Jared Padalecki Workout and Diet

Born: 1982

Jared Padalecki is from Texas. Although he was a candidate for the Presidential Scholars Program in 2000, he opted to move to LA instead to pursue acting. Padalecki soon obtained a small role in A Little Inside, and was then cast in Gilmore Girls. He also ap-peared in other films, including House of Wax. In 2005, Padalecki was cast in Supernatural. He stayed with it until it ended in 2020, and then took up the lead in the reboot of Walker, Texas Ranger. Padalecki married co-star Genevieve Cortese in 2010 and they have 3 children together. He owns a bar in Austin, Texas called Stereotype and a supplement line called Mantra Labs. Padalecki also launched the Always Keep Fighting campaign which supports those struggling with depression, self-injury, addiction, and suicide. He has millions of followers on social media. Padalecki is 6 feet, 4 inches tall and weighs about 185 lbs.

Known For:

Jared Padalecki’s Diet


When it comes to diet, health, and fitness, consistency is key for Padalecki. He naturally gravitates toward healthy foods like meat, eggs, veggies, and fruit. The family keeps chickens so they always have fresh eggs, and they also grow some of their own vegetables and herbs. Padalecki is from Texas, and he loves his hot sauce. He says he does not crave carbs. He likes cooking and grilling, but says he is not especially talented at it. Rather than eat between meals, he prefers to down a cold glass of water.

Estimated Macros

  • Medium Carb 30% 30%
  • Medium Fat  30% 30%
  • High Protein 50% 50%

Diet Details


Natural Cravings

Padalecki says that the foods he craves are the healthy ones: berries, eggs, chicken breast and the like.


Berry Monster

While Padalecki says he never loved things bread, rice, or pasta, he will eat every berry in sight.


Stock Up on Color

Padalecki’s fridge is full of fresh produce, eggs, meat, Greek yogurt and veggies so he always has healthy options at his finger tips.


Snack Attack

Padalecki says that if he’s hungry late at night after a long day of work, he’ll zap a chicken breast in the microwave and eat with some hot sauce.


Pretty Healthy Cheats

Padalecki’s idea of a cheat isn’t terribly unhealthy: breakfast tacos, brisket, bacon, and Tex Mex cuisine. His ultimate comfort food is microwaved nachos, which he acknowledges doesn’t rank high in nutrition.

What to Eat


Whole, Natural Foods


Fresh, Homegrown Eggs




Vegetables, Especially Homegrown


Chicken Breast






Greek Yogurt


Cholula Hot Sauce


Olive Oil



What to Avoid




Black Licorice




Refined Carbs


Junk Food


Empty-calorie Foods


Added Sugars


Trans Fats


Chemical Ingredients


Artificial Additives


Padalecki on Carbs

‘I never really liked bread. I never really liked rice or pasta.’


Padalecki on Olives

‘I love olive oil and I despise olives.’


Padelecki on Things He Does Like

‘I will eat about 7 bowls of berries.’


Padalecki on Food

‘I just Enjoy Healthy Foods These Days.


Padelecki on What He Doesn’t Eat

‘I don’t desire chocolate cake. I’ll have some, sure. I just don’t wish for it.’


Padalecki on How He Handles Late-Night Munchies

I’ll microwave a chicken breast, put on some Cholula, eat it, and go to bed.’

Jared Padalecki’s Workout Routine

Weekly Routine

Be Consistent

If there’s one thing Padalecki knows how to do, it’s stick to a routine.

Work Out Anywhere

Padalecki has a home gym so he doesn’t have to go far to get a work out in. His home gym is extensively kitted out, complete with separate cardio and weight rooms. along with an infrared sauna. He says he uses it all.

Modest Goals

Padalecki says his fitness goals are simply to remain healthy and avoid injury.

Make Adjustments as Necessary

Padalecki had shoulder surgery a few years back, which changed the way he can move his shoulder. Because of this, he now prefers dumbbells to barbells.

