Jeff Nippard Workout and Diet
Natural Bodybuilder
Born: 1990
Canadian Jeff Nippard’s mom was a fitness trainer and bodybuilder, which led to his interest in fitness. He started working out at the gym when he was 10, and he also read a lot of health and fitness magazines. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry, and entered dental school, but after 2 years, decided to pursue bodybuilding and coaching. Nippard began competing in bodybuilding competition when he was 19 and in 2012, he won the Mr. Junior Canada. Nippard launched his YouTube channel in 2018 to provide information on drug-free bodybuilding. It has millions of followers and hundreds of millions of views. Nippard is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 160 lbs. when competing and about 180 lbs. in the off-season.
Known For:
Jeff Nippard’s Diet
Like all bodybuilders, Nippard takes his diet seriously. Unlike other bodybuilders, he still eats things like fruit when he is cutting weight. He believes in having at least 2-3 servings of fruit and 2-3 of vegetables every single day. He says counting macros is important, but the micronutrients in fruit and vegetables are essential for optimal performance. That said, he still takes in plenty of protein, often in the form of whey protein shakes. He eats every couple of hours to keep his body fueled and he doesn’t cut out the yummy stuff either like bread or cheese. He sticks with the healthy stuff, of course, whole grains, brown and wild rice and keeps his cheese consumption reasonable. He always takes care of hydration with plenty of water.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Carb 30%
- Medium Fat 30%
- High Protein 60%
Diet Details
Regular Refuelings
When Nippard is bulking, he eats every couple of hours, adding up to 5 meals a day. For his first meal, he’ll hit it hard with eggs, turkey bacon, tater tots, whole wheat bread, a kiwifruit and a cup of oj. His second meal is just as hearty: chicken, mashed potatoes, mac n’ cheese, corn and carrots.
Get Your Macros
Nippard eats balanced meals that contain sufficient amounts protein, fat, and carbs, and he always makes sure to get in at least one whey protein shake per day. He makes the shake with a banana, and has an extra dose of healthy fats on the side in the form of nuts.
Easy Rules
Nippard says you can be healthy simply by choosing more nutritious foods most of the time and eating the less nutritious things less often.
Pre & Post Workout Eating Advice
Nippard says your pre- and post-workout meals should contain at least 0.25g protein per pound of bodyweight, at least 0.5g carbs, ideally from fruit, and to eat them with 4 hours of each other.
Fast Recomp
Nippard says you can change your body composition faster by counting calories and prioritizing protein. Aim for 1.5g per pound of bodyweight to burn fat and gain muscle simultaneously. He also recommends a high protein, high fiber meal before bed.
Not Picky
As for carbs vs. fats, Nippard doesn’t have a strong opinion on them. He says some people do better with more carbs, others with more fats, and that it is based on the individual.
Healthy Skepticism
Nippard is skeptical of extreme dieting advice, and says to avoid anyone touting ‘superfoods’ ‘detox’ or ‘cleansing.’ His one exception: kiwifruit. That he considers to be a real health food, and 1-2 a day may well keep the doctor away.
What to Eat
Turkey Bacon
Kiwi Fruit
Brown Rice
Wild Rice
Whey Protein Shakes
What to Avoid
Junk Food
Added Sugar
Fried Foods
Processed Foods
Chemicals Additives
Artificial Ingredients
Nippard on Diet When You Take a Break From Training
‘You have likely noticed how difficult it is to stay motivated with your diet when you don’t have the gym as a driver of your dietary behavior.’
Nippard on Diet vs. Exercise
‘Diet really is no different [from exercise]. You need to have a plan ready from the outset.’
Nippard on How To Structure a Diet
‘Caloric intake at the bottom, macronutrient intake next and finally, what I would call the often neglected “peak variables” at the top.’
Jeff Nippard’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
High Frequency
Nippard’s training style is to shock your muscles with a new routine, enabling users to get away from plateaus and stalls.
Multiple Formats
Nippard’s training program has multiple options for bodybuilding, from beginner to pro.
Backed By Science
There are tons of online workout programs out there, but Nippard takes the time to explain the science behind it all, which can help improve your form.
In Depth Plan
Nippard’s workouts can run over 100 pages. They explain not only the exercises but also anatomy, safety, and the theory behind the program.
Daily Dose
Nippard recommends working out 5 days a week and resting for 2 days.
Block It Out
Nippard’s routine involves 2 blocks of 4 weeks each. You up the intensity and number of reps over time in block one, then focus on strength building in the second block. The 9th week is deloading, or a break for recovery. Then you go back to week 1 and start again.
Classic Style With a Twist
Nippard’s training program has a specific focus like back or legs, but he still hits every muscle group more or less every day through secondary movements.
Exercise Style
A Sample Jeff Nippard Routine
Dumbbell bench press: 4 reps x 3 sets, 75% RPE, rest 2-3 min
Dumbbell chest fly: 12 reps x 3 sets, RPE 8, rest 2 min
Romanian deadlift: 12 reps x 3 sets, RPE 7, rest 2 min
Cable row: 12-15 reps x 3 sets, RPE 7, rest 1-2 min
Dumbbell shoulder press: 8-10 reps x 3 sets, RPE 6 rest 1-2 min
Triceps kickback: 15 reps x 3 sets, RPE 6, rest 1 min
Monkey shrug: 15 reps x 3 sets, RPE 6, rest 1-2 min
Nippard on How to Get Big
‘Research suggests that you should train reasonably close to failure to maximize hypertrophy.’
Nippard on Taking Exercise Advice From Social Media
‘The reality is that most fitness influencers have already been training for 5-10+ years, often have incredible genetics, and may have built their physiques using different methods than those they are currently showcasing.’
Nippard on Exercise Alternatives
‘You can replace the deadlift work with hip thrusts and/or lower back extensions. If you can’t squat, you can replace the squat work with front squats, hack squats or leg press.’
Jeff Nippard’s Supplements
Whey Protein
Nippard had at least one whey protein shake every day. Protein builds muscle, burns fat and curbs cravings.
Jeff Nippard’s Lifestyle
Brain & Brawn
Nippard holds a degree in chemistry and he has guest-lectured at the University of Iowa. He is still considering getting a PhD in exercise science or a related field.
The Amazing Kiwi
Nippard loves kiwifruit so much, he posted a whole episode about it on his YouTube channel. The Chinese gooseberry Actinidia Deliciosa is originally from south China where it is considered the national fruit. It was introduced to New Zealand by missionary Isabel Frasier. They were originally called ‘melonette’ before being renamed ‘kiwifruit’ to avoid import tariffs.
The Downsides of Clean Eating
Nippard says the trouble with ‘clean eating’ is that no one can really agree on what that means. In fact, if you added up all the diet advice, you’d wind up with an empty plate.
Rocky Mountain High
In 2014, when he was 24 years old, Nippard set the Canadian bench press record with 336 lbs. He can also squat 502 lbs., and deadlift 518 lbs.
Nippard on Finding his Path
‘I don’t mean to downgrade the dentistry profession at all, but after making this decision [to quit dentist school], I am much happier and less stressed.’
Nippard on Clean Eating
‘Even if clean eating works, it’s still needlessly inconvenient.’
Nippard on Fat Loss
‘Fat loss will be practically the same as long as you’re in the same caloric deficit and eating enough protein.’
Nippard on Superfoods
‘The term superfood is pure clickbait.’
Nippard on the Nutritional Content of Kiwis
‘Kiwis totally destroy apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries and blueberries.’
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