Jeanette Jenkins Workout and Diet
Fitness Professional
Born: 1974
Canadian-born Jeanette Jenkinswas raised by a single mother who often struggled to provide the basic necessities. Jenkins was always athletic and played many sports including soccer and hockey. She enrolled in the University of Ottawa and studied Human Kinetics. At college, she also worked as a fitness instructor and coach. Jenkins has more than a dozen certifications in fitness and nutrition. She moved to LA in 1997 where she developed a roster of celebrities as her clientele. Jenkins’ brand is called The Hollywood Trainer and she is the creator of Bikini Bootcamp and other popular fitness DVDs. She has also collaborated with fitness pros like Jane Fonda to create workout regimens. Her book The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan was very successful and she appeared on many tv shows like Oprah and Dr. Oz. Jenkins has been featured in multiple magazines including Shape, Health and People. She is a Nike Elite Athlete expert, and is involved in a variety of charities including Right to Play and The School on Wheels. Jenkins has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media. She is 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighs about 140 lbs.
Known For:
Jeanette Jenkins’ Diet
Jenkins has a lot to say about the importance of diet and wrote a whole book on the subject. Her overarching opinion is that ‘Every living cell in your body is made from the food that you eat, so eat like your life depends on it, because it does.’ In other words, junk food leads to a junk body. She recommends wholesome, natural foods like egg whites, turkey bacon, chicken breast, greens, whole grains and fresh fruit. She also advocates drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water each day.
Estimated Macros
- Low Fat 20%
- Medium Carb 40%
- Medium-High Protein 50%
Diet Details
Self Catering
Jenkins says preparing your meals at home saves time, money and stress.
Go Green
Jenkins recommends getting at least 3 servings of green vegetables each day because they strengthen your immune system and decrease your risk of disease.
Listen Up
Jenkins says that the most important thing you can do is listen to your body. One expert’s ideal diet may not work for you. If you feel tired, bloated, or break out after eating something, that is not a food you should be ingesting.
Sensible Snacks
Jenkins’ idea of a snack is a piece of fruit or veggie sticks and hummus. She’s also a fan of fresh green juices and makes a healthy one from a couple of handfuls of spinach, an apple, juice of a lemon, and fresh ginger along with ice and water.
Regular Refuelings
Jenkins eats a lot. She usually has 6 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with 3 snacks. Because the foods she gravitates for are natural, they tend to be much lower in calories than processed foods so she can afford to eat more.
Drink Up
Jenkins says that everyone should aim to consume half your bodyweight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 oz.
What to Eat
Egg Whites
All Vegetables
Chicken Breast
Turkey Bacon
Sweet Potatoes
Ezekiel Bread
Green Tea
Organic Air-popped Popcorn
What to Avoid
Empty-calorie Foods
Processed Foods
Refined Sugar
Junk Food
Fast Food
Chemical Ingredients
Artificial Additives
Jenkins on Greens
‘Greens are…loaded with minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and phytonutrients to help all of your cells function at their best. Green smoothies and green juices can help increase your green vegetable intake.’
Jenkins on Cooking For Yourself
‘You will be less stressed and you will save time and money if you plan your meals in advance and bring them with you.’
Jenkins on the Importance of Water
‘Your body weight is 60% water, and every living cell in your body requires water to function.’
Jeanette Jenkins’ Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Prep Is Essential
Jenkins says that for big goals, it’s important to put the time in before the big event so you don’t get hurt. She recommends planning a year in advance for a marathon.
Get the Gear
Jenkins recommends investing in proper shoes for would-be runners as a way to protect your feet, ankles, knees, and back.
How to Get Great Abs
Jenkins says core-targeted cardio plus a healthy diet are essential for getting ripped through the middle.
More Than Just Numbers
Jenkins recommends using other metrics besides a scale to measure progress. The fit of your clothes, an improved mood and outlook, and overall fitness and/or flexibility are all signs that you’re making progress.
