Roelly Winklaar Workout and DIET
Born: 1977
Egberton Rulove Etienne-Winklaar was born in Curaçao, and moved to the Netherlands when he was 5. A bodybuilder enthusiast from a young age, it took a near-fatal car crash to encourage him to get serious about following his dream. Winklaar earned his pro card in 2009 and won his first competition a year later. ‘The Beast’ is considered to be one of the top pros, with his best Mr. Olympia finish in 3rd place. Winklaar was featured in the 2013 documentary Generation Iron. He has 3 children. Winklaar has millions of fans on social media. He is 5 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs 265 lbs. for competitions and 290 lbs. in the off-season.
Known For:
Roelly Winklaar’s Diet
Diet is an essential component of a bodybuilder’s regimen, and Winklaar is no exception. To feed his muscles, he eats every few hours, adding up to about 6 meals a day along with 2 protein shakes. He has all the bodybuilding classics: egg whites, oatmeal, grilled chicken, brown rice, sweet potatoes and protein powder. He eats very clean to the point of calling his diet ‘monotonous,’ and keeps track of all his macros. All of his foods contain solid nutrition. Water is also a staple of his diet.
Estimated Macros
- Low Fat 20%
- Low-Medium Carb 30%
- High Protein 60%
Diet Details
Feed the Muscles
Winklaar has a lot of muscle mass to maintain, which means almost constant feeding. He eats protein all day long, including a casein protein shake made with Greek yogurt before bed to tide him over until morning.
Eat Your Veggies
Winklaar does not skip out on his greens. He has steamed vegetables like broccoli or asparagus at least 3 times a day.
Carby Faves
Winklaar cuts back on carbs before a competition, but otherwise, he eats plenty in the form of oatmeal, brown rice and sweet potatoes.
What to Eat
Egg Whites
Whole Eggs
Green Veggies
Sweet Potatoes
Greek Yogurt
Whey Protein
Casein Protein
What to Avoid
Excess Sodium
Added Sugar
Artificial Ingredients
Junk Food
Fast Food
Chemical Ingredients
Winklaar on His Diet
‘My meal plan is quite monotonous.’
Winklaar on Meal Prep
‘I have meals prepared by my team members. They also deliver them to the gym.’
Winklaar on Allowing Others to Prepare His Food
‘I trust them completely.’
Roelly Winklaar’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Early Training
Incredible genetics aren’t Winklaar’s only secret. He did gymnastics for much of his youth, contributing to his graceful poses.
Grandma’s Watching
Winklaar trained under Sibil ‘Grandma’ Peeters, which helped him to learn proper form and technique for every move.
Early Success
Winklaar had his pro card for less than a year before placing 7th in the 2010 IFBB Arnold Classic, 3rd in the Australia Pro Grand Prix, and then snagging 1st at the New York Pro that same year.
Massive Muscles
Winklaar is famous for his impressive combo of size and con-ditioning.
Daily Dose
Winklaar trains 5 days a week and takes the weekend off to rest and recover.
Bro Split
Winklaar takes the classic bodybuilding approach of focusing on 1 body part per day. His favorite day, arms, he saves for Friday.
Cardio Warm-Up
Winklaar warms up his muscles with a cardio routine that is also handy for burning fat.
