Ross Franklin Workout and Diet

Founder & CEO
Born: 1980

Ross Franklin is the Founder and CEO of Pure Green, a fast-growing cold pressed juice and smoothie company based in New York. Franklin is also well established within the fitness industry known by gym owner’s as “The Fixer” specializing in big-box gym and specialty boutique fitness turn-arounds. After graduating, Ross moved to New York City where he worked for high-end gyms like Equinox and The Sports Center at Chelsea Piers before starting his own Fitness Consulting Company RFF Consulting.Ross partnered with the grandfather of biohacking Dave Asprey in helping to bring Bulletproof Coffee to New York.He hosts a podcast where he has interview wellness visionaries such as Dr. Nicholas Perricone, Jairek Robbins and Charles Chen.Franklinis 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs about 185 lbs.

Known For:

Ross Franklin’s Diet


While Franklin’s specialty is in formulating cold pressed juice, handcrafted smoothies and acai bowls, he is also well entrenched within the field of biohacking and has been on an on-going search to uncover what the optimal nutrition and supplementation plan for optimal cognitive and productivity. He has worked directly with Dave Asprey and received sought after cutting-edge wisdom from sought after wellness visionaries like Dr. Nicholas Perricone. 
Franklin follows the intermittent fasting protocol four to five days out of the week with a 15 to 16 hour fast and 8 to 9 hour eating window. He makes sure to not each 3 to 4 hours before going to bed for more restful sleep and also gain a jump on the intermittent fasting window. Franklin has very low carbs with no white carbs except for white rice (latter in the day) on occasion several times per week to intentionally break the ketosis cycle to help reset his body.

Estimated Macros

  • Low Carbs 20% 20%
  • Medium Protein 30% 30%
  • High Fat 70% 70%

Diet Details


Hydrogen Hydration

Franklin starts his day by amplifying the benefits his water with molecular hydrogen by dropping effervescent magnesium H2 tablets into his water which clocks in at 12 parts per million of molecular hydrogen


Intermittent Fasting

Franklin usually won’t eat his first meal until early afternoon. He finds that he can be more productive in the morning without having to worry about his first meal while also inducing the hormonal benefits of intermittent fasting.


Nootropics Boost

Depending on the agenda for the day, Franklin stacks organic black coffee paired within L-Theanine for a cognitive boost.

On days where greater focus is needed for working hours on-end at the computer, Franklin stacks Nuvigil with CDP Choline to replenish the Choline in the brain that the Nuvigil depletes.

For a cognitive boost pick-me up throughout the day when needed, Franklin will take a mini-dose (1mg-2mg) of nicotine from a lozenge or spray.


Pasture Raised Meats / Wild Fish + Organic Veggies

Most of Franklin’s meals usually consist of pasture raised grass-fed beef, free-range chicken or wild fish pair with organic cauliflower or organic broccoli and drizzled with high quality organic olive oil or slathered with grass-fed butter.

What to Eat


Grass-fed Beef


Cage-Free Eggs


Free-Range Chicken


Wild Fish










Olive oil




Grass-fed Butter







What to Avoid


Refined and unfermented bread


Refined foods


White Pasta


White Flour


Eating right before going to sleep


Franklin on Diet

Experiment with what foods give you energy and what foods take away your energy. Trust your body.’


Franklin on Health

‘Living a healthy lifestyle should be an enjoyable experience and not restrictive to the point where you feel deprived.’


Franklin on Energy

Feeling driven and productive throughout the workday will enhance your feeling of well-being, avoid the foods and beverages that zap your energy and slow you down.’


Franklin on Meal Planning

‘Don’t get stuck starving in the middle of the day without any healthy meals available, plan out and surround yourself with healthy meal options so you don’t make poor nutrition choices out of desperation.’


Weekly Routine

Weight Training

Franklin does 30-minute weight training sessions 4 to 5 times per week training with free-weights using antagonistic training principles; chest/back, bis/tris, legs/shoulders mixed in with calisthenics and some kettle bell work. Franklin triple supersets his workouts to reduce the overall duration and help get the heart rate up.

Basketball Warm-up

Before hitting the weight room, Franklin typically warms-up his body shooting around at the basketball court.Franklin finds warming up on the basketball court to be meditative and enjoyable way to warm-up the body before training.

Foam Rolling

Franklin keeps a Rumble Roller foam roller next to his desk during the workday for short mini myofascial release sessions as needed throughout the day.

Exercise Style


Workout Routine

The intention behind this workout routine is to reap the greatest amount of benefits in the least amount of time.


Get the Blood Flowing

To get warmed-up and the endorphins going, the following routine helps to get the body activated:

  1. Callisthenic Warm-Up: 50 jumping jacks, 30 push-ups followed by 30 seconds of mountain climbers consecutively executed.
  2. Foam Rolling: 1-2 minutes of foam rolling using the Rumble Roller. Time to hit the court if you happen to have a basketball court available (Skip this if not an option for you):
  3. Basketball: 10 to 15 minutes of shooting around on the basketball court.
  4. Weight Training: 3 Sets of Triple Super-Sets for 15 to 20 reps per exercise. This protocol should be executed by doing one full set of each body movement striving to adhere to the allotted rest time.