Match the Exercise to the Activity

Padalecki does both cardio and weightlifting, but he’ll focus on specific exercise based on what he needs to accomplish at work, such as extra hip hinge moves if he has to shoot a horseback riding scene. For shirtless scenes, he adds in extra shoulder and chest work.

Recovery Matters

Padalecki says while it’s easy to hit the gym hard, it’s also important to be able to move the next day, which is why he uses his infrared sauna after working out.

Daily Dose

Padalecki does a high-intensity routine first thing to charge himself up for the day, and so that he has no excuses for not doing it.

Exercise Style


A Jared Padalecki Routine

HIIT routines: hill sprints, assault bike, etc.

Lift weights

Cardio: treadmill, bike, rower, etc

Bodyweight exercises such as push-ups (weighted with kids on back optional)


Padalecki on Life After Shoulder Surgery

‘My mechanics aren’t the same as they used to be.’


Padalecki on Using Barbells or Dumbbells

‘Grabbing a classic barbell and doing bench press or rows just works differently, so I found that dumbbells fit my routine better these days.’


Padalecki on Squats

‘I love doing squats, but I hate the next couple of days.’


Padalecki on Recovery

‘For recovery, I use my infrared sauna.’


Padalecki on Fitness

‘I don’t worry these days about how I look. I worry about how I feel.’

Jared Padalecki’s Supplements

Energy Boost + Nootropics

Energy Boost + Nootropics

Padalecki’s supplement line Mantra Labs has a health boosting powder called Rise which is designed to support immunity, energy, hydration and focus. It does not contain caffeine, sugar, or calories. All of the Mantra products are gluten-free, soy-free, non-GMO, and suitable for vegans and those following paleo or keto diets.

Get it here



With its blend of electrolytes, herbs, algae and vitamins, Padalecki’s Go helps with post-workout recovery, energy, and focus.

Get it here



Padelecki also has a sleep formula called Rest with melatonin, GABA and theanine that help you fall asleep, stay asleep, wake refreshed, and reduce stress.

Get it here

Jared Padalecki’s Lifestyle

Make It Up As You Go

Padalecki makes up songs and stories for his kids as part of their bedtime routine.

Instant Hit

Padalecki won Fox’s Claim to Fame contest in 1999, and attended the Teen Choice Awards where he met his agent. He was cast in Gilmore Girls a short time later.

Not for Kids

Padalecki is married to his former Supernatural co-star Genevieve Cortese. Their kids had nightmares watching Dad kill Mom on the show. He’s very happy to be now on a program his kids can watch.

You Never Know

Padalecki is terrified of bears, and carried several cans of bear spray on his belt on a trip to Yellowstone park.

Personal Struggles

Padalecki has been open about his struggles with depression, and created the Always Keep Fighting foundation because he wants to help others in a similar situation.

Super Supporters

Over 6,000 fans surprised Padalecki at the 2015 Comic-Con in San Diego when they held up candles for him in solidarity for his battle with depression earlier that year.

Legal Misstep

In 2019, Padalecki was arrest on 2 counts of assault and 1 count of public intoxication.

Giving Back

Padalecki donates a percentage of sales from his Mantra supplement line to mental health organizations.


Padalecki on Parenting

‘Your 3-year-old asks for a song about a coyote, you just do it.’


Padalecki on Strength, and Helping Others

‘Don’t underestimate your own strength…just as importantly, don’t underestimate your ability to help someone else during their most difficult times.’


Padalecki on Depression

‘There’s no shame in having to fight every day…If you’re still alive to hear these words…then you are winning your war.’


Padalecki on The Smell of Cookies

‘I love cookies baking. During the winter, they have these candles that smell like cookies, and I always buy like a hundred of them.’


Padalecki on Being From the Lone Star State

‘I’m a Texas guy, and the good and bad of that is that I’m always, first and foremost, loyal.’


Padalecki on Being Attacked by Bears

‘You never know.’

Recommended Products

Mantra Labs supplements
Mantra Labs supplements
Cholula hot sauce
Cholula hot sauce
Assault bike
Assault bike
Curved treadmill
Infrared sauna
Infrared sauna