The last thing you want to deal with after a fun night out is the uncomfortable side effects of your festivities. Knowing your likely fate the next morning is enough to put a damper on any night out. Of course, you can always choose to abstain from partaking in alcoholic beverages but those fancy mocktails don’t hit the same after a long week.
To fight for the right to have a good time, many supplement companies have started creating products that cater to preventing the dreaded morning-after symptoms, such as BetterBrand BetterMorning. But does it really work or is it too good to be true?
Let’s find out in this BetterBrand BetterMorning review!
About BetterBrand BetterMorning
Founded in 2019, this San Antonio-based supplement company claims to provide better living through science. BetterBrand touts natural, pharmacist-formulated products that are backed by legitimate research such as this one, BetterLungs, and more.
BetterBrand’s BetterMorning supplement contains a blend of ingredients aimed at, you guessed it, providing a better morning after a night on the town.
Each capsule contains a blend of B vitamins to replenish what alcohol has stolen the previous night, ginger to help fight the dreaded hangover nausea, milk thistle to help remove toxins from your liver, and other ingredients that fight headaches and other unfortunate hangover symptoms many of us know all too well.
This product is third-party tested, made in the USA, and GMP certified. It is also certified gluten-free and vegetarian-friendly.
BetterBrand BetterMorning Benefits
BetterBrand BetterMorning claims their product minimizes post-drinking headaches and “hangxiety”, fights morning nausea, replenishes vitamin sapped by alcohol, and supports liver detoxification with natural ingredients.
BetterBrand BetterMorning Ingredients
The main ingredients in BetterBrand BetterMorning’s formula include B complex vitamins, ginger, milk thistle, L cysteine, licorice root, dihydromyricetin (DHM), and alpha lipoic acid (ALA).
- B Complex vitamins – Alcohol consumption can inhibit your body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients, specifically your B vitamins such as thiamin, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Some small studies have suggested that a higher dietary intake of certain B vitamins, such as niacin, could potentially decrease the severity of post-alcohol hangover symptoms however, larger studies on this are still needed.
- Ginger – Ginger is a well-known anti-nausea home remedy. This makes this root particularly helpful for hangovers. Research has found ginger to be an inexpensive and effective natural treatment for nausea and vomiting symptoms that contains little to no side effects for most healthy adults.
- Milk thistle – Milk thistle is a natural ingredient often recommended for liver support. In fact, many studies have found that milk thistle can improve liver function and even be an effective treatment for conditions such as cirrhosis and alcoholic fatty liver. However, the mechanism of action remains unknown, and more studies are needed to determine the efficacy of milk thistle for liver support.
- L cysteine – L cysteine is needed to increase our body’s glutathione levels. Glutathione is an antioxidant that is produced by your body’s cells. Antioxidants can help to reduce oxidative stress in the body which can result in certain diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Some studies have linked glutathione to improving cell damage in conditions such as alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver. Although promising, more research is still needed.
- Licorice root – Research has found that licorice root has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that might be hepatoprotective. Some studies even suggest that licorice can help to reduce liver injury however, many studies were conducted on animals and more human trials are needed.
- Dihydromyricetin (DHM) – DHM is a plant-extract flavonoid that some studies have found works as a potential therapeutic option for an anti-alcohol intoxication treatment. It’s believed to help reduce blood alcohol levels and provide hepatoprotective properties. Although promising, more research is still required to confirm the safety and efficacy of this compound.
- Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) – ALA helps boost the production of the compound glutathione, an antioxidant that provides detoxification effects. Glutathione helps to support the processes of the liver which helps to detoxify alcohol. Because of this, glutathione is believed to help reduce or prevent potential hangover symptoms. Many studies on this are conducted on animals and further human trials are warranted.
Does BetterBrand BetterMorning Work?
Based on the ingredients and the subsequent research provided, it is likely taking the BetterMorning supplement will provide some potential relief from the uncomfortable side effects of binge drinking. Supplements such as this may work well for some and not so well for others. Its effect will vary from person to person but generally speaking it has the potential to be a good partner for a wild weekend party.
Who is BetterBrand BetterMorning Best For?
BetterBrand BetterMorning is not intended to be used daily but instead in preparation for a long evening partaking in alcoholic beverages. Therefore, this supplement is best for the average, healthy individual who occasionally enjoys a moderate amount of alcohol for special occasions but often struggles with hangover symptoms.
This product should not be used as a treatment for alcoholism. Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant should avoid taking this product, along with consuming alcohol.
Always speak to your doctor or healthcare provider before adding a supplement like this one to your routine, especially if you are taking any medications for a chronic condition. Some ingredients in this product have the potential to interact with certain medications.
As always, it’s best to practice moderation when it comes to alcohol intake. If you struggle with excessive alcohol consumption, speak to your doctor or healthcare provider for information on programs to help with cessation.
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BetterBrand BetterMorning
- Formula includes B complex vitamins, ginger, milk thistle, and more
- Gluten-free and Vegetarian-friendly
- Designed to minimize post-drinking headaches, replenish vitamins, and support liver detox
Claims vs. Reality
BetterBrand claims their BetterMorning supplement minimizes post-drinking headaches and “hangxiety”, fights morning nausea, replenishes vitamin sapped by alcohol, and supports liver detoxification with natural ingredients. Although not all ingredients have adequate research to completely back up these claims, none of their ingredients have significant side effects or safety concerns with taking them.
The research that is available is supportive of their claims. BetterBrand does not have any benefits advertised for this product that do not have any subsequent research, although potentially small, that research is present.
Is BetterBrand BetterMorning Safe?
None of the ingredients in BetterBrand BetterMorning have significant side effects however, there are no studies to compare the potential effects of taking this specific mixture of ingredients. If you are taking any medications for any chronic conditions always speak with your doctor or healthcare provider before taking this supplement to avoid any potential interactions.
Some people may experience uncomfortable flushing symptoms from taking B vitamins, specifically niacin. Milk thistle may result in gastrointestinal discomfort or headaches in certain populations while L cysteine may cause anxiety or shaking.
Many side effects of these ingredients result from prolonged, excessive intake. Based on the amounts provided in this supplement, that risk is minimal.
Where to Buy BetterBrand BetterMorning
You can purchase BetterBrand BetterMorning directly from their official website here.
A 14-serving container of BetterBrand BetterMorning costs $34.95.