Emma Chamberlain Workout and Diet
Emma Chamberlain is from California. She ran track and was a competitive cheerleader in high school, but was unhappy there and launched a YouTube channel at the end of her sophomore year as a way to find her passion. Chamberlain took a high school exit exam in the middle her junior year, and at 17 moved alone to LA where she formed the Sister Squad with other teen YouTubers. In 2019, she was named on Time magazine’s 100 Next list as well as its 25 Most Influential People on the Internet. Chamberlain is a brand ambassador for Louis Vuitton and Cartier. She also has her own sports apparel line and coffee brand. Chamberlain has appeared on the cover of several magazines including Cosmopolitan, Vogue Australia, and Allure. She has millions of followers on social media. Chamberlain is 5 feet, 4 inches tall and weighs about 110 lbs.
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Emma Chamberlain’s Diet
Diet Summary
Chamberlain has been eating a vegetarian diet for her entire life. Some of her staples include very cooked eggs, avocados, and vegan burgers. Although she loves cheese, dairy is hard on her stomach and so she tends to use non-dairy creamer and milk. She also tends to eat healthier versions of carby items, such as pasta made from beans. She has struggled with body dysmorphia and eating disorders. She is famous for her love of coffee and drinks her own brand when at home.
Estimated Macros
Medium Fat
Medium Carb
Low-Medium Protein
Diet Details
Coffee Addict
Chamberlain is an avowed coffee lover. She makes coffee before she does anything else in the day, including shower. She has makes latte with 2 espresso shots and almond milk and creamer.
Lifelong Vegetarian
Chamberlain grew up eating a vegetarian diet. She tried going vegan for a bit, but she likes eggs and cheese too much to give them up.
Picky Eater
Chamberlain says she is very picky about her food, and is not adventurous when it comes to eating. Some of her staples include falafel, burritos, and vegan burgers.
High Egg-spectations
Chamberlain loves to eat eggs, but only if they’re fully cooked, verging on burnt. If there’s any runniness, she won’t touch it.
Spice It Up
Chamberlain likes a lot of flavor in her food. She’s a big fan of Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel seasoning and Cholula hot sauce, like another influencer, Natalie Noel.
What to Eat
- Fresh food
- Whole foods
- Coffee
- Nut milks & creamers
- Eggs
- Avocados
- Olive oil
- Hummus
- Cauliflower
- Nut butter
- Tofu
- Fresh vegetables
- Salads
- Bean pasta
- Fresh fruit
- Whole grains
- Brown rice
- Herbs
- Spices
- Iced herbal tea
- Sparkling water
- Apple cider vinegar
- Water
What to Avoid
- Meat
- Chicken
- Fish
- Empty-calorie foods
- Junk food
- Fast food
- Artificial ingredients
- Chemicals
Chamberlain on her diet
‘I’m a vegetarian because I grew up a vegetarian. I’ve never had meat in my diet.’
Chamberlain on her AM caffeine fix
‘It’s coffee time immediately.’
Chamberlain on getting coffee at a shop
‘Sometimes they put too much milk in lattes. I don’t like that.’
Chamberlain on nutrients
‘A little bit of fat and protein never hurt anyone.’
Emma Chamberlain’s Workout Routine
Workout Routine
Seeking the High
Chamberlain ran track and was on a competitive cheerleading team in high school, but she says she never really felt the rush from exercise.
Regular Dose
Chamberlain works out 4-5 days a week for about an hour to an hour and a half. She likes to work out in the evening.
Be Reasonable
Chamberlain knows exercise is important, but she’s also busy, so if she can’t find time to work out, she doesn’t stress about it.
Exercise Style
An Emma Chamberlain At Home Routine
- Jump rope: 60 sec
- Sprint: up & down staircase x 5
- Use an 8-lb med ball
- Rowboats: 20
- Russian twists: 10-20/side
- Toe touches: 20-30
- Bicycle crunches: 10-20/side
- Leg raises: 10-20
- Plank: 30 sec
- Plank w/ hip drop: 10-20
Bodyweight circuit
Do 2-3 circuits, with 1-2 min rest in between
- Plié squat: 60 sec
- Squat pulse: 30 sec
- Squat jump: 30 sec
- Split squat OR reverse crunch: 30 sec
- Fire hydrants: 30 sec/side
- Kickbacks: 30 sec/side
- Push-ups: 30 sec
Chamberlain on her exercise frequency
‘I try to work out 4-5 times a week.’
Chamberlain on her fitness schedule
‘Sometimes I like working out more at night.’
Chamberlain on making time for exercise
‘I really just shove in a workout wherever I can fit it.’
Chamberlain on exercise devotees
‘I’ve always envied people who get runner’s high.’
Emma Chamberlain’s Supplements
Nutritional Yeast
Chamberlain likes to get her nutrition from whole foods. She will add nutritional yeast to many dishes, including pasta. Nutritional yeast is high in vitamin B-12 and protein, and it adds a pleasing cheesy flavor to food.
Chamberlain takes a teaspoon or 2 of apple cider vinegar (ACV) a few times a day diluted in sparkling water. She says it helps digestion, and she has even started to like the flavor.
Emma Chamberlain’s Lifestyle
Good Sleeper
Chamberlain goes to be around midnight. She never sets an alarm, and generally doesn’t wake up until around 10 am.
Tough Times
Chamberlain’s parents divorced when she was 5. Her father is an artist and the family suffered financial hardship when he was unable to work due to illness.
Chamberlain started her YouTube when she was 15. Within a few years, she had millions of followers.
Setting the Bar
Chamberlain is in large part responsible for establishing the way vloggers create content. In 2018, she won the Streamy Award for Breakout Creator. She also won Best Podcaster at the Shorty Awards.
Keep It Real
Chamberlain refuses to edit her photos for social media because she wants to be authentic.
Original Collaborator
Chamberlain moved by herself to LA when she was 17, and formed the influencer group the Sister Squad with makeup artist James Charles and The Dolan Twins. She also teamed up with Ellie Thumann and Hannah Meloche to create The Girdies.
Quick Exit
Chamberlain took the California High School Exit Exam after the first semester of her junior year. She earned a full high school diploma in 2024 at age 23.
Body Dysmorphic
Chamberlain says she has struggled with body dysmorphia for her entire life. She says social media and living in LA did not help.
Chamberlain on waking up in the morning
‘I actually don’t really set any alarms.’
Chamberlain on body dysmorphia
‘Living in LA, if you’re at an unhealthy weight, that’s normal.’
Chamberlain on social media & body dysmorphia
‘Growing up on social media gave me eating issues as a kid.’
Chamberlain on keeping it real online
‘I grew up watching YouTube and it was tough feeling like everyone I watched had a perfect life. I couldn’t help but feel that my life sucked when I watched their videos.’
Chamberlain on her online presence
‘I ran out of any type of persona. I just had to be me.’
Recommended Products
Chamberlain Coffee
Califia Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
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Postmates Food Delivery Service
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