Workout Day 1

  • Legs / Shoulders – 3 Full Sets
    (2 Sets for the first two weeks to get acclimated)
  • Compound Leg Movement: Squats / Deadlift – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Compound Shoulder Movement: Military Press / Shoulder Press – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Calisthenics: Burpees / Mountain Climbers – 15 to 20 reps (Rest 60 seconds +)
  • Secondary Leg Movement: Single Leg Lunges /
  • Sumo Squats with Kettle Bell: 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Secondary Shoulder Movement: Double Dumbbell Shoulder Raise / Bent Over Double Dumbbell Shoulder Raise – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Calisthenics: Single Arm Kettle Bell Swing – 15 to 20 reps per arm (60 seconds rest)
  • Hanging Double Leg Raise: 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs: 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Standing Dumbbell Calf Raises: 15 to 20 reps per leg (no rest in between)
  • Seated Leg Raises: 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Physio Ball Plank: 30 to 45 seconds

Workout Day 2

  • Chest / Back – 3 Full Sets
    (2 Sets for the first two weeks to get acclimated)
    Full Set
  • Compound Chest Movement:
    Olympic Chest Press / Dumbbell Chest Press – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Compound Back Movement:
    Wide Grip Pull-Ups / Barbell Bent Over Row – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Calisthenics:
    Push Ups – 15 to 20 reps
    Rest 60 seconds +
  • Secondary Chest Movement:
    Dumbbell Flies / Cable Flies – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Secondary Back Movement:
    Lat Pull Down / Seated Cable Rows – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Calisthenics:
    Push-ups on Physio Ball – 15 to 20 (60 seconds rest)
    Physio Ball Crunches – 30 reps + (no rest in between)
    Physio Ball Plank – 30 to 45 seconds + (no rest in between)
    Bosu Ball Burpies – 15 to 20 reps (no rest in between)
    Seated Leg Alternate Hanging Leg Raises + (no rest in between)

Workout Day 3

  • Biceps / Triceps – 3 Full Sets
    (2 Sets for the first two weeks to get acclimated)
    Full Set
  • Compound Triceps Movement:
    Skull Crushers with EZ Curl Bar – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Compound Biceps Movement:
    Biceps Curls with EZ Curl Bar – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Calisthenics:
    Chin-Ups – 15 to 20 reps (Rest 60 seconds +)
  • Secondary Triceps Movement:
    Standing Triceps Pull Downs with Rope Extension – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Secondary Biceps Movement:
    Standing Dumbbell Biceps Curls – 15 to 20 reps + (no rest in between)
  • Calisthenics:
    Double Kettle Bell Swing – 15 to 20 reps (60 seconds rest)
    Physio Ball alternate crunches – 30 reps + (no rest in between)
    Mountain Climbers – 30 to 45 seconds + (no rest in between)
    Push-Ups – 20 to 30 reps + (no rest in between)
    Physio Ball Plank – 30 to 45 seconds

Franklin on exercise

‘Exercise for the long-term benefits and to feel energized for the rest of your day’


‘Listen to your body

On days when you are feeling lethargic and you are struggling to finish your workout, it’s ok to skip your work out for the day.‘


Franklin on “no pain, no gain”

The term“no pain, no gain is not necessarily true. You can exercise at an 80% exertion rate and still receive excellent results. If you are not a professional athlete or competing in athletic competitions, why put the excessive stress on your body?

Ross Franklin’s Supplements



Colostrum is the first milking that contains the highest concentration of nutrients, vitamins and minerals and contains growth factors that help to increase testosterone in men. Franklin has a colostrum latte every day after his workout. He puts water in a frother with two heft scoops of colostrum.

Get it here  

Citicoline CDP Choline

Citicoline CDP Choline

CDP Choline assits the body with usable choline and helps to protect the brain. Nootropics like Nuvigilcan deplete the brain of choline and supplements with CDP Choline helps to counterbalance that affect.

Get it here  


Seawater Electrolytes

For electrolytes and trace minerals, Franklin takes Quinton Hypertonic which mimics the molecular structure of marine plasma.

Get it here  

vitamin B12


To ensure the body is methylatingproperly and you are taking in enough B vitamins, Franklin takes HomocysteX from Seeking Health.

Get it here  

Moleular Hydrogen

Moleular Hydrogen

Franklin drops in effervescent magnesium H2 tablets into his water which according to Franklin helps to decrease inflammation, boost athletic performance and can even slow the aging process by increasing NAD in the cells.

Get it here  



Franklin is big on maintaining gut health with probiotics. Not all probiotics are created equally, Franklin recommends taking strains that are present in Seed Probiotics (

Get it here  

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Franklin recommends getting vitamin C in whole form from camucamu berries and acerola cherries. Franklin takes Pure Synergy Pure Radiance C.

Get it here  

Nootropic Stack

Nootropic Stack

To ensure laser focus throughout his day, Franklin takes a Nootropic stack from Qualia called Focus.

Get it here  

Ross Franklin’s Lifestyle

Get Your Blood Tested

Every six months, Franklin gets his blood tested using an Ion Profile with 40 Amino Acids from Genova Diagnostics. Based on his results, he changes up his supplementation and nutrition routine to ensure he is in optimum levels for key nutrients. Many holistic doctors can administer this blood test.

Continuous Improvement

Franklin does not claim to have all the answers but is committed to constantly improving every aspect of his live. A question he asks himself frequently is how he can do things better?

Avoid Toxins

Franklin has his home fully equipped to help minimize toxins: he has several high-quality air filters throughout his home as well as specialized filters for drinking and shower water.


Franklin on Balanced Living

‘True balance is a difficult endeavor to attain, instead focus on what is most important to you and don’t look back.’


Franklin on Thinking Big

‘Most people play it small and are stuck in the mindset of living comfortably. Set your ambitions high and push yourself outside of your comfort zone and you will better position yourself for success.

Recommended Products

CDP Choline
CDP Choline
Quinton Hypertonic
Quinton Hypertonic
Hydrogen Tablets

Hydrogen Tablets



Qualia Focus

Qualia Focus

Pure Radiance C

Pure Radiance C

Seed Probiotics

Seed Probiotics



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