Cam Gigandet Workout and DIET
Born: 1982
Cameron Gigandet is from Washington state. After graduating high school, he moved to California to attend Santa Monica College. Gigandet’s tv debut came in 2003 with a guest appearance in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. He then landed recurring roles in shows like The Young and the Restless and Jack and Bobby. In 2005, Gigandet was cast in The O.C. He also starred in Ice and Reckless.His big breakthrough came in 2007 when he was selected to play in Twilight for whichhe won a ‘One to Watch’ Young Hollywood Award. Other film credits include Never Back Down and The Magnificent Seven. Gigandet does not have much of a presence on social media. He has 2 daughters with girlfriend Dominque Geisendorff. He is 6 feet, 1 inch tall and weighs about 175 lbs.
Known For:
Cam Gigandet’s Diet
To play in Never Back Down, Gigandet got his body fat down to 6-8%. His diet was simple but strict: focus on protein and avoid carbs. He ate 1.0-1.5g of carbs per pound of body weight and did not consume carbs after 6 pm. He would eat every few hours, adding up to 6-7 smaller meals per day. His staples were lean poultry, fish, eggs, veggies, berries, oatmeal and plenty of water. Junk food was not on the menu at all. He supplemented with a multivitamin and protein shakes. He doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth but he is a fan of scotch and beer which he indulges in if he isn’t training for a special role.
Estimated Macros
- Low Carb 20%
- Medium Fat 30%
- High Protein 60%
Diet Details
Clean Eating
Gigandet’s Never Back Down diet was simple if not easy to follow: eat nutrient-dense foods, prioritize protein, and no junk.
Refuel Regularly
Gigandet stoked his metabolism by eating meals at regular intervals, every couple of hours throughout the day. He would avoid carbs in the evening.
No Cheats
While he was prepping for Never Back Down, Gigandet ate completely clean with no cheats.
Adult Beverages
Gigandet drinks his obligatory water and protein shakes, but when he’s free to enjoy an adult beverage, he’ll go for scotch on the rocks, wine, an old fashioned or a beer. His favorite coffee drink is a caramel Frappuccino.
What to Eat
Small Meals
Lean Animal Protein
Leafy Greens
Protein Shakes
What to Avoid
White Bread
White Sugar
White Rice
Refined Carbs
Fast Food
Junk Food
Chemical Additives
Artificial Ingredients
Gigandet on His Favorite Drinking Buddy
‘My dad. He likes Old Fashioneds.’
Gigandet on His Favorite ‘food’
‘I could probably have caramel Frappuccinos for the rest of my life.’
Gigandet on Sweets
‘I like chocolate stuff. I don’t like any of that other gross sugar candy.’
Cam Gigandet’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Always Active
Gigandet worked hard training for Never Back Down and holds a black belt in the Israeli martial art krav magabut he doesn’t consider himself to be a ‘real’ martial artist.
No Ego Lifting
Gigandet worked hard training for Never Back Down and holds a black belt in the Israeli martial art krav magabut he doesn’t consider himself to be a ‘real’ martial artist.
Recovery Matters
Gigandet takes weekends off to rest and recuperate. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t active. He’s always chasing his kids around.
Daily Dose
Gigandet focused on 1 body part per day, and prioritized higher reps over heavy weight, which gave him a lean, ripped physique.
Strength Training
Gigandet focused on 1 body part per day, and prioritized higher reps over heavy weight, which gave him a lean, ripped physique.
Cardio King
For his cardio day, Gigandet did 45 minutes on the treadmill at 65-75% maximum heart rate which is calculated with the formula: 220 – [age] x .65 or .75.
Exercise Style
A Cam Gigandet Routine
Monday: Chest
Push-ups: 25 reps x 3 sets
Machine vertical press: 15 reps x 3 sets
Machine incline press: 15-20 reps x 3 sets
Pec deck: 15 reps x 3 sets
Bench press: 6 reps x 4 sets
Dumbbell flys: 8 reps x 4 sets
Incline dumbbell press: 8 reps x 4 sets
Tuesday: Back
Pull-ups: 5 reps x 3 sets
Seated rows: 15-20 reps x 3 sets
Lat pulldowns: 15 reps x 3 sets
T-bar rows: 20 reps x 3 sets
Wednesday: Shoulders
Arnold press: 20 reps x 3 sets
Dumbbell lateral raise: 15 repsx 3 sets
Dumbbell front raise: 15 repsx 3 sets
Dumbbell overhead press: 8repsx 4 sets
Cable lateral raise: 12 repsx 4 sets
Cable front raise: 12repsx 4 sets
Shrugs: 8-10 reps x 4 sets
Thursday: Arms
Nautilus curls: 15 repsx 3 sets
Z-bar cable curls: 10-15 repsx 3 sets
Dumbbell hammer curls: 15 repsx 3 sets
Triceps press-downs: 15-20 repsx 3 sets
Friday: Cardio
Treadmill: 45 min @ 65-75% of max. heart rate
Gigandet on His Active Lifestyle
‘It’s such an insult to actual marital artists to say that I do martial arts.’
Gigandet on learning martial arts for a role:
‘It’s been great having my little girl. It’s like having a workout 24 hours a day. I don’t need to go to the gym! I’m chasing after my daughter everywhere she goes.’
Gigandet on Dad Fitness
‘It’s been great having my little girl. It’s like having a workout 24 hours a day. I don’t need to go to the gym! I’m chasing after my daughter everywhere she goes.’
Gigandet on Keeping Moving
Martial arts are a vehicle for developing your human potential.
Cam Gigandet’s Supplements
Gigandet used protein shakes to get ripped. Protein helps you bulk up, boosts metabolism, and staves off hunger.
A multivitamin is a must for Gigandet to be sure he’s hitting all his essentials.
Cam Gigandet’s Lifestyle
Clean Style
Gigandet describes his fashion sense as ‘putting on whatever is clean.’ He’ll sometimes be in the mood to wear a suit, but mostly he’s a tee shirt and jeans kind of guy.
Real Life Vampire?
Gigandet says he doesn’t live in LA for the weather. He’d prefer to live somewhere with more rain.
Hidden Talent
Gigandet says his secret skill is that he’s quite a killer at ping pong.
Tattoo Anxiety
Gigandet admits to having regrets about some of his tattoos, and has analyzed them to death.
The Bad Taste of the O.C.
Gigandet slammed his former O.C. castmates in an interview, calling them ‘miserable.’ No surprise that he does not keep in touch with any of them.
Gigandet on His Life’s Path
‘I don’t actually go out and pursue a route that will fit me best, it’s just that something comes to me and I enjoy it and want to be a part of it.’
Gigandet on Technology
‘I don’t even like phones. I can’t do Twitter.’
Gigandet on Playing a Vampire
‘I’m a bad, bad vampire. Well, so everyone else thinks. I think I’m just misunderstood.’
Gigandet on Playing in The O.C.
‘I learned a lot.’
Gigandet on His Roles vs. His Real Personality
‘I’ve played so many jobs where I’m fearless, but it’s far from me. I wish I were like that in real life.’
Gigandet on Music
‘I don’t understand it. It’s so above and beyond me.’
Gigandet on Living in the Present
‘The future doesn’t matter if I don’t enjoy what’s going on right now.’
Gigandet on Areas Where He Needs to Improve
‘I’m not bad at anything so…Oh, being humble! Ha ha, just kidding. Poker. Or am I bluffing?’
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