Exercise Style
A Roelly Winklaar Routine
Day 1: Chest
Do 5 sets of each of the following:
Incline dumbbell press: 8-12 reps
Weighted dips: 10-15 reps
Incline dumbbell fly: 10-15 reps
Hammer strength press: 8-12 reps
Decline dumbbell benchpress: 8-12 reps
Day 2: Back
Bodyweight pull-ups: 8 reps x 3 sets
Behind the neck lat pulldown: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
Wide-grip lat pulldown: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
Dumbbell row: 8-12 reps x 4 sets
Single-arm lat pulldown: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
Close grip seated cable row: 8-12 reps x 4 sets
Day 3: Shoulders
Do 5 sets of each of the following:
Hammer strength shoulder press: 6-12 reps
Reverse grip barbell front raise: 8-15 reps
Dumbbell side raise: 8-15 reps
Reverse machine pec deck: 10-15 reps
Standing machine shoulder shrug: 8-15 reps
Standing cable shrug: 10-15 reps
Seated military press: 8-15 reps
Day 4: Legs
Do 5 sets of each of the following:
Hack squats: 8-15 reps
Reverse hack squats: 8-15 reps
Single-leg press: 8-15 reps
Seated leg extension: 10-15 reps
Wide stance leg press: 8-12 reps
Lying hamstring curl: 8-15 reps
Smith machine deadlift: 8-12 reps
Day 5: Arms
Do 5 sets of each of the following:
Standing EZ bar curl: 8-15 reps
Single-arm machine preacher curl: 8-12 reps
Incline dumbbell curl: 8-12 reps
Seated 1-arm dumbbell curl: 8-12 reps
Bodyweight triceps dips: 8-10 reps
Close grip triceps pushdowns: 10-15 reps
EZ bar skullcrushers: 8-12 reps
Single-arm dumbbell triceps extensions: 10-15 reps
Days 6-7: Rest
Winklaar on Training During the Pandemic
‘Taking a year off made it difficult for me to get back, and the competition, the new youngsters are GOOD!’
Winklaar on Getting Into the Mr. Olympia Competition
‘I did not want to stance on an invite. I wanted to qualify fair and square like everybody else.’
Winklaar on His Legs
‘Hack squats are a must for me!’
Roelly Winklaar’s Supplements
Besides his whey and casein protein, Winklaar isn’t talking about any other supplements he’s taking. So, below are options that may benefit anyone following a similar diet plan.
Whey Protein
To feed his muscles, Winklaar has a shake made with 2 scoops of whey protein every day, mixed with a banana.
Casein Protein
To prevent muscle breakdown overnight, Winklaar has 2 scoops of slow-digesting casein protein and a cup of Greek yogurt as his final meal of the day.
For those looking to bulk up, creatine is a popular choice to increase strength, build lean muscle, and shorten recovery time.
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are another top pick among pros because of the twin benefits of building and re-pairing muscle.
fish oil
To combat inflammation, support joints, brain and overall health, fish oil is another pro fave.
Winklaar admits to eating a pretty limited diet, making a multivitamin a smart idea to cover any micronutrients that might be missing.
Roelly Winklaar’s Lifestyle
Eat, Sleep, Train, Repeat
Winklaar says the life of a pro athlete is all-consuming. He barely does anything besides eat, train, and sleep.
Simple Joys
When Winklaar does have a free moment, he talks to friends and family on the phone and social media, as well as gets massages, takes jacuzzi baths, sunbathes, and watches movies.
It Takes a Toll
The pandemic hit everyone hard, including the world of bodybuilding. Winklaar was not able to train like usual during the lockdown, which led to his slipping down the ranks in recent years.
Childhood Tragedy
Winklaar was just 4 years old when his father died in a motorcycle accident. His mother decided to move the family to the Netherlands the following year.
Silver Lining
Winklaar himself nearly perished in a car accident. The near-death experience helped him to decide to get serious about bodybuilding.
Deja Vu All Over Again
Winklaar got into a motorcycle crash in 2014, resulting in his pulling out of the Arnold Classic that year.
It Runs in the Family
Adrenaline junkie-ism isn’t the only thing that runs in Win-klaar’s family. His younger brother Quincy is also an IFBB Pro bodybuilder.
Winklaar on His Success
‘I never thought I would become this big in the world of bodybuilding.’
Winklaar on His Training Routing
‘When I’m in Kuwait training and prepping for shows, my schedule is as follows: eat, sleep, train, repeat. I barely do anything outside of training.’
Winklaar on His Winning Secret
‘There is no secret to fitness. You have to be willing to go the extra mile every single time.’
Winklaar on Finding The Will to Keep Grinding
‘Listening to music does motivate me from time to time, when the energy or motivation is low.’
Winklaar on Social Media
‘Instagram is for our fans. They do not dictate your physique on stage.’
Winklaar’s Advice For Would-be Mr. Olympias
‘Don’t ever get discouraged by other people’s opinions. Keep going.’
Recommended Products
E-Z bar
Elbow sleeves
Knee sleeves
Weight belt
Lifting straps
Power lifting grips