Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D Workout and Diet
Born: 1983
Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D in biomedical science. She has done extensive research in the fields of nutrition, aging and metabolism. She believes in a proactive, preventative approach to healthy, longevity and aging. She is married and has a baby.
Known For:
Rhonda Patrick’s Diet
Patrick is an advocate of nutrigenomics, meaning she bases her food intake on her individual genetic needs. She has a micronutrient-rich green smoothie every morning and her diet is whole foods-based with a heavy emphasis on organic vegetables. She engages in intermittent fasting.
Estimated Macros
- Medium Protein 40%
- Medium Fat 40%
- Medium Carb 40%
Diet Details
Time Matters
Patrick uses evidence-based research for all her dietary decisions, and when to eat is one of them. She tries to eat within a 10-hour window each day. Restricted hours of eating has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, and decrease blood pressure and oxidative stress.
Refined Foods Need Not Apply
Patrick believes the single most important dietary change Americans can make is to cut out all refined sugars.
Smoothies for the Win
Patrick is big on vegetable smoothies. She has one every morning. With a green smoothie, even if the rest of your meals aren’t fabulous, you have covered your bases by having one veggie-rich smoothie, no cooking skills necessary. Here are links to Patrick’s: smoothie 1, smoothie 2.
Eat Your Broccoli (Sprouts)
Patrick eats broccoli sprouts every day because of the protective effect a component called sulforaphane has on genes.
Get Wonky
What to Eat
Salmon Roe
Bone broth
Grass-fed beef
Coconut Milk
Flax Milk
Cocoa Nibs
Almond Butter
Broccoli Sprouts
Organic leafy greens
What to Avoid
Refined foods
Processed foods
Hydrogenated fats
Fruit Juice
Soft drinks
Artificial additives
Patrick on fasting
‘There’s evidence…that if you consume black coffee within the fasting window, there’s still positive effects happening.’
Patrick on what to eat first thing
‘Eat some protein to raise your IGF-1 levels, as well as some carbs because carbs allow for IGF-1 to be more bioavailable.’
Patrick on optimal eating
‘Time-restricted eating involves eating when your metabolism is optimal. You’re eating within your circadian biology[…]’
Rhonda Patrick’s Workout Routine
Weekly Routine
Run For Endurance
Endurance exercises help your muscle cells produce ATP and prevent a decline in respiratory capacity. Patrick’s endurance training of choice is running.
High Intensity Training
Exercising at a high level of intensity increases the amount of young, healthy mitochondria that your body makes. Patrick takes spinning classes and does squat jumps.
Strength Training
Lifting weights will maintain and increase your muscle mass, power, and strength which would otherwise decline. It also improves insulin sensitivity. Patrick does lunges, squats and lifts weights.
Be Flexible
Besides being able to pick up things off the floor without letting out an embarrassing groan, stretching has been shown to slow tumor growth in animal studies. Patrick does yoga and ballet exercises to stay flexible.
Exercise Style
Be Scientific
Patrick says that endurance, high intensity and strength training are all essential to slow aging of muscles. Even if started in middle age, aerobic exercise can almost reverse changes in the brain due to aging.
Don’t Get Comfortable
Patrick says it’s important to realize that we need all different types of exercise to keep our cells healthy.
Pump It Up
Patrick lifts and does her resistance and strength training 2-3 times per week.
Patrick on exercise while fasting
‘Training in the fasted state seems to be beneficial — unless you’re doing intense anaerobic exercise.’
Patrick on the importance of exercise
‘Aerobic exercise seems to be really important for Alzheimer’s prevention…and it has also been shown to activate the lymphatic system[…]’
Rhonda Patrick’s Supplements
Hydrolyzed Collagen
For healthy joints, hair, skin nails, and overall wellbeing, Patrick uses Great Lakes hydrolyzed collagen which contains 18 amino acids.
O.N.E. Multivitamin by Pure Encapsulation fills in any nutritional gaps in your diet.
Omega 3s
Nordic Naturals ProOmega 2000 is a supplement of omega-3s which contain EPA and DHA which play an important role in brain health and throughout the body.
Lion’s Mane
Get it here
Vitamin K-2
NOW vitamin K-2 supports bone health, and reduces the risk of heart attack and cancer.
Vitamin D-3
NOW Vitamin D-3 is needed to control the expression of over 1,000 genes in the body and has an important impact on aging. Patrick takes 1 daily, except in summer.
NOW Alpha Lipoic Acid slows aging of the brain. Patrick recommends taking it on an empty stomach.
Rhonda Patrick’s Lifestyle
Sleep for Sanity
Patrick says that sleep is one of the best ways to clear amyloid plaques (which cause dementia).
Sauna for Stress & More
Patrick has noticed that using a sauna reduces her anxiety and increases her ability to deal with stress. It also offers protective effects against Alzheimer’s, can promote muscle growth, and increase insulin sensitivity. She uses a sauna 4-7 times per week.
Go For the Cold
Patrick is also a proponent of cryotherapy to decrease inflammation, and increase metabolism and immune function.
Stressbuster #2: Meditation
Mindfulness is great for reducing stress, which in turn positively impacts your digestion, immune system, and rate of aging. It also improves your awareness about decisions and promotes empathy and compassion.
Patrick on hot yoga
‘A lot of people are hooked on hot yoga and I’m convinced because it’s an anti-depressive strategy.’
Patrick on stress
‘Our bodies are beautifully designed to handle all types of stress; but our genes have to be working. They have to have the right nutrients.’
Patrick on figuring it all out
‘Life is like a series of challenges to perfect the functioning of who you are.’
Recommended Products
National Dental Pulp Lab, Inc.
Amphora Nueva Berkeley Olive Oil
Sulforaphane kit