Dominic D’Agostino, Ph.D. Workout and Diet

Medical Doctor
Born: 1974

Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is a professor at the University of South Florida with a concentration in the ketogenic diet, biochemistry and metabolism amongst other things, and especially the protective effects they offer against debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer. He is also interested in enhancing the safety and performance of astronauts and military personnel in extreme environments through the use of the keto diet. He holds a record for the most weight squatted in a 24-hour period. He also fasted for 7 days and then lifted 500 lbs. He often gives presentations and podcasts which have over a million total views. He weighs about 225 lbs.

Known For:

Dominic D’Agostino’s Diet


D’Agostino follows the ketogenic diet, which is high fat, very low carb, and medium protein. He also engages in intermittent fasting and takes a ketone supplement. He eats two meals per day. When he is trying to gain weight, he will eat three. 2-3 times per week he will only have coffee with MCT powder in it as his morning meal (this is his intermittent fast). On the other days, he will eat things like eggs, seafood and veggies. He has a salad almost every day, and his protein is generally fish. He often has a glass of wine with dinner.

Estimated Macros

  • Very Low Carbs 10% 10%
  • Medium Protein 30% 30%
  • High Fat 80% 80%

Diet Details


Light Charge Up

Breakfast is usually coffee with ghee (clarified butter) or MCT powder. Twice or three times per week, this will be all he will have until dinner. When he does eat breakfast, it is often eggs, sardines, oysters and/or vegetables.


Healthy Dinner

D’Agostino does not eat lunch. His evening meal consists of a salad and usually fish for protein. He’ll also have mashed cauliflower and avocados.


Keto Snack

D’Agostino’s late-night snack is keto ice cream: sour cream mixed with coconut cream with a flavor he changes every night, for example blueberry and chocolate powder, with a pinch of stevia for sweetness.



D’Agostino says he will eat popcorn at the movies or pizza if he is in Italy, but his cheat is usually just to eat extra keto foods.

What to Eat








Nuts/nut butters






MCT Powder Oil




Olive Oil


Coconut Cream


Sour Cream



What to Avoid




Junk Food


Soft Drinks


Refined Foods


Processed Foods


Hydrogenated Fats


Artificial Ingredients


Carb-y vegetables




D’Agostino on the Importance of Diet

‘If medicine wants to focus on prevention, there’s no better tool than nutrition.’


D’Agostino on the Keto Diet

‘We’re our best doctors. How we feel on the diet is a pretty good indication of how the diet is working.’


D’Agostino on his Keto Diet

‘I eat 2 meals a day, spaced roughly about 12 hours apart.’


D’Agostino on the Changes he’s Made to His Diet

‘I come from a background of eating like 6 meals a day and I can’t imagine going back to that pattern of eating, or having the time or patience to do all the food preparation and the shopping[…]’

Dominic D’Agostino’s Workout Routine

Weekly Routine

Afternoon Workout

D’Agostino often works out in the afternoon, 8-12 hours into the fasted state. He will have BCAAs and a ketone supplement before the workout, and eat a large keto meal after.

Train for the Gain

D’Agostino recommends following the modified ketogenic diet to gain muscle, with 25-30% of your calories coming from protein.

Pedal to the Metal

D’Agostino often listens to heavy metal when he’s working out.

Exercise Style


Focus on Longevity

Weight training is a priority, but Dr. Dom says now his goal is aging well rather than lifting the max.


Be Creative

With limited time, Dr. Dom squeezes in his workout where he can, even doing squats on an airplane (with his wife on his back).


Have Fun

Dr. Dom plays with his dogs to burn off stress and sneak in some cardio.


D’Agostino on Fitness

‘I saw biology and science as a way to understand my own biology and physiology to maximize my performance.’


D’Agostino on How to Exercise

‘Lift heavy stuff and eat just enough to recover.’


D’Agostino on Ketones

‘Here was a substance that could potentially mitigate CNS oxygen toxicity, but also at the same time potentially enhance physical and cognitive performance.’


D’Agostino on Keto Research

‘If animals are in a state of nutritional ketosis…ketones have an anti-cancer effect.’

Dominic D’Agostino’s Supplements


Spirulina & Chlorella

Chock-full of phytonutrients, Dr. Dom recommends spirulina and chlorella for their antioxidant effects, immune boosting properties and their potential to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Get it here  


MCT Powder Oil

Medium-chain triglycerides can also help you lose weight as well as perform better at the office and the gym.

Get it here  



5-HTP has been shown to support weight loss, as well as improve mood and other benefits.

Get it here  

Dominic D’Agostino’s Lifestyle

Sleep Is Key

D’Agostino rates sleep as high as diet and exercise. He says every process in the body benefits from sleep.

Greet The Day

D’Agostino says early morning sun exposure is one of the most powerful ways to synchronize your circadian rhythm, improving all your bodily functions including hunger, mood and sleep cycle.

Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF)

Dr. Dom emphasizes the importance of timing your eating. Dinner should be eaten before 8 p.m. to avoid glucose spikes and a raised body temperature which interfere with our biological rhythms.

Optimize With Autophagy

Autophagy is the process by which the body breaks down old cells and either reuses parts or discards them. Autophagy is necessary for good health, to slow the aging process, and to avoid disease. Intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet encourage autophagy.

Get In The Rhythm

D’Agostino says that he gets his best sleep when he works out early in the morning outdoors. If he must work early, he makes a point to sit outside or near a source of natural light.

Nix The Booze for Sweeter Dreams

Research shows that alcohol suppresses REM sleep. Alcohol also raises heart rate, which disrupts natural sleep patterns.


D’Agostino on his Life’s Work

‘Developing metabolic-based treatments (where nutritional ketosis is the cornerstone) for neurological diseases and cancer…is the thrust of what I want to accomplish as a scientist.’


D’Agostino on Staying Optimistic

‘To a large extent, it’s who you surround yourself with. If you’re grateful, it’s hard to be angry.’


D’Agostino on Living the Dream

‘You really have to follow what you’re passionate about. Identify people who are doing what you want to do…. If you’re really passionate and your research is meeting a need for someone, you’re going to be happy and fulfilled.’

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