but Madonna’s diet is very simple: the emphasis is on eating whole, natural, organic, locally-produced, in-season foods.
Eat Your Vitamins
Madonna makes sure everything she eats contains nutrients. No empty-calorie foods for her.
Hydration Matters
Even her beverages must contribute to her vitamin intake. Besides water, she drinks coconut water which is rich in electrolytes, ginger tea which is high in antioxidants and anti-cancer properties.
Healthy Faves
Madonna’s favorite foods are things she can indulge in any time. Toro tartare (raw tuna) and caviar are two of her top picks.
What to Eat
In-season Foods
Whole Grains
Rice Pasta
Coconut Water
Yerba Mate
Ginger Tea
What to Avoid
Refined Sugar
Refined Flour
Processed Food
Junk Food
Artificial Sweeteners
Chemical Ingredients
Foods That Are Out of Season
Madonna on Eating for Good Health
‘You gotta know who you are. Teach yourself what to choose to help yourself.’
Madonna on Her Body
‘I wasn’t born with Gisele Bundchen’s body.’
Madonna on How To Be Healthy
‘You gotta work for it.’
Madonna’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Lifelong Practice
Even as a girl, Madonna was always swinging from the monkey bars and doing flips in the hallways of her Catholic school. She studied ballet formally and even won a dance scholarship to college.
Hard Core
In 2010, Madonna opened her first Hard Candy Fitness Center, named after her 2008 album. She has 7 locations worldwide.
Channel Your Inner Yogini
While Madonna got plenty of exercise dancing on stage, she took up Ashtanga yoga in 1996 and never stopped.
Daily Dose
Madonna does a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day, 6 days a week. Her routine is different every day. A mix of circuit training, interval training and resistance training, it might include barre, martial arts, boxing or yoga.
Get Your Ashtanga On
Madonna loves her yoga and usually does it 6 days a week. Ashtanga is a very intense, dance-like form of yoga and a session can last anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours.
Light Weights
Madonna sticks to very light weights, not more than 2.5 lbs., for her workouts to create lean muscle without bulking up.
Exercise Style
A Madonna Routine
Warm up: dance-based.
Workout: at least 30 min, 6 days/week. Include cardio and strength training, changing the routine regularly to keep it interesting.
Ashtanga yoga: 6 days/week.
Madonna on Fitness
‘I’ve always danced and exercised. I like keeping things interesting, shocking my body.’
Madonna on Her Fitness Centers
‘I’m happy to share my workouts with everyone. I think it’s fun to get in a room and sweat with people.’
Madonna on Why She Likes Yoga
You have to take it really slowly. You can’t rush. You can’t skip to the next position.’
Madonna on The Benefits of Yoga
‘You find yourself in very humiliating situations, but you can’t judge yourself. You just have to breathe, and let go. It is a workout for your mind, your body and your soul.’
Madonna’s Supplements
Madonna regularly drinks ginger tea which improves digestion and blood flow, strengthens immunity, and is packed with cancer-fighting phytonutrients.
Yerba Mate
Coconut Water
Omega 3s
Madonna’s Lifestyle
Longtime Insomniac
Her mother died of breast cancer when Madonna was just 5. Afraid of her father dying as well, she often couldn’t sleep unless he was near, and she still has difficulty sleeping.
Little Nonnie
Madonna has the same name as her mother and was known as ‘Little Nonnie’ as a child. While she was a straight-A student, she was known for doing acrobatics in the hall and pulling up her skirt to show her underwear to the boys. She says she is grateful for her Catholic upbringing because it gave her something to rebel against.
The Craziest Thing
Madonna is well-known for her wild antics, but she said the craziest thing she ever did was hop on a plane to New York with $35 in her pocket.
A-List Exes
Madonna has a list of famous boyfriends almost as long as her list of Top-10 hits. After splitting up with actor Sean Penn, she dated rapper Vanilla Ice, Tupac, John F. Kennedy Jr., Lenny Kravitz, Dennis Rodman and the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. But the father of her first child was her not-especially-famous personal trainer, Leon Carlos.
Six Degrees
Madonna is related to singer Céline Dion, aristocrat Camilla Parker-Bowles and superstar comedienne Ellen DeGeneres.
Who Needs a Star?
Madonna does not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame…because she turned it down.
Madonna on Her Name
‘How could I be anything else but what I am having been named ‘Madonna’? I would either have ended up a nun or this.’
Madonna on Herself
‘I’m anal retentive. I’m a workaholic. I have insomnia. And I’m a control freak. That’s why I’m not married. Who could stand me?’
Madonna on Taking Risks
‘I’ve been popular and unpopular, successful and unsuccessful, loved and loathed, and I know how meaningless it all is. Therefore I feel free to take whatever risks I want.’
Madonna on her Image
‘Everyone probably thinks that I’m a raving nymphomaniac, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is, I’d rather read a book.’
Madonna on Losing Her Virginity
‘I always thought of losing my virginity as a career move.’
Madonna on Fame
‘I won’t be happy ’til I’m as famous as God.’
Recommended Products
Vita Coco coconut water