Jonathan Majors Workout and Diet
Jonathan Majors was born in California. His father was in the military and so the family moved around, including living in several cities in Texas. Majors got his BA from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and earned a Master of Fine Arts in acting from Yale in 2016. He starred in the independent film The Last Black Man in San Francisco in 2019, and in 2020, landed a role in Lovecraft Country, which earned him a Primetime Emmy nomination. He has appeared in MCU films as Kang, and played in Creed III. He has 1 daughter. Majors has a limited presence on social media. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs about 200 lbs.
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Jonathan Majors’ Diet
Diet Summary
For many actors, physique is an important component of their repertoire and Majors is no exception. He put on 10 lbs. of muscle for Creed III, another 5 lbs. to play Kang for Marvel and an additional 6 lbs. of muscle for Magazine Dreams, all while keeping his body fat below 10%. Food staples for Creed included a lot of lean animal protein and rice, along with leafy greens and green beans. Post-workout snacks were a banana and whey protein or Greek yogurt and a few berries. He ate about 5-7 times a day and all his food was weighed and measured, adding up to a whopping 6,000+ calories for 4 months to pack on the 10lbs. of muscle. He hydrated and kept hunger at bay with plenty of water.
Estimated Macros
Medium Carb
Low Fat
High Protein
Diet Details
Eat the Part
For Creed, Majors trained like a real boxer, which meant a strict diet and exercise plan. He said he also prayed a lot.
Protein, Protein, Protein
Majors packed on the muscle for his role in Creed, but kept himself lean by limiting fats.
Same Ol’, Same Ol’
Majors’ Creed diet was pretty repetitive: lean meat such as chicken, turkey or bison and a lot of rice. Staple post-workout snacks were a banana and whey protein or some greek yogurt and a few berries.
Carb Options
Majors was allowed to eat carbs, and even have extras depending on how hard he worked out.
What to Eat
- Lean protein: chicken breast, turkey, bison
- Rice
- Leafy greens
- Green beans
- Bananas
- Olive oil
- Greek yogurt
- Mixed berries
- Butter
- Water
What to Avoid
- Overeating
- Fatty meats
- Added sugars
- Refined carbs
- Processed foods
- Junk food
- Artificial ingredients
- Chemicals
Majors on his Creed III diet
‘[I ate] a lot of chicken and rice. A lot of turkey and rice. A lot of bison and rice.’
Majors on his Creed III routine
‘Eat a lot, pray a lot, sweat a lot, lift a lot, stretch a lot, sleep a lot.’
Majors on protein intake
‘I’m 6 feet tall…202 pounds. In order to sustain that, and to grow that you have to eat as much protein [as] you weigh.’
Jonathan Majors’ Workout Routine
Workout Routine
Look the Part
Majors considers being fit to be a part of his persona, whether he’s playing a boxer, bodybuilder or a supervillian.
No Shortcuts
Majors makes everything look easy, but that is the result of a lot of hard work. He put in a lot of sweat equity to get that body.
Helping Hand
Majors works with fellow actor and trainer Mark ‘Rhino’ Smith who is there to push him and make sure Majors is using proper form and maximizing his workout sessions.
Daily Dose
Majors works out regularly, and concentrates on being both strong and flexible.
Classic Split
Majors and his trainer usually work 2 muscle groups per session, as a way to optimize the workout.
Superset Me
Majors often does supersets, meaning cycling through multiple exercises with or without rest. His trainer says sometimes he’ll tack on an extra set, and Majors will do 2 extra because he’s so into it.
Exercise Style
A Jonathan Majors Creed III Routine
1 Straight arm lat pulldown: 10 reps x 3 sets
2A Close grip pull-ups: 10-12 reps x 3 sets
2B Leg raises: 8-10 reps x 3 sets
2C Oblique knee raises: 8-10 reps x 3 sets
3A Single-arm dumbbell row: 12 reps x 3 sets
3B Dumbbell shrugs: 12 reps x 3 sets
Majors on fitness
‘Training and working out are very important to me.’
Majors on the connection between fitness & acting:
‘I try to challenge myself to get to a place where I can express things in the gym the same way I do in my line of work.’
Majors on how fitness helps his work
‘It’s important to be flexible, open, [and] strong.’
Jonathan Majors’ Supplements
Besides his use of protein, Majors is keeping any other supplements he might be taking on the down low. So, below are options that may benefit anyone following a similar diet plan.
Majors drinks protein shakes as his post-workout fuel replenisher. Protein grows muscle, speeds recovery, and curbs hunger.
One standard for serious athletes is creatine which provides energy while increasing muscle mass.
BCAAs and Glutamine
BCAAs and glutamine are another top pick for those looking to gain muscle, reduce wasting, and cut fat.
Another amino acid that improves gym performance by reducing fatigue is beta-alanine.
Your body can only use what it absorbs and probiotics help you get the most out of your food.
Majors ate a lot to train for Creed III, but the diet was very repetitive, making a multivitamin a must-have.
Jonathan Majors’ Lifestyle
Sleep Is Essential
Majors said that sleep was absolutely essential for his training when he was prepping for Creed III.
Disappearing Act
Majors’ father abandoned the family, suddenly disappearing one day, and only reappearing 17 years later. Majors and his father have since reconciled.
Rocky Road
Majors grew up in some tough neighborhoods. As a teen, he was arrested for shoplifting and suspended from high school for fighting. He was also kicked out of his house and lived out of his car, working 2 jobs for a time.
Special Inspiration
Majors credits Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight for inspiring him to become an actor. He says the theater became his ‘safe space.’
The Soul of a Poet
Majors has been writing poetry since he was in high school and plans to publish some 50 or so poems. He says he has passed down his love of poetry to his daughter, Ella.
Legal Woes
In March 2023, Majors was arrested on assault charges. Several more people have since come forward claiming that he assaulted and abused them. The case is ongoing.
Ripple Effect
Majors career has been impacted by the assault charges. The US Army suspended recruiting commercials starring Majors, and he was cut from the starring role in The Man in My Basement.
Sidney Poitier Initiative
Majors was instrumental in creating the Sidney Poitier Initiative which provides mentorship to up-and-coming Black actors.
Majors on his family
‘I’m a military brat. My mom’s a pastor. There’s a lot of order in my life that I don’t have control over.’
Majors on growing
‘Growth is uncomfortable. You have to embrace the discomfort if you want to expand.’
Majors on legacy
‘When you allow yourself to really think about the future and the legacy you’re leaving, you become gentler.’
Majors on absentee dads
‘The interesting thing about an absent father is, for a child, you don’t know he’s absent. You just think he’s…tardy.’
Majors on his work
‘I’m not a pastor. I’m not a man of the cloth. But I have my own calling.’
Majors on emotions
‘I have a very high frequency of anger, and a very high frequency of sadness.’
Majors on the draw of acting
‘Sometimes the world didn’t feel fair enough. Everything feels fair on the stage.’
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