Daily Dose
Jenkins works out virtually every day. She recommends keeping it fresh and protecting your body by mixing up your activities. She suggests 1 day of strength training, 1 of yoga or Pilates, and different forms of cardio to prevent overuse.
Before & After
Jenkins advises warming up before and stretching after exercise to minimize discomfort and the risk of injury.
Advice for Beginners
Jenkins says before you run, you should walk. Once you can comfortably walk 3 miles, start switching to a minute of walking and a minute of running. Then you can switch to two minutes of running for each minute walk. Once you reach 15 minutes of straight running, you can jog as long as you like.
Marathon Routine
Jenkins says that if you want to participate in a marathon, the prep begins months before. You should run at least 3 days a week, comprised of 2 shorter runs of 3-6 miles, followed by a longer run of 6-20 miles on the weekend.
Exercise Style
Some Jeanette Jenkins Routines
Repeat this circuit 2-3x:
Reverse plank w/ alternating leg lifts: 10-12
Flutter kicks: 20-30
Decline w/ alternating reach back: 16-20
Side plank with hip lift: 10-12
Bent knee V-ups: 10-16
5-Minute Do Anywhere Workout
Burpees: 15-25
Squat jumps: 25-30
Push-ups: 25-40
Bicycle crunches: 25-50
Plank: 60 sec
Jenkins on Exercise
‘There is no excuse for you not to exercise. If you have a body, you can exercise.’
Jenkins on Blasting Belly Fat
‘You…need to be doing core exercises because it’s the synergy of a great training program and a great meal plan that delivers an incredible core and defined abs.’
Jenkins’ Recommendations For Optimal Fitness
‘Do 1 day of strength training for your joints, at least one day of yoga or Pilates and another day of another form of mixed cardio or bootcamp.’
Jenkins on Stretching
‘The most important stretch that most runners miss is the hip flexor stretch. Hip flexors get extremely tight from running and can cause lower back pain.’
Jenkins on Eating & Exercise
‘Wait at least an hour after eating before you go for a run.’
Jeanette Jenkins’ Supplements
Greens Supplement
Green Tea
Jeanette Jenkins’ Lifestyle
How To Sleep Better
Jenkins forgoes the afternoon cup o’ Joe for a nutrient-packed green smoothie so the caffeine won’t keep her awake at night. She also re-commends winding down at the end of the day with chamomile tea with the added bonus that chamomile curbs cravings.
All-Around Wellness
Jenkins believes that looking ripped is great, but health is a combination of mind, body, and spirit. Her yoga DVD is designed to help improve flexibility and strength while also de-stressing your mind.
A-List Clientele
Jenkins can name a lot of celebrities amongst her clientele, including Queen Latifah, Pink, Brian Cox and Serena Williams. Jenkins has colla-borated with many big guns in health, including Dr. Oz, Oprah and Ap-ple.
Date Yourself
Jenkins says that if exercise always seems to end up at the bottom of your to-do list, you need to schedule it, just like anything else. She also recommends enlisting friends to help you stick to your plan.
Sister Power
Jenkins has lots of soul sisters out there in the fitness world, but she teamed up with her real-life sister Camille to create a calorie-torching workout that helps people kick their fitness up a notch.
Jenkins on a Good Night's Sleep
‘In the afternoon, I replace a caffeine with a fresh juice smoothie for a couple of reasons. Number one, I want to decrease the amount of caffeine I’m consuming in a day. Second, I want to make sure that I can sleep well at night.’
Jenkins on Fixer-Uppers
‘The best project you’ll ever work on is you.’
Jenkins on Using a Step Counter
‘It’s encouraging and also gives you your pace. It’s immediate gratification.’
Jenkins on Herself
‘I often like to share my age so people understand the benefits of healthy living. I feel like I’m 25 because I have chosen to eat healthy and exercise on a daily basis.’
Jenkins on Challenges
‘Push past the challenge and you will receive your breakthrough. Don’t every give up.’
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Udo’s enzymes
Carlson’s fish oil